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01 Sustainable Peace and Security – Who Cares?

in englischer Sprache

This Seminar will approach the question of peace and security from two different angles: first, it will ask whether these key terms of human relationships can be understood only as a singular or whether a definition as a plural concept may be a more sustainable contribution to conflict transformation. In this sense, we will discuss the so-called transrational shift in international peace and security work since 1992. Second, the seminar will look at the long-term evolution of Western thinking about strategy and warfare in the light of war aims: were these aims merely military  victory or did they create sustainable, enduring peace? Was thinking about strategy guided by the conviction that might was right or that might had to be legitimised in the first place?

Recommended literature:

Dietrich, Wolfgang (2013): Elicitive Conflict Transformation and the Transrational Shift in Peace Politics (Many Peaces Vol. 2 ); Palgrave MacMillan , London.

Heuser, Beatrice (2010a): The Evolution of Strategy: Thinking War from Antiquity to the Present. (Cambridge University Press)

Director, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, MA Program for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck Chair
Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading, Berkshire Chair

DDr. Wolfgang DIETRICH

Director, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, MA Program for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck

1986 Fulbright Scholarship for Latin American-Studies in New Orleans, USA
1988 Awarded for information on Third World Issues by the Austrian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Post-Doc-Scholarship for Advanced Research in South- and Central America
1989-1991 President of the Austrian Section of Amnesty International
1990-1992 Research Project of the Austrian Foundation for the Advancement of Scientific Research in Guatemala and Mexico
 Since 1991 Member of the Consultative Council of the Austrian Service for Information on Development Politics ÖIE
 Since 1992 Member of the International Political Sciences Association IPSA
 Since 1992 Member of the Austrian Political Sciences Association ÖGPW
1993 Consultant of the Austrian North-South-Institute in Guatemala
Consultant of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Guatemala
1993-2010 Member of the Board of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
1994-1997 Austrian Program for Advanced Research and Technology APART, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Central America, Caribbean, Eastern Africa, Southern Asia)
1995-1998 President of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
1995-2007 Academic Director of the Austrian Institute for Latin America
1996 Consultant of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Eastern Africa
1998-2002 Vice-President of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
 Since 1999 Founding Member of the International Advisory Board of the South Asian Institute for Peace Studies SAIPS, Nepal
1999-2001 Director of the International and Interdisciplinary Project "Networking Central-Eastern Europe and Latin America"
Academic Coordinator of the Festival "Feuerberge Tirol"
 Since 2000 Member of the Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies, University of Deusto, Spain
2001-2009 Member of the Board of Directors of the Austrian Institute for Latin America
 Since 2001 Academic Director of the MA Program for Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2002-2005 Member of the Academic Board "Latin American Studies" Danube's University Krems, Austria
Austrian Representative to the Comisión Directiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina (Member of UNESCO)
2002-2010 Board of Directors of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
 Since 2002 Member of TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means
2004-2006 Austrian coordinator of the ERASMUS project Comunicación Intercultural en las Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos
Academic coordinator of REAL 2006 in the frame of the Austrian presidency of the EU
2005-2006 Austrian coordinator of the ALFA Project AMELAT XXI
 Since 2006 Member of the Advisory Council of the Galizan Institute for International Security and Peace Studies (IGESIP)
 Since 2007 Member of the International Advisory Council of the Project Paz y Conflictos en las Universidades Andaluzas e Iberoamericanas, University of Granada, Spain
 Since 2008 UNESCO Chairholder for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
 Since 2008 Member of the Austrian UNESCO Commission
 Since 2011 Member of the Acadamic Advisory Board for Peace Research and Peace Education at the University of Klagenfurt
 Since 2013 Mentor and Advisory Board of Olympism4Humanity

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Beatrice HEUSER

Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading, Berkshire

2003-2007 Head of Research, MGFA - German Armed Forces Military History Research Office, Potsdam
 Since 2007 Chair of International Relations, University of Reading
1991-2003 Chair of International and Strategic Studies, Department of War Studies, King's College London
1989-1991 Scientific assistant of the director, SWP - German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin

Seminar Week

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15:00 - 15:15Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2014Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Opening Concert, Part 1: sAmo for Flute, Violoncello and AccordionCulture
15:30 - 16:30Opening SpeechesPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Opening Concert, Part 2: Blink, Think & ListenCulture
17:30 - 19:00Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary
19:00 - 20:00Bread and WineSocial


01 Sustainable Peace and Security – Who Cares?Seminar
02 The Politics of Emotions: Diagnosis and Historical TransformationsSeminar
03 An Energy Transition for the FutureSeminar
04 The Human MicrobiomeSeminar
05 Creativity and Innovation for GrowthSeminar
06 1814 – 1914 – 1989: Paradigm Shifts in Public International Law and PoliticsSeminar
07 Ethical Implications of Religious WorldviewsSeminar
08 Art and ProtestSeminar
09 Europe and Its Neighbours – EU External Relations at the Crossroads?Seminar
10 Collective Memory – Present Focus on the PastSeminar
11 Feeding the WorldSeminar
12 Decisions Under UncertaintySeminar
13 Macroeconomics – The Return of IdeologiesSeminar
14 Human – Machine – RoboticsSeminar
15 The Aftermath of 1914-1918: Images of the Great WarSeminar
16 The Key to Good GovernanceSeminar
17 Media from a Theoretical PerspectiveSeminar


16:00 - 17:00Vernissage: Let the Children Play. On the 25th Anniversary of the UN-Declaration of the Rights of the ChildCulture


17:00 - 18:30Literature Talk: Wars and Civil Wars in the Mirror of Current World LiteratureCulture


16:00 - 17:30Courage. In Memoriam Fritz MoldenCulture


17:30 - 18:30Theatre Performance: Free AssociationCulture


17:00 - 20:00Alpbach IdeaJam: SEM meets EDUPlenary