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05 Are Values the Key to Managing Challenges in a Diverse Society?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

European Forum Alpbach in cooperation with the Austrian Integration Fund
There are now more people on the move than ever before. Migration has become an integral part of our globalised world. Is a set of constant values the key to tackling the challenges of this age of migration? What is the importance of values for a flourishing society? Does the integration of immigrants benefit from a common framework of rules? How can we improve the relationship between migrants and the receiving society? What are the transatlantic experiences concerning diversity? Renowned international experts and the Alpbach audience will discuss these and other questions in an interactive format.

President, Environics Institute for Survey Research, Toronto
Head, Knowledge Management, Austrian Integration Fund, Vienna
Research Group Leader, MPI - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig; Honorary Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
Head, Country Office Vienna, IOM - International Organization for Migration, Vienna
Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria, Vienna

Ph.D. Michael ADAMS

President, Environics Institute for Survey Research, Toronto

since 1970 Environics Research Group/Environics Group of Companies, President, Toronto
since 2006 Environics Institute for Survey Research, President, Toronto

Mag. Lisa Christiane FELLHOFER

Head, Knowledge Management, Austrian Integration Fund, Vienna

 Alumni of Diplomatic Academy Vienna & University of Vienna
2008-2009 Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Traineeship
2010-2011 Research Assistant, Austrian Integration Fund, Vienna
since 2011 Head of Knowledge Management & International Research, Austrian Integration Fund, Vienna

Dr. Daniel HAUN

Research Group Leader, MPI - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig; Honorary Lecturer, University of Portsmouth

1997-2002 M.A. Psychology, Universities, Trier and Columbia
2002-2006 PhD Psychology, MPI Nijmegen, UCL London
2006-2007 Scientist, MPI - Max Planck Institute, Leipzig
2007-2008 Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
2008-2014 Honorary Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
since 2008 Research Group Leader, MPI - Max Planck Institute, Leipzig

Dr. Katerina KRATZMANN

Head, Country Office Vienna, IOM - International Organization for Migration, Vienna

2002 Project Coordinator
2003-2007 Senior Researcher, University of Vienna
2008-2009 Assistant to the Board, Cycleenergy, Vienna
2010-2011 Head of Research, IOM, Vienna
since 2011 Head of Office, IOM, Vienna

Sebastian KURZ

Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria, Vienna

2008-2011 Provincial Chairman of the Young ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Vienna
since 2009 Federal Chairman of the Young ÖVP
2010-2011 Member of the Vienna Provincial Diet and Vienna City Council, ÖVP, Vienna
2011-2013 State Secretary for Integration, Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
2013-2017 Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Vienna
since 2017 Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria, Vienna

Political Symposium

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