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Falling Fences: Are There Any Boundaries the Press Must Not Cross?

Marx Media Quarter
in englischer Sprache
President, Dogan Media International; Chairman and CEO, New Media Company (NMC); Chairman, HTV (Turkey’s Health and well being TV), Turkey
Fernsehjournalistin und Moderatorin, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna Chair


President, Dogan Media International; Chairman and CEO, New Media Company (NMC); Chairman, HTV (Turkey’s Health and well being TV), Turkey

 Nuri M. Colakoğlu has worked as a journalist, broadcaster and media executive since 1969. He has held positions in Turkey and abroad. He started his professional career with the Turkish public broadcaster TRT and then worked for the German news agency DPA, Swedish TV, German radio WDR, the daily Aydınlık, the BBC World Service, and as Milliyet London bureau chief. Upon his return to Turkey, he was appointed as the news editor of Milliyet, then moved to become the deputy general manager of TRT. Since 1991, he has been involved in launching a number of private TV channels. He is currently President of Dogan Media International. He is a Board Member of Kanal D Romania, an entertainment channel in Romania of the Dogan Media Group. He is also the chairman and CEO of his two private companies – NMC New Media Company and HTV, a recently launched health and well being channel. He is involved in a number of NGOs, currently serving as board member of the TV Broadcasters Association of Turkey after serving as chairman for ten years, executive board member of the Istanbul Arts & Culture Foundation, member of the Education Committee of Turkish Businessmen and Industrialists’ Association.


Fernsehjournalistin und Moderatorin, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam

 Nach dem Besuch der Deutschen Journalistenschule in München und Hospitanzen beim Münchner Merkur und SWR, studierte sie Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Politische Wissenschaften und Ökonomie an der FU Berlin, an der Duke University Durham, NC (USA) und an der London School of Economics (MA in Economics). An der FU Berlin promovierte sie zur Dr. rer. pol.
 Beim WDR begann sie 1979 ihre Laufbahn als Fernsehjournalistin in der Wirtschaftsredaktion. Von 1992 bis 1997 war sie für die ARD als Korrespondentin im Studio New York, anschließend im Bonner Studio. Im November wurde sie Chefredakteurin Fernsehen beim SFB.
 Nach der Fusion mit dem ORB 2003 hatte sie diese Funktion beim neu entstandenen Sender rbb weiterhin bis Oktober 2006 inne. Zudem moderierte sie von 1999 bis 2006 das Polit-Magazin Kontraste und zahlreiche Sondersendungen der ARD und des RBB.
 Seit November 2006 leitet sie die Redaktion Mittel- und Osteuropa beim RBB

Mag. Thomas SEIFERT

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna

1987-1991 Bachelor degree course, Biology, University of Salzburg
1991-1998 Master degree course, Botany, University of Vienna
Staff writer, Falter, Vienna
1999-2005 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, News, Vienna
1999 International Media Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC
2001 International Visitors Program, The State Department
Lecturer, Danube University, Krems
2006-2012 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, Die Presse, Vienna
2009 Lecturer, University of Vienna
since 2012 Deputy Editor in Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna