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01: New Approaches to Security – Cooperation, Concentration and Integration

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Decision-makers in European security and defence matters have to navigate a triangle of adaptation pressures: In the wake of the financial and economic crisis, defence budgets have come under severe pressure as governments have focused on overall budget consolidation. Secondly, it looks as though two decades of major overseas operations are drawing to a close with the vast majority of Western forces returning from their engagement in Afghanistan or the Western Balkans in 2014. While there is no doubt that future operational demands will arise, NATO in particular has to manage a transition from deployments to contingencies. Thirdly, the re-orientation of the US towards Asia has underlined that Europe will have to shoulder a greater share of the responsibility for global peace and security. Many commentators and observers of these adaptation pressures have suggested that intensified cooperation among European countries on security and defence matters would provide the only way forward to successfully generate the capacity and political will needed. Yet, in practice governments have been slow to embrace this logic. This seminar provides an opportunity to understand decision-making structures in security and defence, to analyse the pressures for greater cooperation as well as the obstacles that stand in the way, and to examine on-going initiatives for closer collaboration in NATO and the EU.

Topics are:
1) Introduction: Adaptation Pressures in the International Security Environment
2) Decision-Making in Security and Defence: Key Actors and Processes
3) The Merits and Perils of Cooperation in Security and Defence
4) Current Initiatives: Smart Defence in NATO, Pooling and Sharing in the EU
5) Conclusion: A Roadmap for Closer Cooperation?

Consulting Senior Fellow for European Security, IISS - The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London Chair
Deputy Director, Euro-American Campus, Sciences Po Paris, Reims Chair


Consulting Senior Fellow for European Security, IISS - The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London

1996-2001 MA Political Science, University of Potsdam, Potsdam
1999-2000 Fulbright Fellow, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2000-2002 Project Manager, Aspen Institute Berlin, Berlin
2002-2005 PhD International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London
2005-2010 Research Fellow for European Security, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London
since 2010 Senior Researcher, Centre for Military History and Social Sciences, Potsdam
Consulting Senior Fellow for European Security, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London

M.A. Olivier RUCHET

Deputy Director, Euro-American Campus, Sciences Po Paris, Reims

since 2004 Lecturer in Political Science and European Studies, Sciences Po, Paris
2005-2006 Canada Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Canada
2010 Visiting Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin/European Science Foundation, Berlin
2010-2013 Lecturer in the Euromasters programme, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Berlin
2011 Research Fellow, Turkey Project, European Stability initiative (ESI), Paris/Istanbul
since 2011 Deputy Director, Sciences Po Euro-American campus, Reims

Seminar Week

show timetable
Kategorie: all Plenary Seminar
Genre : all


15:00 - 15:15Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2013Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Opening Concert Part I: Premiere of “The Light of Experience”Plenary
15:30 - 16:30Opening SpeechesPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Opening Concert Part IIPlenary
17:30 - 19:00Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary


Seminar 01: New Approaches to Security – Cooperation, Concentration and IntegrationSeminar
Seminar 02: Open Data, Open Government, Open Society?Seminar
Seminar 03: Democratic Interventionism or Responsibility to Protect?Seminar
Seminar 04: Motivation – A Biological and Social BaseSeminar
Seminar 05: Values in ScienceSeminar
Seminar 06: Exploring the Universe: Competition or Cooperation?Seminar
Seminar 07: Between Faith and Atheism – Values and the Variety of Spiritual ExperiencesSeminar
Seminar 08: The Evil in ArtSeminar
Seminar 09: The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Protecting and Developing an Open SocietySeminar
Seminar 10: Power and CyberspaceSeminar
Seminar 11: What Kind of Foreign Policy – Value-Based or Realpolitik?Seminar
Seminar 12: Human Appropriation of Natural Resources  Challenges, Constraints and Ethical AspectsSeminar
Seminar 13: Synthetic Biology: Social and Ethical ImplicationsSeminar
Seminar 14: Roots of European ValuesSeminar
Seminar 15: Irrational Behaviour of Individuals: Implications for Economic PolicySeminar
Seminar 16: Experiences in Migration and Integration: A Cultural ApproachSeminar


18:00 - 20:00International EveningCulture


BarCamp: TransformationsSeminar


16:00 - 17:30Authors in Conversation: The Revolt Against the West and its ValuesCulture