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10: Technology transfer in European regions

Breakout /
in deutscher Sprache

In order to secure the competitiveness of Europe as an economic and research location it is not only necessary to be excellent in research but also to carry out technology transfer successfully. In view of an increasingly global production of new knowledge this central task of applied non-university research is facing new problems and challenges. Starting out from the triple helix model of national and regional innovation systems representatives of all three areas (politics, research and industry) will discuss important current topics, instruments and tasks of technology transfer on a European as well as on an Austrian level. In this, we will try to actively combine knowledge gained from participants practical experience with recent scientific results concerning technology transfer.

Mag.a Landesrätin für Gesundheit und Pflegemanagement, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Graz
Secretary General, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), Brussels
Vice-president, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vienna
Staatssekretärin, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wien (tbc)
Director, The Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Senior Policy Advisor, TNO, Delft
Geschäftsführer, Durst Phototechnik Digital Technology GmbH, Lienz
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien
Member of the Executive Board ret., Andritz Group
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz
Geschäftsführer, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz Chair
Head of Research Group, Technology, Foresight and Planning, Centre for Economic and Innovation Research, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz Coordination


Mag.a Landesrätin für Gesundheit und Pflegemanagement, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Graz

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften
1995-1998 Mitarbeit im Aufbau eines Handelsunternehmens
1998 Eintritt in das Büro von Landeshauptmann Waltraud Klasnic
2002 Leiterin des Büros von Landeshauptmann Waltraud Klasnic
2003-2005 Landesrätin für Jugend, Familie und Generationen, Bildung und Wissenschaft
2004-2005 Zusätzlich Landesrätin für Finanzen
2005-2010 Landesrätin für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Verkehr und Technik
seit 2010 Landesrätin für Gesundheit und Pflegemanagement, Wissenschaft und Forschung

BA M.Sc. Christopher John HULL

Secretary General, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), Brussels

1972-1974 Research Fellow, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
1974-1986 Research Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
1986-1989 Expert, SPRINT Programme, European Commission and Innovation
1990-1997 Secretary General, TII-European Association for the Transfer of Technologies, Innovation and Industrial Information
1994-1999 Secretary General, FEICRO-Federation of European Cooperative Research Organisations
2000-2007 Deputy Secretary General and Advisor, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO)
since 2007 Secretary General, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO)

Dr. Dr. h.c. Erich HÖDL

Vice-president, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vienna

 Studies in Mathematics and Economies in Paris and Vienna
1966 Diploma
1966-1968 Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna
1968 Doctorate at University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna
1973 Habilitation at University of Technology Darmstadt
1973-1974 Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in New York
1974 Guest Professor at Universities of Heidelberg
1974-1977 Professor of Political Economy at University of Kassel
1977-1999 Professor of Economics at University of Wuppertal
1978 Guest Professor at the University of Vienna
1984-1987 President of Arbeitskreis Politische Ökonomie e.V.
1988-1999 Member of the Monitoring Panel for the Fourth Framework Program
1991-1999 Rector of the University of Wuppertal
1994 Honorary Doctorate at State University of Moscow
1994-1995 Head of the working group "Quality Assessment" of the Confederation of European Rectors Conferences
1994-2000 Member of the Kuratorium der HISGmbH
1996-1997 Member of the National Commission Erasmus/Sokrates
1996-2000 Director of the Institue for European Economic Research
  Member of the Board of Wuppertal GmbH
1997-2000 Broadcasting Council of Westdeutscher Rundfunk
1998-1999 Member of the Academic Council of European Study Centers in Hungary
2000-2003 Rector of Graz University of Technology
since 2005 Member of the Austrian Accreditation Council
  Vice-President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
 Consultant for the German Federal Government, the European Commission and United Nations, since 1992 Member of European University Council Jean Monnet in Brussels

