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Dr. Viviane REDING Member, European Parliament; Member, European People's Party Group (Christian Democrats), Brussels


 Doctor of human sciences, Sorbonne, Paris
1978-1999 Journalist, Luxemburger Wort
1986-1998 President, Luxembourg Union of Journalists
1979-1989 Member of Luxembourg Parliament:
  - President of social committee
  - Member of the Office of the Chamber of Deputies
  - Member of the Assembly of Benelux Parliaments
  - Member of the North Atlantic Assembly
1981-1999 City councillor, city of Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; President of Cultural Affairs Committee (1992-1999)
1988-1993 National president of Christian-Social Women, Luxembourg
1995-1999 Vice-president, PCS (Parti Chrétien-Social), Luxembourg
1989-1999 Member of the European Parliament:
  - President of the Petitions Committee (1989-1992)
  - Vice-president of Social Committee (1992-1994)
  - Vice-president of Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs Committee (1997-1999)
  - Head of Luxembourg delegation to EPP
  - Member of EPP group office
1999-2004 Member of the European Commission with responsibility for education, culture, youth, media and sport
2004-2010 Member of the European Commission with responsibility for the information society and media
2010-2014 Vice-President of the European Commission with responsibility for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship
since 2014 Member of the European Parliament


Prince of Asturias International Cooperation Prize, 2004
"Gloria Artis" Medal of Honour from Poland, 2005
Officer of the national of the French Legion of Honour, 2005
Commissioner of the Year, European Voice, 2007