09: Lost in Technology? – Women Careers in Research and Technology
With regard to the total number of female researchers as well as with regard to female researchers within industrial research, Austria is at the inglorious bottom of the league. Is the path to women careers in Austria a jungle that gets them lost more easily than in other countries, so to speak lost in technology ? What can the female experts do themselves in order to find their career paths nonetheless? And how can public institutions and enterprises act as motors and motivators in this area?
A large number of measures promoting women, just as many studies on this topic and the unanimous agreement that an increase in the share of women is not only advantageous for enterprises, have obviously not led to the desired changes. Successful women in leading positions within research- and technology-oriented enterprises, international benchmarks and European good practice examples will show which measures have to be taken to promote women careers effectively.
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Mag. Dr. Günther BONN
Head, Institute for Analytical Chemistry and Radio Chemistry and Director, ADSI - Austrian Drug Screening Institute, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
1960-1964 | Elementary School, Innsbruck |
1964-1972 | High School, Innsbruck |
1972 | Study of Chemistry at the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck |
1977 | Teachership-Exam in Chemistry and Physics - Graduation "Master of Natural Sciences" |
Thesis at the Institute of Radiochemistry, University of Innsbruck "Hydrothermal Degradation of Glucose, Cellobiose and Cellulose" | |
Contract Assistant at the Institute for Radiochemistry University of Innsbruck | |
1979 | Graduation to "Doktor der Philosophie" summa cum laude |
1983 | University Assistant at the Institute for Radiochemistry, University of Innsbruck |
1985 | Habilitation for Analytical Chemistry |
1988 | Vis.Professor at Yale University, Department of Chemical Engin. New Haven, CT, USA, Prof. Csaba Horvath |
1989 | Assistant Professor |
1991 | Full Professor for Analytical Chemistry at Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz, Austria and Head at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz |
1994 | Full Professor for Analytical Chemistry - Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck |
since 1995 | Head of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry |
1996-2003 | Member of the FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Vienna |
2000-2010 | Vice President - Austrian Council for Science and Research Development, Vienna |
since 2004 | Member of the Board of the Medical University, Innsbruck |
since 2008 | Vice President of the Board of the Medical University, Innsbruck |
Dipl.-Ing. Rita FORST
Vorsitzende der Geschäftsleitung der Opel Powertrain GmbH, Executive Director Product Engineering
Studium Maschinenbau mit dem Schwerpunkt Energie- und Wärmetechnik | |
1977 | Start bei der Adam Opel AG in der Motorenkonstruktion |
1981 | Projektingenieurin, u.a. verantwortlich für die Einführung des 3-Wege-Katalysators und der Vierventil-Technologie |
1984 | ein Jahr USA: Weiterbildungsprogramm für Ingenieure in Flint/Michigan |
Gruppeningenieurin: Leitung der Konstruktions- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten für die weltweit eingesetzte Motorenfamilie II | |
ab 1997 | Projektmanagerin: verantwortlich für die Integration des Leichtmetallmotors in die Opel-Modelle Astra, Astra Coupé, Zafira und Vectra |
1999 | Chefingenieurin, verantwortlich für die Fertigungsplanung aller Powertrainwerke in Europa |
Geschäftsführer, Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH (ACCM), Linz
Studium des Maschinenbaus an der TU Graz | |
1990 | Sponsion zum Dipl.-Ing. |
1990-1991 | Trainee Programm in der voestalpine AG |
1991-1994 | F&E-Management in der voestalpine Stahl GmbH |
1994-1998 | Leitung "Mechanisches Technikum" in der Abteilung "Mechatronik" der voestalpine Stahl GmbH |
seit 1998 | Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der voestalpine mechatronics gmbh (vatron) |
seit 1999 | Gesamtverantwortung für das erste "industrielle Kompetenzzentrum für Mechatronik und Automation (ikma)" in Österreich |
Mag. Dr. Renée SCHROEDER
Professor of Biochemistry, Centre of Molecular Biology, University of Vienna; Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, Vienna
1972-1978 | Studies of Biochemistry, University of Vienna |
1978-1981 | PhD in Biochemistry, University of Vienna |
1981 | Post doc: University of Munich, Germany |
1982-1985 | C.N.R.S. Gif/ Yvette, France |
1987-1989 | New York Deptment for Health, Albany NY, USA |
1987-2004 | Assistant, Deptment for Microbiology & Genetics, University of Vienna |
seit 2005 | Deptment Biochemistry, University of Vienna |
Geschäftsführerin des Vereins Frauen geben Technik neue Impulse e.V. /Kompetenzzentrum
seit Januar 2000 Geschäftsführerin des Vereins "Frauen geben Technik neue Impulse e.V." | |
seit April 2000 Geschäftsführerin des Kompetenzzentrums Frauen in Informationsgesellschaft und Technologie | |
1996-2000 | Leiterin der Koordinierungsstelle der Initiative Frauen geben Technik neue Impulse |
1994 - 1997 | Wissenschaftliche Leiterin des Bund-Länder-Modellversuchs "Frauen im Ingenieurstudium an Fachhochschulen - Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte in Lehre und Studium" , Fachhochschule Bielefeld |
Client Partner bei Korn/Ferry International
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften (o.A.) sowie Englisch und Spanisch am Dolmetsch- und Übersetzerinstitut, Universität Innsbruck | |
zwölfjährige Tätigkeit im Airline-Business und in der Touristik, Sales & Marketing Management | |
1993 | Beraterin in einem lokalen Executive Search Unternehmen |
seit 1995 | bei Client Partner bei Korn/Ferry International |
Beteiligung am Aufbau und Management von Futurestep, dem Middle Management Recruitment Service von Korn/Ferry International, Österreich. |
Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika KIRCHER
Senior Director, Industrial Affairs, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach
1981-1998 | Managing Director, Regional Department, ÖIE - Austrian Information Service for Development and Growth Policy, Carinthia |
1988-1991 | Freelance Consultant and Lecturer, University of Klagenfurt |
1991-2000 | Vice Mayor, City of Villach |
2001-2007 | Chief Financial Officer, Finance, Research & Development and Human Resources, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach |
2007-2014 | Chief Executive Officer, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach |
since 2014 | Senior Director and, Industrial Affairs, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach and "Head of committee for Research, technology and innovation of the Austrian Industrial Association" |