Christa KRANZL

Staatssekretärin, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wien

1978-1991 Gemeindebedienstete und Standesbeamtin bei der Marktgemeinde Persenbeug-Gottsdorf
1987-2005 Mitglied des Gemeinderates der Marktgemeinde Persenbeug-Gottsdorf
1989-2005 Vizebürgermeisterin der Marktgemeinde Persenbeug-Gottsdorf und aktiv im Gemeindevertreterverband
1991 Gründung eines Tischlereibetriebes mit ihrem Ehemann
seit 1997 Mitglied des Landes-Frauenkomitees der SPÖ Niederösterreich
1999-2007 Mitglied der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Landesrätin
  Landesparteivorsitzender-Stellvertreterin der SPÖ Niederösterreich
 Als Landesrätin war Christa Kranzl für Schulen, soziale Verwaltung und Konsumentenschutz in Niederösterreich zuständig.
seit 2007 Staatssekretärin, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wien


Director, The Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

 Received B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1979, 1981, and in 1986, respectively. He has been appointed by the J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, since 1979. He also holds a professorship at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, since 1988. Basic research interests of J. Lenar i  are in robotics, robot kinematics, biorobotics and humanoid robotics. His contributions are in the area of modelling and simulation of robots, mathematical evaluation and optimization of robot mechanisms, modelling of human upper extremity and control of redundant robots. He is member of editorial boards in a number of international journals and served as guest editor in special issues. He edited seven books on Advances in Robot Kinematics and contributed in international encyclopedias. Since 2005 he is Director of the Jozef Stefan Institute.


Senior Policy Advisor, TNO, Delft

1973 State University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Drs. (M.Sc.) Chemistry
1978 Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Dr. (Ph. D.) Theoretical Physics
1978-1979 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, Research Physicist
1979-1980 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, Instructor, Research Associate
1980-1986 Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, Germany, Research Physicist
1986-1995 TNO Institute for Applied Geoscience, Delft, the Netherlands
1986-1987 Research Associate
1987-1989 Head Computational Science Group
1989-1995 Head of Research and Development
1992-1995 Director International Groundwater Modelling Centre
1995-2000 TNO, Prague, Czech Republic, Managing Director Representative Office
since 2000 TNO Corporate Staff, Delft, the Netherlands, Senior Policy Advisor

Dr. Richard PIOCK

Geschäftsführer, Durst Phototechnik Digital Technology GmbH, Lienz

1966-1971 Studium an der Hochschule für Welthandel in Wien, Dkfm., Doktoratstudium, 1971 Promotion zum Dr. der
1971-1984 Geschäftsführer der Fa. Euroclima Ag, Bruneck/Sillian
seit 1984 Generaldirektor der Durst Phototechnik AG, Brixen

Dipl.-Ing. Anton PLIMON

Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien

 Studium der Technischen Physik an der Technischen Universität Graz
1988-1999 Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH
1999-2000 Leiter des Geschäftsfeldes Verkehrstechnologien, arsenal research
2000-2009 Geschäftsführer, arsenal research
2008-2009 Geschäftsführer, Austrian Research Centers GmbH - ARC
seit 2009 Kaufmännsicher Geschäftsführer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Bernhard REBERNIK

Member of the Executive Board ret., Andritz Group

1967-1973 Research and teaching assistant, Graz University of Technology
1973-1982 Manager Research and Development, Pumps and Nuclear Components, Andritz AG
1982-1991 Global Division Manager of Pulp and Paper Technology
1991-1994 Chairman Andritz Sprout-Bauer, US
1991-2007 Member of Executive Board, Andritz Group, Retired April 2007
2004 Speaker of the "Forum für Technik und Gesellschaft", Graz University of Technology
since 2006 Chairman of the working group for R&D of the Federation of Industry of Styria, Austria
since 2007 Consultant to the Executive Board of Andritz Group

Dipl.-Ing. Clemens SCHINAGL

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz

 Studierte an der Technischen Universität Graz Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen für Maschinenbau. Nach vergleichsweise kurzen Etappen im Pharma- und Industrieanlagenbereich und "Nebenstudien" ("Technischer Umweltschutz"/Technische Universität Graz, "Energieplanung- und Management"/Technische Universität Berlin) landete er 1995 in der Angewandten Forschung bei JOANNEUM RESEARCH. Beratungen, Gutachten und Entwicklungsprojekte zum Technologietransfer führten Schinagl zur Neukonzeption eines Transferansatzes, welcher neben dem zwingenden Einsatz von Kreativitäts- und Lösungsfindungstechniken bei Innovationsberatungen auch diese Techniken selbst zum Forschungsgegenstand macht (i.e. Computer Aided Problem-solving).

