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Ph.D. MA Uwe PUETTER Professor, Department of Public Policy and Director, Center for European Union Research, Central European University, Budapest


 Uwe Puetter is Professor at the Department of Public Policy (DPP) and Director of the Center for European Union Research (CEUR). He holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Policy and Governance awarded by the European Commission.
 From 2006 to 2008 Uwe Puetter served as first Head of DPP. Originally he had joined Central European University in September 2004. In the context of the MA and PhD degree programs he is teaching courses on European integration, comparative politics and socio-economic governance.
 He holds a PhD from Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland/UK. Specialising in the area of comparative European politics, international relations and European political economy he carried out the first comprehensive institutional analysis of the so-called Eurogroup - the informal circle of finance ministers coordinating the economic policies of the euro area countries. For his research on the Eurogroup Uwe Puetter has received the 'Lord Bryce Prize for Best Dissertation in International Relations/ Comparative Studies in 2003-2004' awarded by the Political Studies Association in the United Kingdom, and the 'Ernst B. Haas Prize' sponsored by the European Politics and Society Section of the American Political Studies Association.
 His research monograph 'The Eurogroup' was published with Manchester University Press in 2006. In 2009 he published the book 'Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der EU' (The economic and social policy of the EU) with UTB. He is currently working on a monograph about deliberative intergovernmentalism in EU policy-making which reviews the changing role of the European Council and the Council.
 The main research interests of Uwe Puetter are in the fields of comparative European politics and European integration studies. He has a particular interest in processes of institutional change in the enlarged European Union, both at the national and European level. His current research also concentrates on European socio-economic governance including Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), as well as processes of policy learning and epistemic communities.
 Together with Andrea Lenschow at the University of Osnabrück Uwe Puetter has organised the international conference 'Enlargement - five years after: The state of European integration and new challenges for the discipline' in May 2009. In the context of the ECPR Joint Sessions in Münster which took place in March 2010 he organised together with Dermot Hodson at Birkbeck College, London the workshop 'Contested policies: European socio-economic governance and the global economic crisis'. During the academic year 2008-09 Uwe Puetter was a Visiting Fellow with Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin.
 Uwe Puetter has served on the Committee of the 'University Association for Contemporary European Studies' (UACES) from 2007-2009 and is a member of the 'Sprecher/innen'-team which coordinates the 'Arbeitskreis Integrationsforschung' of the 'Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft' (AKI-DVPW) - the working group on European integration research of the German Association for Political Science.


Selected publications
The Eurogroup. How a secretive circle of finance ministers shape European economic governance, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006
Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Union, Vienna/Stuttgart: Facultas WUV, UTB Politikwissenschaft, 2009
The latest attempt at institutional engineering - the Lisbon Treaty and deliberative intergovernmentalism in EU foreign and security policy coordination, in: Cardwell, P. J.: EU external relations, law and policy in the post-Lisbon era, The Hague, TMC Asser Press, 2012, pp. 17-34
Europe s deliberative intergovernmentalism - the role of the Council and European Council in EU economic governance, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2012, pp. 161-178