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Ph.D. Victoria STODDEN Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois, Champaign (IL)


1994 Bachelor of Social Sciences, Economics, University of Ottawa
1996 MA, Economics, University of British Columbia
2000 M. Sc., Statistics, Stanford University, CA
2006 Ph.D., Statistics, Stanford University, CA
2007 MLS, Law, Law School, Stanford University, CA


American Statistical Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Association for Computing Machinery
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


V. Stodden, M. McNutt, D. H. Bailey, E. Deelman, Y. Gil, B. Hanson, M. A. Heroux, J. P.A. Ioannidis, M. Taufer, "Enhancing Reproducibility for Computational Methods", 2016
V. Stodden, S. Miguez, J. Seiler, " Cyberinfrastructure for Reproducibility and Collaboration in Computational Science", 2015
V. Stodden and S. Miguez, "Best Practices for Computational Science: Software Infrastructure and Environments for Reproducible and Extensible Research", 2014
V. Stodden, Guest editor introduction to a special issue: "Reproducible Research: Tools and Strategies for Scientific Computing", 2012


Access to Knowledge Kaltura prize, 2009
National Academies Committee on "Responsible Science", 2012-2017
Co-chair, National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure, 2011-2016
National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for CISE Directorate, 2013-2017