01: The Value Chains of the Future
At the core of this working group will be deliberations concerning a sustainable value chain, strengthening Europe’s competitiveness and extending it globally. But what will the value chain look like in the future? What are the decisive challenges and opportunities? How to optimize it from the enterprises’ point of view? How to use the information system for this? How to consider trends, e.g. digital integration, networks and flexible structures? We will discuss these questions with players from the economic scene as well as young high potentials.
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Chief Executive Officer, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach
1990 | Forscherin, Dissertantin und Post Doctoral Research bei Immuno AG |
1996 | Referatsleiterin und stv. Direktorin des BIT-Büros für Internationale Forschungs- und Technologiekooperation |
2003 | Praktika bei der U.S. National Science Foundation, American Association for the Advancement of Science und Kooperation mit dem Wissenschaftsberater im U.S. Department of State, Washington DC |
Vizerektorin für Forschungsmanagement und Internationale Kooperationen an der Medizinischen Universität Graz | |
2006 | Bereichsleiterin Europäische und Internationale Programme der FFG - Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft, Wien |
2010 | Fulbright Scholar an der George Washington University und Johns Hopkins University/School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC |
2011 | Vorstandsmitglied der Infineon Technologies Austria AG |
seit 2012 | Vorstand für Technik und Innovation der Infineon Technologies Austria AG |
seit 2014 | Vorstandsvorsitzende der Infineon Technologies Austria AG |
PhD Candidate, Institute of Enterprise-wide Software Systems, FernUniversität in Hagen
Education: | |
2004 | Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Max-Planck-Gymnasium Böblingen |
2005-2005 | Regional Sciences of Latin America, University of Cologne |
2005-2010 | Production Engineering and Information Technology, Integrated master course at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Degrees: Diplôme d Ingénieur EPF and Master of Engineering, Ecole Politechnique Feminine, Paris |
since 2010 | PhD at the Institute of Enterprise-wide Software Systems at the FernUniversität Hagen in Cooperation with Infineon Technologies AG |
Work Experience: | |
Supply Chain Innovation (IFAG-OP-CSC-BS-IN), Infineon Technologies AG, Munich | |
2010-2010 | Master s Thesis in the Logistics Division, Title: Analysis of factors impacting the inventory and the creation of improvement strategies, Bosch Automotive Thailand |
2009-2009 | Working Student in the Networking Technology Department, BMW AG, Munich |
2008-2008 | Internship in the System Test Department, Magellan Navigation Inc., Carquefou |
2006-2007 | Internship in the Networking Technology Department, BMW AG, Munich |
2005-2005 | Internship in the Field of Metal Treatment, LEWA GmbH, Leonberg |
2005 | Internship in the Field of Electronics, Berger Elektronik GmbH, Sindelfingen |
2000-2000 | Holiday Job in the Car Production, Daimler AG, Sindelfingen |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kurt GRUBER
Corporate Vice President, Corporate Supply Chain, Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg
With almost 30 years of semiconductor experience Kurt Gruber currently heads Infineon's Corporate Supply Chain. His department is responsible for global demand fulfillment and logistics operations for all Infineon accounts. His international team manages the internal and external production networks and drives the development of Infineon's supply chain and production strategies. Dr. Gruber also headed several departments within Infineon, including the "Center of Excellence" and held a position in "Strategic Production Management". Dr. Gruber received his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Technology Graz, Austria. |
Dr. Christian KESBERG
Austrian Trade Commissioner, Austrian Trade Commission New York, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, New York
1984-1988 | Stv. Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter in Kuwait, Kuwait City |
1988-1991 | Stv. Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter in den USA, Los Angeles |
1991-1994 | Stv. Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter in Japan, Tokyo |
1995-2002 | Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter in Südkorea, Seoul |
2002-2006 | Stv. Abteilungsleiter der Aussenwirtschaft Austria, Wien |
seit 2006 | Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter für die USA, New York |
B.Sc. Markus KLEIN
Student, Institute of Computer Aided Automation; Participant in the TUtheTOP Program, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
2006 | Matura an der HTL Leonding (EDV & Organisation) |
IT-Administration für Siemens VAI in Saudi Arabien | |
2011 | Bachelorabschluss Technische Informatik (TI) an der TU Wien |
Auslandssemester - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois | |
2013 | Geplanter Abschluss des Masterstudiums (TI) |
2012-2013 | Projektassistent am Institut für Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien |
Member of Executive Board, Frequentis AG, Vienna
1985- 1988 | Lecturer at the Technical University in Vienna |
Technical Consultant for companies like Philips, Elin, VOEST and Frequentis | |
1988 | Co-foundation of PDTS, a software development company based in Vienna; up to now managing director |
2005-2010 | CEO of 3T Communications AG, a company developing radio solutions for the private mobile radio market (TETRA) |
since 2009 | Member of the Executive Board at Frequentis AG; responsible for Research & Development and Engineering |
Mag.a. Birgit MURR
Counselor and Head, Science and Technology Section, Austrian Embassy Beijing
1983-1988 | Master of Law, University of Innsbruck |
since1988 Austrian Economic Chamber | |
1989-1992 | Austrian Embassy Beijing, Commercial Attaché |
1992-1995 | Austrian Embassy Athens, Commercial Attaché |
1995-1998 | Austrian Embassy Berlin, Commercial Attaché |
1999-2001 | Austrian Economic Chamber Vienna, Communication and Customer Coordination |
2001-2008 | Austrian Consulate General Shanghai, Commercial Counsellor |
2009-2011 | EXPO 2010 Shanghai, Vice Commissioner General,Project Manager for Austria |
since 2012 | Science and Technology Section of the Austrian Embassy Beijing, Counsellor and Head of Section |
Dr. Lars MÖNCH
Professor for Enterprise-wide Software Systems, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Hagen
1988-1994 | Studium der Mathematik und Informatik an den Universitäten Szeged/Ungarn und Göttingen |
1994 | Abschluss Dipl.-Math. |
1996 | Promotion in angewandter Mathematik, Universität Göttingen |
1997-1999 | Tätigkeit als Softwareentwickler, Softlab GmbH, München |
1999-2006 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent und Oberassistent, Technische Universität Ilmenau (2005 Habilitation in Wirtschaftsinformatik) |
seit 2006 | Universitätsprofessor und Lehrstuhlinhaber Fern Universität in Hagen |
Editor Science, Die Presse, Vienna
1978-1986 | Bundesgymnasium und Realgymnasium Zwettl |
1986-1992 | Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien |
1992-1999 | Betriebs-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Wien |
1998-2000 | Freier Mitarbeiter, Die Presse, Wien |
2000-2008 | Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsredakteur, Die Presse, Wien |
seit 2008 | Leiter der Forschungsbeilagen, Die Presse, Wien |
Dipl.Ing. Günther WELLENZOHN
Head, Innovation Management, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach
Studium der technischen Physik an der Technischen Universität Graz | |
Diplomarbeit im Siemens Halbleiterwerk in Villach | |
1992-2001 | Div. Funktionen im Engineering-Bereich, Siemens Halbleiter |
Projektleiter, Abteilungsleiter, Infineon | |
2002-2004 | Qualitätsleiter, Geschäftsbereich Keramische Bauelemente, EPCOS, Deutschlandsberg |
2004-2010 | Leitung Entwicklung für neue Verfahren, Infineon, Regensburg und Villach |
seit 2010 | Innovationsmanager, Infineon Austria |