05: Space Policy: A New Strategic Challenge for Europe
The intention to embed space policy firmly in the European Constitution as well as in the White Paper of the European Commission are signs of a new conscience of its importance for Europe. The scientific discoveries of the space sector and the new technologies and their applications are to be put into service for Europe and her citizens. This effort is centered around Europe’s demand for independent access to space, for international competition and enhanced consideration of environmental and security aspects of space technology. In addition, these activities also provide an important contribution to support the common foreign and security policy, as shown for instance by Dual-Use Applications in the framework of the Galileo Program and within the GMES initiative.
The establishment of the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) in Vienna provides Austria with a think tank for the development of future European strategies in space policy.
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Director, Space Policy Institute, Elliott School of international affairs, George Washington University, Washington DC and professor of political science and international affairs
Member of faculty at George Washington University since 1970. | |
Lectured and spoken to a wide variety of audiences at professional meetings, colleges and universities, international conferences, and other settings, and has testified before the U.S. Congress on several occasions. Served as a consultant to many public and private organizations. Frequently consulted by the electronic and print media for his views on space issues. |
Generalsekretär ESPI European Space Policy Insttute
1969 | Mag in Physik & Atomphysik |
1973 | Doktorat Nuklear und Astrophysik |
1980-1981 | Franz Außenamt |
1987-1990 | Franz. Wissenschaftsattaché inNew Delhi |
1990-1994 | Franz. Wissenschaftsattaché inTokyo |
1994-1998 | Franz. Wissenschaftsattaché in Washington |
1998-2004 | Dir. Internat. Beziehungen CNES (Centre National d´Etudes Spatiales) |
seit 2003 | Auditor 56. Session Nationale d. IHEDN (Inst. Hautes Etudes Défense Nationale) |
Vize- Präsident des IRC (Int´l Relation Committee) der ESA (Europäische Wetraumorganisation) |
Vice-President Space Business Unit, Siemens Austria
In 1988 Master Degree University of Stuttgart, Germany | |
Computer Science and Information Technology | |
1998 | Consultant & SW-Developer for PC-based industrial applications (SIEMENS) |
1992 | Manager and Senior Consultant PC-based industrial applications |
1994 | Director PC-based HumanMachineInterface Software (Germany, Austria, USA) |
Steering Committee Member of Siemens Automation & Drives Advanced Research | |
1999-2003 | Vice President Power Systems Control & Energy Management, Power Transmission & Distribution Group in various positions |
Since 2004 Vice President Siemens Space Business, Vienna, Austria |
Managing Director, FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna
1976-1983 | Studium der Biologie an der Universität Wien, Fachrichtung Ökologie |
1981-1983 | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien |
1984 | Dornier GmbH, Deutschland |
1985-1989 | ORS, Österreichische Raumfahrt- und Systemtechnik GmbH |
1989-1998 | ESA/ESTEC, Systems Technology Department |
1998-2004 | Geschäftsführer, Austrian Space Agency - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Weltraumfragen GmbH |
seit 2004 | Geschäftsführer, FFG - Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft |
Director General Swedish National Space Agency, Chairman of ESA Council
1968 | Stockholm School of Economics |
1968-1971 | National Audit Office |
1971-1998 | Ministry of Industry (1985-1998 Head of Department for State ownwed enterprises). |
1998 | - Chairman and Director General Swedish National Space Board |
Head of the Space Policy and Coordination of Research Unit in DG Research of the European Commission.
Former Belgian Air Force officer | |
1991 | Joined the European Commission at DG Transport, responsible for aeronautical in air transport safety |
Went on to Directorate Transeuropean Networks in charge of Intelligent Transport Systems | |
Responsible for launching and management of the satellite navigation programme GALILEO before becoming Head of the Space Policy Unit |
Mag. Ingolf SCHÄDLER
Deputy Director General for Innovation and Telecommunication; Head of Directorate for Innovation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna
1978 | Studienabschluss, Volkswirtschaft, Universität Wien |
1978-1979 | Studium, Internationale Politik, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins Universität, Bologna |
1979-1980 | Forschungsassistent, Wiener Institut für Entwicklungsfragen, Wien |
1981 | Eintritt in den öffentlichen Dienst, Referent, Bundeskanzleramt, Wien |
1993 | Leiter, Abteilung für Technologiepolitik und -programme, Bundesministerium für öffentliche Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Wien |
2003 | Leiter, Bereich Innovation; stellvertretender Sektionsleiter, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wien |
2010 | Übernahme des Vorsitzes, EU-Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe |