1995-1999 | Study of Political Sciences, Communication Sciences, History, University of Vienna |
1999 | M.A., University of Vienna |
1999-2000 | Researcher. UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Vienna |
1999-2002 | Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna |
1999-2008 | Consultant, United Nations Organization, lectures on various UN-topics, United Nations Office in Vienna |
2001-2003 | Researcher, Office for Science of the City of Vienna; Holder, Forschungsstipendium der Stadt Wien |
2002-2004 | Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna |
2003-2005 | Leading Researcher, project "Reporting of Western Print Media about the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina", founded by the Austrian National Bank, Vienna |
| Researcher, Project of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) conducted within the NODE-framwork (Perspectives of the EU-Enlargement for the Western Balkans), Vienna |
since 2003 | Various lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Media Activities in the USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Sweden, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, China |
since 2004 | Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna |
| Lecturer on Western Balkans and European Integration at the postgraduate MA-studies "Balkan-Studies" |
2005-2006 | Research Analyst, Association Bosnia-Herzegovina 2005 |
| Project Leader and Senior Researcher, Project Design and Management, Coordination of Public activities in Austria, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia; Title of the Project: Imaginations of Europe, Comparing Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, New Orientations for Democracy in Europe (NODE), Vienna |
since 2006 | Director, Austrian Office of the Center for European Integration Strategies (CEIS) |
| Lecturer, Department of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna |
2008 | Ph.D., University of Vienna |
since 2008 | Senior Researcher and Co-Chief of Party, Project: Transformation and Democratization of the Balkans |
| Co-Chief of Party, Project: Europäisierung von Bosnien-Herzegovina, Kroatien und Serbien. Interne Voraussetzungen und Folgen eines (Nicht)EU-Beitritts |
| Coordination of the Research Platform "POTREBA" (www.univie.ac.at/potreba) |
2010 | Establisment and Co-Leading of the "Kosovo-Study-Group" dealing with the EU-performance in Kosovo and the Western Balkans |
2010-2011 | Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR), Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. |
2010-2012 | Co-Chief of Party - Research Project "Demokratie in sozial unsicheren Räumen. Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Migration und Demokratie in Serbien" (together with Prof. Dieter Segert and Prof. Heinz Fassmann) |
since 2011 | Non-Resident Senior Fellow, CTR, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. |
since 2012 | Affiliated Researcher, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) |
| Co-Director of Center for Advanced Studies, South East Europe |