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06: Creativity – fuel for the knowledge society?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

More and more, education is being considered as an agent for conveying innovation- and creativity-fostering key competences, from small children to adult learners. What do we mean when we speak about creativity? Can creativity really be fostered specifically and how can it be done? Apart from interdisciplinary state-of-the-art research the workshop will discuss the relation of creativity and its promotion in education/schools.
In order to strengthen growth and employment it will be crucial to translate creative processes into innovations. Which connection is there between education and the ability to innovate? How important are New Media today for learning, creativity development and the capacity to innovate?

Bundesministerin für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur der Republik Österreich, Wien Introduction
Ambassador of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation; Founder, The World Centre for New Thinking, Malta
Parlow-Solomon Professor on Aging; Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences; Director, UCLA Center on Aging; Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry; Director, Memory & Aging Research Center, Jane & Terry Semel institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior and the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (CA)
Professor, Head, Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
Artistic Director, Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Linz
Researcher, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning, Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Ispra
Professor and Head, Research Centre Education-Generation-Lifecourse, University of Innsbruck Chair
Referentin, Sektion I - "Allgemein bildendes Schulwesen; Qualitätsentwicklung und -sicherung; Pädagogische Hochschulen", Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Wien Coordination

Dr. Claudia SCHMIED

Bundesministerin für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur der Republik Österreich, Wien

1983 Studium mit dem Doktorat, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Firmenkundenbetreuerin, "Investkredit"
1995 Leiterin der Abteilung Unternehmensfinanzierungen
1997 Wirtschaftspolitische Beraterin, Kabinett des Bundesministers und Staatssekretärs für Finanzen
2000 In der "Investkredit" zurück
2004 Vorstandsmitglied der "Kommunalkredit Austria"
seit 2005 Vorstandsmitglied "Dexia Kommunalkredit Bank" sowie Mitglied des Aufsichtsrates in mehreren Unternehmen
seit 2007 Bundesministerin
seit 2008 In der Regierung von Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann als Bundesministerin für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur

MD Ph.D. Edward DE BONO

Ambassador of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation; Founder, The World Centre for New Thinking, Malta

 Was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, is an M.D. and Ph.D., and has held appointments at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, the University of London, and Harvard University.
 Has been called  the father of thinking about thinking and is the world s leading authority on conceptual thinking as the driver of organizational innovation, strategic leadership, individual creativity, and problem solving. Since 1970 his exclusive tools and methods have brought astonishing results to organizations large and small worldwide and to individuals from a wide range of cultures, educational backgrounds, occupations, and age groups. His instruction in thinking has been sought by many business organisations over the years, including: IBM, Prudential, Shell, Exxon, NTT, Nokia, Bank of America, Union Bank of Switzerland, GM etc. Unusual clients include the Australian national cricket team. His methods are taught in thousands of schools around the world and are mandatory on the curriculum in many countries. Facilitated Thinking sessions for Noble Laureates in South Korea in the early nineties.
 Dr. de Bono has been credited with producing thinking techniques that are simple, practical, and powerful. His work, concepts and application represented by Lateral Thinking, Parallel Thinking, 6 Thinking Hats, CoRT programme, the L-game, DATT (Direct Attention Thinking Tools), Simplicity and Six Value Medals have become an integral part of World s Universal Business and Management Literature. They are now being implemented in organizations of all sizes because of their simplicity and their power to change thinking behaviour, increase productivity, foster team-building, and evoke profitable innovation.


Parlow-Solomon Professor on Aging; Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences; Director, UCLA Center on Aging; Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry; Director, Memory & Aging Research Center, Jane & Terry Semel institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior and the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (CA)

1969-1973 BA in Biology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
1977-1978 MD, University of Southern California School of Medicine
Internship, Internal Medicine, Children's Hospital & Adult Med. Center, S.F., CA
1978-1981 Psychiatry Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1969-1973 BA in Biology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
1977-1978 MD, University of Southern California School of Medicine
Internship, Internal Medicine, Children's Hospital & Adult Med. Center, S.F., CA
1978-1981 Psychiatry Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
1981-1983 Geriatric Psychiatry Fellow, UCLA School of Medicine
since 1983 Assistant ( 83) to Associate ( 90) to Full Professor ( 95) of Psychiatry, UCLA
1988-2002 Director, UCLA Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychology Fellowship Program
1997-2007 Director, Imaging Core, UCLA Alzheimer Disease Center
since 2007 Director, Neuroimaging & Biomarkers Core, Easton Alzheimer Research Center
since 1997 Director, UCLA Center on Aging
since 1998 Parlow-Solomon Professor on Aging, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Director, Memory and Aging Research Center, Semel Institute for Neuroscience
since 2008 Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Division, Department of Psychiatry and Semel Institute

Mag. DDr. Christiane SPIEL

Professor, Head, Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna

1975 Dr. phil. in History, University of Vienna
1975-1978 High School Teacher, Mathematics and History, Vienna
1976 Mag.rer.nat. (Diplom) in Mathematics, University of Vienna
1980-1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna
1985 Dr.rer.nat. in Psychology, University of Vienna
1989-1992 Research Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin
1990-1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna
1995 Habilitation (venia docendi) in psychology, University of Vienna
1995-2000 Invited Visiting Professor of Applied Psychology und Methodology, Department of Psychology, University of Graz
1998-1999 Provisional Vice-Rector for personal development and higher education, University of Graz
since 2000 Chair Bildung-Psychology and Evaluation, University of Vienna
2004-2006 Funding Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
since 2006 Head, Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna (before 2011: Department of Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation)