Dr. Bernhard PELZL

Geschäftsführer, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz

 Studium der Sprachwissenschaften, Orientalistik, Geschichte und Philosophie (Wissenschaftstheorie) an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
1971-1979 Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeit an den Universitäten Graz, Hamburg und Münster/Westfalen, dazwischen Verlagslektor und Buchhändler
1979-1997 Beim ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk, zuletzt Leiter der Ö1-Reihe "Dimensionen", Wien
seit 1997 Wissenschaftlicher Direktor der JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz
  Honorar-Professor für Medienwissenschaften (Ästhetik, Semiotik, Rhetorik) an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
  Consultant für Managementberatung und Marketing

Mag. Dr. Christian HARTMANN

Head of Research Group, Technology, Foresight and Planning, Centre for Economic and Innovation Research, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Graz

 Christian Hartmann joined Joanneum Research in November 1996 as a researcher in the field of technology and innovation policy. He is holding a Ph.D. in economics from the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. In his work he is currently heading the research group  technology, foresight and planning at the Centre for Economic and Innovation Research.
 Christian Hartmann has conducted qualitative and quantitative research on R&D and innovation issues in Europe at regional, national and transnational level. In the framework of project related work he is strongly involved in regional and sectoral innovation system research and the development of smart specialisation strategies.

Technology Forum

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 21:00Presentation of the three Christian Doppler Laboratories concerning allergiesCulture
08:00 - 10:00Technology brunch hosted by Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 11:20Welcome addressPlenary
11:20 - 12:00OpeningPlenary
12:00 - 14:00Global warmingPlenary
14:30 - 16:15The frontiers of science [in cooperation with the Institute of Science and Technology Austria]Plenary
18:00 - 19:30Looking insidePlenary
19:30 - 21:30Reception hosted by Alcatel-Lucent AustriaSocial


07:00 - 12:30Working Group 01: The risk and the new – ‘risk governance’Breakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 02: The changing industrial landscape  challenges, opportunities, strategiesBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 03: Climate change and risk governance – the role of research, science and innovationBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 05: New initiatives and models of the 7th EU Framework Programme on Research to enhance European competitiveness – European technology platforms from the Austrian and the European points of viewBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 05: The end of IT-innovation – the growth opportunity for Europe?Breakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 06: The impact of climate change on mobility – challenges for infrastructure and private transportBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 07: Design by nature – nature’s contribution to industrial progressBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 08: Smart WellbeingBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 09: The five sensesBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 10: Technology transfer in European regionsBreakout
07:00 - 12:30Working Group 11: The phenomenon of Second Life – the creation of a new world?Breakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Science and technology for young peopleBreakout
07:00 - 16:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and technology for kidsBreakout
07:30 - 13:30Special event: Bulgaria and Romania as partners in EUropean science and researchBreakout
13:00 - 14:30Regions and global competitionPlenary
14:30 - 16:00The future – dream or realityPlenary
16:30 - 18:00The five sensesPlenary
18:00 - 21:30Reception hosted by the Province of Lower AustriaSocial


07:00 - 08:00What changed?Plenary
08:00 - 09:00SecurityPlenary
09:30 - 10:00Junior Alpbach and Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach 2007Plenary
10:00 - 11:00Science & technology, entrepreneurship & societyPlenary
11:00 - 11:20A look back and a view aheadPlenary
11:20 - 12:30Reception hosted by Microsoft AustriaSocial