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Dr. Ursula ATHENSTAEDT Professor for Social Psychology; Teaching Dean, Natural Science Faculty, Karl-Franzens University of Graz


1982-1989 Study of Psychology, University of Graz
1985-1988 Research Project Staff, University of Graz
1988-1991 Employee, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit, Graz
1989 Graduation Dr.phil, University of Graz
1991-2003 Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Graz
since 2003 Tenure Track, Department of Psychology, University of Graz
2008 Habilitation, Psychology, University of Graz
2009-2015 Vice Dean for teaching, Natural Science Faculty, University of Graz
since 2015 Teaching Dean, Natural Science Faculty, University of Graz


Association for Psychological Science
German Psychological Society
International Society for Self and Identity
European Association of Social Psychology


Wolfram, H-J. & Athenstaedt, U. (submitted). Occupational gender stereotyping of emplyees in gender-typed occupations.
Athenstaedt, U. & Alfermann, D. (2011). Geschlechterrollen und ihre Folgen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Athenstaedt, U., Mikula, G. & Bredt, C. (2009). Gender role self-concept and leisure activities of adolescents. Sex Roles, 60, 399-409.
Athenstaedt, U. & Mikula, G. (2008). Haben es männliche Führungspersonen bei der Bekanntgabe negativer Entscheidungen leichter als weibliche? Zu den Folgen von Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen und geschlechtsstereotypen Erwartungen an Führungskräfte. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2, 65-75.