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07: Web attack! The Fight against Hackers and Data Loss

Breakout /
in deutscher Sprache

High-tech affects all aspects of contemporary life. It enables us to work quickly and in networks with others. For this reason, cyberspace has become vital infrastructure, yet one which is also vulnerable to attack. Which economic areas are affected by cybercrime? What are its effects on value creation, and how does it impact trust in companies? Security requires coordinated action from business, politics and society. Is “cyber-security” a purely technological matter? Or are awareness-raising, employee training or even an exit from the web appropriate preventive measures?

Member, Provincial Government of Lower Austria for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports, St. Pölten Introduction
Associate Director, Cyber Security Centre; Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Researcher, SBA Research, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
Deputy Rector; Head, Course on IT Security and Information Security, University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten
Head, Department V/V 2 - Computer and Network Crime, Criminal Intelligence Service Austria, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna
Managing Director, Raiffeisen Software Solution und Service GmbH, Vienna
Computer Virus Analyst and Security Researcher, Fortinet Threat Research and Response Center, Biot
Study Programme Director, Economic and Cyber Crime, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt; Project Coordinator, ALES-Austrian Center for Law Enforcement Sciences, University of Vienna
Head, Management and Economics Department and E-Governance and Administration, Danube University Krems Chair
Head of Department, Company and Technology, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, St. Pölten Coordination Petra BOHUSLAV

Member, Provincial Government of Lower Austria for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports, St. Pölten

1991-1994 Marketing Manager, Railtours Austria
1995 Head, Marketing and Sales Department, Rogner-Thermen Blumau, Stegersbach
1996-2001 Chief Executive Officer, Archäologiepark Carnuntum Ltd.
2001-2004 Chief Executive Officer, Congress Casino Baden
2004-2008 Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Sports, Culture, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
2008-2009 Minister for Youth, Education and Sports, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
since 2009 Minister of Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten


Associate Director, Cyber Security Centre; Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

 Dr Ian Brown is Associate Director of Oxford University's Cyber Security Centre and Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute. His research is focused on information security, privacy-enhancing technologies, and Internet regulation. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and BCS Chartered Fellow, and a member of the Information Commissioner's Technology Reference Panel. Since 1998 Dr Brown has variously been a trustee of Privacy International, the Open Rights Group, the Open Knowledge Foundation and the Foundation for Information Policy Research and an adviser to Greenpeace, the Refugee Children s Consortium, Amnesty International and Creative Commons UK. He has consulted for the US Department of Homeland Security, JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, Allianz, McAfee, BT, the BBC, the European Commission, the Cabinet Office, Ofcom, and the National Audit Office.
 Dr Brown's work has been covered by the BBC, CNN, CBC, Al Jazeera, and numerous newspapers and magazines. He has written for the Financial Times, Daily Telegraph and Guardian. In 2004 he was voted as one of the 100 most influential people in the development of the Internet in the UK over the previous decade.
2007-2008 Research Fellow
since 2009 Senior Research Fellow (OII)
since 2012 Associate Director (Cyber Security Centre)


Researcher, SBA Research, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna

  HTL Spengergasse
  University of Technology Vienna: iSecLab
  Researcher, SBA Research, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna

DI Johann HAAG

Deputy Rector; Head, Course on IT Security and Information Security, University of Applied Sciences, St. Pölten

1987-1993 Studium der Elektrotechnik an der TU Wien
1993-2000 Projektleiter und Leiter der EDV an der Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich
  selbstständiger Trainer in der Erwachsenenbildung
  Lektor am FH-Studiengang für Internationales Logistik Management, Steyr
seit 2000 Lektor an der FH St. Pölten
seit 2006 Studiengangsleiter für den Bachelorstudiengang IT Security
seit 2009 Studiengangsleiter für den Masterstudiengang Information Security
seit 2012 Vizerektor der FH St. Pölten

Mag. Leopold LÖSCHL

Head, Department V/V 2 - Computer and Network Crime, Criminal Intelligence Service Austria, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna

1982-2003 Polizeibeamter bei der Bundespolizeidirektion Wien
2002 Magister der Rechtswissenschaften
2003-2006 Referatsleiter Betrugs- und Fälschungsdelikte
seit 2006 Leiter des Büros 5.2 Computer- und Netzwerkkriminalität
seit 2011 Projektleiter und Umsetzung des Cybercrime Competence Center C4 im Bundeskriminalamt

Ing. Mag. Hartmut MÜLLER

Managing Director, Raiffeisen Software Solution und Service GmbH, Vienna

 Studium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Wien
 Systemberater bei Nixdorf Computer Österreich
1991 Geschäftsführer des Raiffeisen Rechenzentrums (heute: Raiffeisen Informatik)
1995 Leitung der Raffeisenbanken-Services in der Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien
1999 Vorstandsvorsitzender der Datus AG Deutschland
2001 Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Informatik, verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Raiffeisenbanken und Finanzdienstleister
2013 Geschäftsführer der Raiffeisen Software Solution

Ruchna NIGAM

Computer Virus Analyst and Security Researcher, Fortinet Threat Research and Response Center, Biot

2004-2008 B.E. in Electronics and Communication
2008-2010 M.Sc. in Communication and Computer Security
since 2010 Computer Virus Analyst and Security Researcher, Fortinet Threat Research and Response Center, Biot