Gerfried STOCKER

Artistic Director, Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Linz

 Media artist and musician. Graduate of the Institute for Telecommunication Engineering and Electronics in Graz. Since 1990, he has been working as an independent artist.
1991 Foundation of x-space, a team for the realization of interdisciplinary projects. In this framework numerous installations and performance projects have been carried out in the field of interaction, robotics and telecommunication. Stocker was also responsible for the concept of various radio, TV and network projects and the organization of the worldwide radio and network project Horizontal Radio in 1995.
since 1995 Artistic director of the Ars Electronica Center and, together with Christine Schöpf, artistic codirector of the Ars Electronica Festival.
 Projects and Installations have been shown among others at:
 EXPO - 92 Sevilla; Kunsthalle Bonn - 92; Biennale Venedig '93; ISEA '93 Minneapolis; Interactive Media Festival Los Angeles '94; Digital World Conference Los Angeles '94; SIGGRAPH '94 Orlando; ISEA '94 Helsinki; Dutch Electronic Art Festival - 94 Rotterdam; steirischer herbst '94, '95; Ars Electronica '95; SIGGRAPH '95, Los Angeles; ISEA '95 Montréal; Frankfurter Buchmesse '95; New York Digital Salon '95; Biennale Venedig '97, Millennium Dome London 2000, SIGGRAPH '02 San Antonio.

Ph.D. Ernesto VILLALBA

Researcher, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning, Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Ispra

2000-2003 European Commission Training and Mobility of Researchers Network, Problems of Educational Standardization and Transitions in a Global Environment (TMR-PRESTiGE), Institute of International Education, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
2003-2004 "Knowledge Management as a strategy of lifelong learning in small enterprises in Sweden", project financed by the Institute of International Education in cooperation with the European Social Fund Council in Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
2003-2006 Institute of International Education, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
since 2006 Scientific/Technical Project Officer at the Center for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL), Unit of Econometrics and Applied Statistics (G09), Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC), Directorate-General Joint Research Center (JRC), European Commission, Ispra, Italy

Mag. Dr. Lynne CHISHOLM

Professor and Head, Research Centre Education-Generation-Lifecourse, University of Innsbruck

1970-1973 BA (Hons.), Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, England
1973-1975 Graduate Teaching Fellowship and Research Fellowship, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Victoria, Canada
1975 MA (by thesis: Sex, Marital Status and Suicide)
1975-1977 Research Officer, Higher Education Research Unit, University of Sheffield, England
1977 Sessional Lectureship, Department of Social Anthropology and Sociology, New University of Ulster at Coleraine
1977-1979 Fixed-term Lectureship, Department of Social Anthropology and Sociology, New University of Ulster at Coleraine
1979-1983 Lectureship at the University of Maryland European Division, Heidelberg
1983-1984 Project director at the University of London Institute of Education
1984-1991 Tenured University Lectureship in the Departments of Sociology of Education and Curriculum Studies, Institute of Education, University of London
1990 Ph.D. (Beyond Occupational Choice. A Study of Gendered Transitions), Faculty of Economics, University of London
1991-1992 Senior Research Fellow at the Graduate College  Lifecourse and Social Policy , University of Bremen, Germany
1992-1994 Fixed-term Professorship at the Institute of Education, University of Marburg
1995 Project Director, Vocational Counselling for Women Returners study commissioned by the European Commission
1996-2000 Principal Administrator at the DG Education and Culture, European Commission
1999 Habilitation (recognition of competence for full professorship in Germany and Austria), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wuppertal, Germany
2001-2003 Research Professorship (part-time) at the Department of Education, University of Newcastle
2003-2004 Professor (part-time) at the Department of Educational Sociology, Danish University of Education in Copenhagen
since 2004 Appointment to tenured Full Professorship for Education and Generation at the Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Innsbruck
since 2005 Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Innsbruck
since 2006 Coordinator of the newly-founded University Research Centre Education - Generation - Life-course, University of Innsbruck
since 2009 Appointed to the Austrian Council of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHR)

Technology Forum

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 10:30Technology brunch of the Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 11:10Opening by the European Forum AlpbachPlenary
11:10 - 12:00Welcome statementsPlenary
12:00 - 14:00Pathways out of the crisis – new perspectives through research and innovation?Plenary
14:30 - 16:00The future of stem cell researchPlenary
18:00 - 19:30A look at the past – the secrets of our originPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Evening reception hosted by Forschung Austria in cooperation with GFF and BMVITSocial


07:00 - 13:30Working Group 01: Can we trust in feed and food?Breakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 02: An international comparison of research, technology and innovation-policy (RTI) strategiesBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 03: “Sowing and harvesting” in bio(techno)logical research: From the atomic structure of proteins to the discovery of new drugs and their clinical applicationBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 04: Biomedical and pharmaceutical engineering – key technologies of the 21st centuryBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 05: Infratech – a chance in crisisBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 06: Creativity – fuel for the knowledge society?Breakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 07: Creative industries vs. old economy: where is the economy headed?Breakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 08: Universities: responsibility for the futureBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 09: Trust in the future – investment in researchBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 10: Digital Government – citizens and administration in a conflict areaBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Working Group 11: E-Mobility AustriaBreakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Science and technology for young peopleBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and technology for kidsBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Technology Workshop: Trend radar of developments in societyBreakout
08:00 - 13:00Special Event: Positioning Austria in the international knowledge areaBreakout
14:30 - 15:45Creativity. How kids learn – learning like kids do?Plenary
16:15 - 18:00Innovative research locations – regions in competitionPlenary


07:30 - 08:45Can we trust in science? Integrity in scientific researchPlenary
08:45 - 09:30The future of the universe – perspectives for astrophysics and cosmologyPlenary
10:00 - 11:00I-Brain – the technological evolution of the brain?Plenary
11:00 - 11:15Closing statementPlenary
11:15 - 12:00Snack receptionSocial