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Block 1: Models of the Welfare State

Plenary /
German and English language

The title of this years symposium that is organized by the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) together with the Forum of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Industry (FOPI), shows that the welfare state in the original context does not exist any longer. The discrepancy: The voter, the insured, the patient expect the best social and medical care. But the government needs to limit its benefits: The best is no longer available to everybody.

The basis of financing the health care system will further decrease due to regressive wages and increasing unemployment. At the same time the life expectancy raises by 3.2 month every year. Therefore, the economic value of the aging population is high.

Until now the politicians did not dare to ask the crucial question: How much are we willing to invest in health? The objective of this symposium is to approach this subject from two different angles: At the beginning of this symposium an international renowned group will discuss the  Models of the Welfare State from an Austrian, European and American point of view.

During the second part of the event the Austrian health care system will be discussed. Well-known politicians of all four parliamentary parties will discuss the  Perspectives of the Austrian Health Care System .
The symposium addresses decision makers of all organizations of health care politics, representatives of the industry, trade unions and medical doctors as well as media, patients´attorneys and science representatives.

Besides the official program you will find enough possibilities for opinion exchange and networking.

Business Editor, The Economist, New York
Professor, Dept. of Family & Community Medicine, A&M System Health Science Center President, Health Science Center and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, A&M System
Leiter "Gesundheitswesen", The Boston Consulting Group Deutschland, Hamburg
President and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht
Autor und Journalist, Wien Chair

Matthew BISHOP

Business Editor, The Economist, New York

1991 The Economist: Economics Correspondent
1994 British Section as Correspondent
1997 New York, American Finance Editor
2000 appointed as New York Bureau Chief
 since September 2002 London as Business Editor


Professor, Dept. of Family & Community Medicine, A&M System Health Science Center President, Health Science Center and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, A&M System

1979-91 Private Practice of Medicine
-82 Director, Patient Education, Family Practice Residency, University of TX Med. School at Houston (Memorial Hospital)
1983-84 Director, Family Practice Center
1991-95 Associate Professor, Dept. of Family Practice, University of Texas Medical School at Houston
1996-99 Associate Professor, Dept. of Family & Community Medicine, College of Medicine, A&M System Health Science Center
since 1999 Professor, Dept. of Family & Community Medicine, College of Medicine, A&M System Health Science Center

Dr. Andreas POENSGEN

Leiter "Gesundheitswesen", The Boston Consulting Group Deutschland, Hamburg

1980-83 Studienstiftler, Universität Göttingen "Geschichte und Staatsrecht"
1983-86 Rhodes Scholar, Universität Oxford "International Relations" (Ph.D., M.Phil.)
1986-87 Investment Banking, Deutsche Bank AG
seit 1988 bei Boston Consulting Group
1988 BCG, Düsseldorf
1990 BCG, Paris
1994 BCG, Hamburg
1996 Wahl zum Partner und Geschäftsführer, BCG
2003 Seniorpartner, BCG


President and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht

1986-2003 president and CEO of the Jellinek Clinic in Amsterdam
1997-1998 president and CEO ad interim for the Dutch Institute for Quality Improvement in Health Care (C.B.O.)
since 2003 president and CEO of the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction
 part time professor in "Quality in Health Care" at the Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Christian ORTNER

Autor und Journalist, Wien

1980 Wirtschaftsredaktion "profil"
1990 Chefredakteur "Wirtschaftswoche"
1998 Chefredakteur und Herausgeber "FORMAT"
seit 2002 Autor und Leitartikel "FORMAT"