Dr. Ireen Christine WINTER

Study Programme Director, Economic and Cyber Crime, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt; Project Coordinator, ALES-Austrian Center for Law Enforcement Sciences, University of Vienna

1999 Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen, Göttingen
2003 Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen, Hamburg
2003-2004 Stadt Frankfurt, Jugend- und Sozialamt, Abteilung Auswärtige und Flüchtlinge, obdachlose Männer, Kosten- und Leistungsmanagement
2004-2008 Universität Wien, Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Abteilung Kriminologie, Universitätsassistentin (Prae Doc)
2007 Promotion zum Doctor iuris (mit Auszeichnung)
2007-2010 European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN), EU Research Officer
2008-2011 Bundeskriminalamt Wien, Büro Kriminalprävention und Opferhilfe, (Inter-)nationale Kriminalpräventionsstrategien, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
seit 2009 Universität Wien, Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Abteilung Kriminologie, Universitätsassistentin (Post Doc)
seit 2011 Austrian Center for Law Enforcement Sciences (Forschungsstelle für Polizei- und Justizwissenschaften) der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Wien, Wissenschaftliche Projektleiterin
seit 2012 Leiterin des Masterstudiengangs Strategisches Sicherheitsmanagement an der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
Leiterin des Lehrgangs zur Weiterbildung Wirtschaftskriminalität und Cyber Crime an der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt

Mag. Dr. MSc. MBA Walter SEBÖCK

Head, Management and Economics Department and E-Governance and Administration, Danube University Krems

1992-1994 Verlagsleiter, Braintrust GmbH
1994-1999 Partner, Projektmanagement, Publish Pool KEG
1997-1999 Projektmanagement, LS Consulting GmbH
1997-2001 Marketingleiter, Technisches Museum Wien
2001-2005 Fr. Redakteur, Der Standard
2003-2005 Geschäftsführer, Kommunalnet GmbH
seit 2001 Wiss. Mitarbeiter d. Donau-Univ., Krems
seit 2004 Zentrumsleiter, Donau-Univ., Krems
2011-2012 Dekan, Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Recht
seit 2010 Departmentleiter/Zentrumsleiter, Donau-Univ., Krems

Dipl.-Ing. Claus ZEPPELZAUER

Head of Department, Company and Technology, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, St. Pölten

 Studium der Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
1998-2000 Brauereileiter, Braumeister und stellvertretender Geschäftsführer, 1. Wiener Gasthofbrauerei
2000-2001 Senior Consultant, Czipin & Proudfoot, früher Czipin & Partner, Internationale Produktivitätsberatung
2001-2003 Leiter, Abteilung Research & Development, Melbrosin International GmbH & Co KG
2003-2004 Gründer und Inhaber, Life Science Project Management, Unternehmensberatung für externe Projektleitung von interdisziplinären F&E - Projekten
seit 2004 Technopolemanager, Tulln, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH
seit 2006 Geschäftsfeldleiter, Technopole, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH
seit 2007 Bereichsleiter, Unternehmen & Technologie, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur
  Verantwortlich für die Geschäftsfelder Cluster Niederösterreich, Internationalisierung und Technopole

Technology Forum

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 10:30Technology Brunch hosted by Standortagentur TirolPartner
11:00 - 11:10Opening of the Alpbach Technology Forum 2013Plenary
11:10 - 11:45Innovation and PolicyPlenary
11:45 - 13:15Future Innovation – International PerspectivesPlenary
13:40 - 14:40Graphene – A Great Hope of Future Technologies?Plenary
14:40 - 16:00From Research to Economic SuccessPlenary
18:00 - 19:45Our Place in the UniversePlenary


Evening Reception hosted by Forschung AustriaSocial
Career Lounge hosted by the Organisers and Siemens AG ÖsterreichSocial


06:30 - 13:00Working Group 05: The Potential of the Alps: Focus Sustainable Use of ResourcesBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 01: The Value Chains of the FutureBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 02: To Develop the Future – Tomorrow’s Innovation as Exemplified by International Leading EnterprisesBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 03: Smart City – Pathways to Future Urban MobilityBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 04: “Frontrunner”, a New Approach in RTI PolicyBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 06: The Potential of ICT Tools in Open Innovation ProcessesBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 07: Web attack! The Fight against Hackers and Data LossBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 08: Industry 4.0 – Impact on the Future of Working LivesBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 09: Green Tech: Visions and Business of eco-mobilityBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 10: Identity 2.0: Digital ManBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 11: Intellectual Property Management – Conditions for Prosperity and SuccessBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Working Group 12: Secure Society = Secured Future = Security ResearchBreakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Science and Technology for Young PeopleBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for KidsBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Special Event: RTI Internationalization in Austria – Strategic RecommendationsBreakout
14:00 - 15:30i-Learning – The Future of Learning in the Digital WorldPlenary
15:45 - 18:00Challenges for Biomedical ResearchPlenary
18:00 - 20:00Open Dialogue – Smart Mobility for Smart CitiesPartner


07:30 - 08:15Planning Innovation: At the CrossroadsPlenary
08:15 - 10:00Cybercrime and CybersecurityPlenary
10:15 - 11:15The Wonderful World of Quantum MechanicsPlenary
11:15 - 11:30Closing Statement of the Alpbach Technology ForumPlenary
11:30 - 12:00Snack Reception hosted by the OrganisersSocial