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05: What Role for Social Partners in the European Union 2.0 of the Future?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Supported by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
EU Member States have very different traditions of involving social partners in the policy-making process. Especially in times of fast economic and social change, a balance of interests is necessary to ensure the successful implementation of ambitious reform programs and to gain public support. What is/could be the role and involvement of national and European social partners in the changing economic and institutional environment? What could an efficient and sustainable social partnership look like? And what kind of contribution to finding solutions for current economic and social challenges is expected from the social partners at the EU level?

Deputy General Secretary, ETUC - European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels
Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Business, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle
President, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
Economic Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels
Head, EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels Chair

Diploma in Economics Patrick ITSCHERT

Deputy General Secretary, ETUC - European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels

 Diploma in Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles (FR)
 Humanitarian Studies, Sint-Jozefs College, Aalst (NL)
1979-1980 Researcher/collaborator at the "Fondation Roi Baudouin", assisted in editing a study on  The economic future of Belgium
1980-1981 Advisor to the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister and Budget Minister, specifically in charge of dossiers involving economic expansion and certain industrial sectors (textile, steel, etc)
1981-1985 First Advisor at the ITCB (tripartite body), examination of dossiers involving investments by textile and clothing enterprises
1985-1991 Director of the Institut du Textile et de la Confection de Belgique (ITCB), responsible for dossiers (commercial actions, training, investments) for francophone companies
1991-2011 General Secretary of the European Trade Union Federation: Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF:TCL)
2002-2005 Delegate to the European Economic and Social Committee s Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI)
2009-2011 General Secretary of the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (220 affiliates, 110 countries, some 10 million members)
since 2011 Elected Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation at the Athens Congress

Dr. Winfried KLUTH

Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Business, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle

1978-1982 Studies on Law and History, University of Bonn
1982-1984 Studies on Law and History, University of Muenster
1984 First Examination law
1987 Doctor, Law faculty, University of Muenster
1991 Second Examination law
1996 Habilitation, Law faculty, University of Cologne
1996-1998 Professor University of Munich
1999 Full Professor University of Halle-Wittenberg

Dr. Christoph LEITL

President, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna

1966 Founding Chairman, European Youth
1973 Ph.D., Economic and Social Sciences, Johannes Kepler University Linz
1990-2000 Member, Government of the Federal State of Upper Austria with portfolio for Economy, Finance and European Affairs
1995-2000 Member, Committee of the Regions (CoR), SME Division
2001-2005 President, Eurochambres (Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
2005-2009 President, European SME Union
since 2006 Honorary President, Eurochambres
Chairman, Global Chamber Platform
 Academic Posts
 Visiting Professor at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (International Trade Department)
 Guest Lectures
 Princeton University
 Fudan University, Shanghai
 University of Cape Town
 T.C. Istanbul Commerce University and Marmara University
 MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 Harvard University

Mag. Markus STOCK

Head, EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels

2000-2001 Junior Advisor, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
2001-2002 Internship, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg
2002-2005 Advisor, EU-Office of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels
2005-2012 Internal Market Advisor, Enterprise Europe Network, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
since 2012 Head of the EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels


show timetable
Kategorie: all Breakout Plenary
Genre : all


12:30 - 12:45OpeningPlenary
12:45 - 14:30European Values: Acquis or Cheap Talk?Plenary
15:00 - 16:30The European Union’s Future Role in a Global EconomyPlenary
18:00 - 20:00“Foreign” by Miriam FassbenderPlenary


07:00 - 08:30Europe in the MediaPlenary
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 01a: The European Union – With or Without Me?Breakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 02: Europe after the Crisis – “More Europes” or “More Europe”?Breakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 03a: Higher Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Which Way Forward?Breakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 04a: Is there a Future for the European Welfare State?Breakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 05: What Role for Social Partners in the European Union 2.0 of the Future?Breakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 06: Coordinating Economic Policies within the EUBreakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 07: The Financial Crisis as Litmus-Test: The Union between Austerity and GrowthBreakout
09:00 - 11:00Working Group 08: The Achillees Heel of the European Project: Youth Unemployment in EuropeBreakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 01b: The European Union – With or Without Me?Breakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 03b: Higher Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Which Way Forward?Breakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 04b: Is there a Future for the European Welfare State?Breakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 09: A New Culture for Investment and InnovationBreakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 10: The EU s Role in Global Governance: Working With Strategic PartnersBreakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 11: Changing Values – Focus on IncentivesBreakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 12: Coordinating European Pension Policies – A Bridge so Near?Breakout
12:00 - 14:00Working Group 13: Horizon 2020: The Ambitious Goals of the EU Innovation PolicyBreakout


07:30 - 11:00The EU’s WMD strategy – Lessons Learnt from Outreach Programmes in Export ControlPlenary
08:00 - 08:30Europe: A Phoenix from the Ashes?Plenary
08:30 - 10:30The Future of Europe: A Grassroots PerspectivePlenary
10:30 - 10:35ClosingPlenary