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10 One man’s loss is another man’s gain? Post-crisis challenges and opportunities in CEE

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Supported by Wolf Theiss Attorneys at Law
The global economic crisis has caused a “hard landing” for the CEE region, but its recovery is expected to be strong in comparison with developed markets. This session will focus on the tension between the region’s reputation in the aftermath of the crisis and the spectrum of opportunities that are available in reality. It will further cover the latest macroeconomic outlook for the region. The participants are also invited to discuss the real world impact of the crisis on various industries and sectors in CEE.

Head of Strategic Relationships, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna
President, Global Success Advisors GmbH, Oberwaltersdorf
Senior Partner, BC Partners, Hamburg
Head, Practice Group Corporate/M&A, Wolf Theiss Attourneys at Law, Vienna Chair

François-Xavier D'ALIGNY

Head of Strategic Relationships, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna

 After having been working at the French Embassy in Vienna, Mr d'Aligny joined Deutsche Bank. Following various assignments in Paris, Düsseldorf, Brussels, Frankfurt and London, he was appointed CEO of Deutsche Bank in France. After having served Deutsche Bank for more than 20 years, he was offered the position of personal representative for the German speaking countries of the CEO & Chairman of the French banking group Société Générale. After 8 years with this institution, F.-X. d'Aligny joined ERSTE Group in Vienna.


President, Global Success Advisors GmbH, Oberwaltersdorf

 Vice President, The Economist Group business advisory and economic intelligence for EMEA region and global head of government business
 Director, The Economist Group, Business advisory and research CEEMEA
 Director, The Economist Group, Business advisory and research CEE
 Research Analyst and Consultant, The Economist Group, CEE


Senior Partner, BC Partners, Hamburg

1979-1984 Studium an der Universität Köln
1984-1986 Promotion am Max Planck Institut, Köln
1986 Berater, Bosten Consulting Group, Düsseldorf
1992 Geschäftsführer, Chemie-Sparte, Boehringer Ingelheim KG, Ingelheim
1994 Leiter, Zentralen Unternehmensentwicklung, Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh
Managing Director, UFA Film + Fernseh GmbH, Hamburg
1997 Vorstand, TV, Produktion und Rechtehandel CLT-UFA, Luxemburg
2000 Chief Operating Officer (COO), RTL Group, Luxemburg
2002 Vorstandsmitglied, Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh
  COO, Bertelsmann AG, später CEO der DirectGroup
2007 Geschäftsführer, BC Partners, Hamburg

Dr. Dieter SPRANZ

Head, Practice Group Corporate/M&A, Wolf Theiss Attourneys at Law, Vienna

1991 Intern, Kavanagh, Peters, Powell & Osnato, New York
1992-1993 University of Louvai-la-Neuve, Belgium
1993 Law Clerk
1995 University of Vienna, (Dr. iur.)
1995-1998 Associate, Cerha Hempel & Spiegelfeld
1998 Associated Attorney, Cerha Hempel & Spiegelfeld
since 1998 admitted in Austria
since 1999 admitted in the Czech Republic
Partner, Wolf Theiss

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:30OpeningPlenary
12:30 - 14:30Managing the crisis in EuropePlenary
15:00 - 16:30New Sustainability: Can economic and financial crises be prevented?Plenary
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: How is the US reinventing itself?Plenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by the Tourism and Leisure Industries Division of the Austrian Federal Economic ChamberSocial


07:00 - 08:30Economics: Between state, market and civil societyPlenary
09:00 - 10:30The win-win-potential of Economy and EcologyPlenary
13:00 - 14:3001 Krisenbewältigung: Sparen, konsumieren oder investieren?Breakout
13:00 - 16:0003 Neue Sehnsucht nach alten WertenBreakout
13:00 - 16:0004 Live-Simulation: “Neue Steuern braucht das Land!?”Breakout
13:00 - 16:0005 Gerechtigkeit in der Marktwirtschaft?Breakout
13:00 - 16:0006 Borrowing from the Future – Consequences of the CrisisBreakout
13:00 - 16:0007 Re-Set Universities! Hochschulen neu denkenBreakout
13:00 - 16:0008 Was heisst Management-Professionalität nach der Krise?Breakout
13:00 - 16:0009 Mit Mediation nachhaltig durch die Krise steuernBreakout
13:00 - 16:0010 One man’s loss is another man’s gain? Post-crisis challenges and opportunities in CEEBreakout
13:00 - 14:3011 Ökologische Revolution – Technologie statt IdeologieBreakout
13:00 - 16:0012 Elektromobilität: Neuer Antrieb aus der Krise?Breakout
13:00 - 16:0013 Innovation: Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche ZukunftBreakout
13:00 - 16:0014 Mit intelligenten Netzen aus der KriseBreakout
13:00 - 16:0015 Tourismus: Leitbranche mit Beschäftigungs- und Standortgarantie in ÖsterreichBreakout
15:00 - 16:3002 Die Zukunft der sozialen Sicherheit – Who cares?Breakout
17:00 - 18:30Peter Drucker Special Lecture: Innovation as the key to post-crisis managementPlenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by T-Systems Austria GmbH and T-Mobile Austria GmbHSocial


07:30 - 09:45European economy and politics after the crisis: Challenges and opportunitiesPlenary
09:45 - 10:00Closing StatementPlenary