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Dr. Wilhelm KOHLER Professor, International Economics, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen


1978 Mag. rer.soc.oec. (Volkswirtschaftslehre), Universität Innsbruck
1979-1980 Postgraduate Student, University of Birmingham
1983 Dr. rer soc.oec, Universität Innsbruck
1986 Venia legendi für "Volkswirtschaftslehre", Universität Innsbruck
1987/88 Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1989/90 Lehrstuhlvertretung (C4), Universität Konstanz
1992-1996 Professor (C4) für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Essen
1996-2004 O. Univ. Prof. für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
seit 2004 Professor (C4) für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


American Economic Association
European Economic Association
Verein für Socialpolitik
Österreichische Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft


"Austria in the European Union: Dynamic Gains from Integration and Integration and Distributional Implications", in: Economic Policy, 22/1996, 155-211 (with Christian Keuschnigg)
"Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Jobs, Investment and Welfare in Present Member Countries", in: Managing European Union Enlargement ed. by H. Berger and Thomas Moutos, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT-Press, 2004, 173-210 (with Ben Heijdra and Christian Keuschnigg)
"Eastern Enlargement of the EU: How Much is it Worth for Austria?", in: Review of International Economics, vol.10, May 2002, 324-342 (with Christian Keuschnigg)
"Immigration and Native Welfare", International Economic Review, 2007, vol. 48(3): 731-760 (with Gabriel Felbermayr)