05: The end of IT-innovation – the growth opportunity for Europe?
IT innovations are limited to achieving attributes like “faster, better, easier and cheaper”. Societies are changing, and the ways of communications are being adapted to the new facts of life. Communities are the ones pushing the change via the worldwide global net. New worlds arise with new rules that are outside the legal framework. But do they also bring new growth? Does globalization make us even more dependent on licensers? By existing licensing models, do we finance growth only for markets outside of Europe? Copyright law will become part of the economic conflict between traditional and emerging economic powers. How and by what means can the European markets grow? Is open source the chance for Europe to regain a foothold in this competition? Confidence in the traditional strengths of Europe may be of help here, growing from branches in which Europe is leading the pack. We will deal with these and many other questions in our working group.
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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gerhard CHROUST
Institutsvorstand, Institut für Systems Engineering and Automation, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
1959-1965 | Studium an der Technischen Universität Wien (Nachrichtentechnik, Dipl.-Ing), sowie der University of |
Pennsylvania, USA (Computer Science, MS.) | |
1966-1991 | IBM Laboratorium Wien: Forschung/Entwicklung (Formale Definition von Programmiersprachen, PL/I, |
Mikroprogrammierung, Compilerbau, Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen, Koordination | |
Wissenschaftskontakte) | |
1975 | Doktorat an der Technischen Universität Wien |
1980 | Habilitation an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
seit 1992 | Professor für Systems Engineering und Automation, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Software Engineering, |
Vorgehensmodelle, Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen, Computer Assisted Cooperative Work, Systemtheory | |
und Systemlehre, Menschliche und kulturelle Aspekte der Softwaretechnik) |
Program Manager Emerging Technologies, IBM Austria, Vienna
since 1971 | has worked with IBM in several international roles in Europe |
1999 | joining the UK Hursley Laboratories |
His current role is Program Manager for jStart Emerging Technologies, where he assists customers all over Europe in the adoption of new technologies, focusing on Web Services, SOA and Autonomic Computing as well as OSS, Ajax and Web 2.0 technologies. | |
since 2004 | performs this function from his home town Vienna, Austria |
Mag. Richard GAUSS
Leiter der Abteilung II.5 - Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Pensionen, Bundesministerium für Finanzen, Wien
1981-1986 | Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz |
Diplomarbeit zum Thema "Die Pensionsversicherung - künftige Probleme - mögliche Lösungen" | |
seit 1987 | Bundesministerium für Finanzen |
seit 2002 | Abteilungsleiter |
Mag. Georg HAHN
Geschäftsführer, Raiffeisen Software Solution und Service GmbH, Wien
1981-1985 | Studium der Betriebsinformatik an der Universität Wien |
1980-1981 | Sachbearbeiter für Europabuchungen, Assistent des Marketingleiters; Airtour Austria |
1985-1987 | Vertriebs- und Marketingbeauftragter für Büroautomations- und Kommunikationstechnik; Software - Management |
1987-1990 | Systemberater relationale Datenbanken und UNIX, Projektleitung Retailbankensystem für Volksbanken; |
Nixdorf Computer | |
1990-1996 | Projekt- und Teamleitung der UNIX basierten Retailbankenlösung für Raiffeisen - RACON-Bank |
1996-2001 | Vorstand Technik der Netway Communications AG |
1997-2003 | Präsident und Stiftungsrat, Internet Service Providers Austria (ISPA) |
1998-2001 | Beiratsvorsitzender, Österreichische Web Analyse (ÖWA) |
2002-2006 | Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Informatik GmbH |
seit 2006 | Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Software Solution und Service GmbH |
Ph.D. Barbara HELD
Seconded National Expert, IDABC Programme, Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), European Commission, Brussels
Barbara Held presently works as Detached National Expert at the European Commission Programme for "Interoperable Delivery of pan-European eGovernment Services (IDABC)". She is responsible for the IDABC projects promoting on Open Source Software (OSS) in public administration - including a project for a European OSS Repository. She also coordinates the programme s activities on Open Document Exchange Formats. | |
Being a Desk Officer at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin, Barbara Held formerly served at the German Government s Coordination and Advisory Board for IT in the Administration (KBSt), responsible for software strategy and OSS policy. | |
She holds a PhD in mass communication sciences from Free University Berlin. |
Ing. Mag. Hartmut MÜLLER
Managing Director, Raiffeisen Software Solution und Service GmbH, Vienna
Studium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Wien | |
Systemberater bei Nixdorf Computer Österreich | |
1991 | Geschäftsführer des Raiffeisen Rechenzentrums (heute: Raiffeisen Informatik) |
1995 | Leitung der Raffeisenbanken-Services in der Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien |
1999 | Vorstandsvorsitzender der Datus AG Deutschland |
2001 | Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Informatik, verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Raiffeisenbanken und Finanzdienstleister |
2013 | Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Software Solution |
Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner UK Limited, Egham
Joined Gartner in March 1997 from GPT Limited, where he was Director of Marketing with their Payphones group (4 years). Prior to GPT he held a variety of marketing oriented roles with both software and hardware vendors (Santa Cruz Operation Ltd, Channel Marketing Manager, 7 years, 7 years with Logica Limited as Consultant) undertaking a wide range of client-based consultancy and market research in the IT and telecommunications sectors. |
Ph.D. Qian XIE
Testing Director, Standardization Development Research Center, China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI), Beijing
Holds Ph.D. degree from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a Testing Director of fundamental software interoperability Test in China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI), a nonprofit institution engaged in standardization and conformity assessment activities in the field of electronic information technologies. Authorized by government competent departments, CESI organizes to develop national and industrial standards for electronic information technologies based on the principle of consensus and transparency, and to participate in the international standardization activities in the field of electronic information technologies to safeguard legitimate national interests. | |
He participates in China Linux Standardization Work Group as an independent technical expert, and is in charge of standard architecture research. | |
Besides Linux and Open Source Software standardization, his research interests also include Linux internationalization. He has worked as a general designer and a principal developer on a Linux localization project for Chinese ethnic minorities, which produced Tibetan, Mongolia, and Uigur Linux distributions. |