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06: Exploring the Universe: Competition or Cooperation?

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

The global space community is at a crossroads in terms of defining the future of the exploration of the universe. Everybody’s attention is focused on Mars, but how will it be possible to go there, within which time scale and with which partners? Intuitively we all look to the United States for leadership in space. However, as the US currently provide little leadership, much thought is going into whether China is a more auspicious partner. There are various groups trying to see whether it is possible to establish a ‘global roadmap’ which will allow an overall cooperative approach to exploration, but progress is very limited in this connection. This means that by default the global community might slide into a competition scenario, “a new space race”.
The seminar will look at the lessons to be learned from exploration’s past and will try to apply them to the future. It will examine Europe’s possible role as an active participant in exploration, but also as a possible match-maker and bridge-builder between two juggernauts, the United States and China. Finally, the roles of Russia, India, Brazil, South Korea, etc. will be taken into consideration.

Headlines of the seminar:
1) The Players of the Past – The Players of Today – The Players of the Future
2) Where Can We Go, and What Are the Steps on the Way?
3) Technical Challenges, Societal Benefits, Efforts Required and Time Scale
4) The Lessons of History
5) Europe as an Actor – Europe as a Bridge Builder
6) What are the Cultural Benefits and Risks of Cooperation and of Competition?
7) Can we all Compete and Cooperate at the Same Time?
8) Is there a Likely Way Forward?

Director, European Space Policy Institute, Vienna Chair
Professor and Director, Center for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Chair


Director, European Space Policy Institute, Vienna

1982-1985 Advokat (attorney), the law firm Bech-Bruun, Copenhagen
1985-1989 Contracts Officer, the European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk
1989-1991 Contracts Officer, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt
1991-2004 Head of the Contracts & Legal Affairs Division, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt
2004-2008 Legal Adviser, Preparatory Commission, The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna
2008-2011 Director of Legal Affairs and External Relations, ESA, Paris
since 2011 Director, European Space Policy Institute, Vienna

Dr. Shuang Nan ZHANG

Professor and Director, Center for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

1989-1992 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennesylvania
1992-1998 Senior Scientist, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
1998-2002 Professor, University of Alabama in Huntsville
2002-2009 Distinguished Professor, Tsinghua University
since 2009 Distinguished Scientist, Institute of High Energy Physics and National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Seminar Week

show timetable
Kategorie: all Plenary Seminar
Genre : all


15:00 - 15:15Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2013Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Opening Concert Part I: Premiere of “The Light of Experience”Plenary
15:30 - 16:30Opening SpeechesPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Opening Concert Part IIPlenary
17:30 - 19:00Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary


Seminar 01: New Approaches to Security – Cooperation, Concentration and IntegrationSeminar
Seminar 02: Open Data, Open Government, Open Society?Seminar
Seminar 03: Democratic Interventionism or Responsibility to Protect?Seminar
Seminar 04: Motivation – A Biological and Social BaseSeminar
Seminar 05: Values in ScienceSeminar
Seminar 06: Exploring the Universe: Competition or Cooperation?Seminar
Seminar 07: Between Faith and Atheism – Values and the Variety of Spiritual ExperiencesSeminar
Seminar 08: The Evil in ArtSeminar
Seminar 09: The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Protecting and Developing an Open SocietySeminar
Seminar 10: Power and CyberspaceSeminar
Seminar 11: What Kind of Foreign Policy – Value-Based or Realpolitik?Seminar
Seminar 12: Human Appropriation of Natural Resources  Challenges, Constraints and Ethical AspectsSeminar
Seminar 13: Synthetic Biology: Social and Ethical ImplicationsSeminar
Seminar 14: Roots of European ValuesSeminar
Seminar 15: Irrational Behaviour of Individuals: Implications for Economic PolicySeminar
Seminar 16: Experiences in Migration and Integration: A Cultural ApproachSeminar


18:00 - 20:00International EveningCulture


BarCamp: TransformationsSeminar


16:00 - 17:30Authors in Conversation: The Revolt Against the West and its ValuesCulture