| Studium an der TU Wien |
1987 | Eintritt in die OMV, Abteilung für Unternehmensentwicklung und strategisches Controlling |
ab 1990 | Assistent des Vorstands im Bereich Chemie und Werkstoffe |
ab 1991 | Assistent des Vorstands in den Bereichen Finanzen, Controlling und Chemie |
1993-2000 | Geschäftsführer der Austria Mineralöl GmbH |
ab 2000 | Geschäftsführer der OMV Cogeneration GmbH |
2001-2003 | Geschäftsführer der OMV Erdgas GmbH |
2002-2004 | Geschäftsführer der EconGas (50%-OMV-Tocher) |
ab 2004 | Vorsitzender und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der OMV Gas GmbH |
ab 2006 | Geschäftsführer der OMV Gas International GmbH |
seit 2007 | Vorstandsmitglied der OMV für den Bereich Gas |
1971-1976 | Studium der Technischen Physik an der Technischen Universität Wien |
1976-1991 | Leitung einer österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe |
1991-1996 | Nach dem Studium mehrere Jahre in verschiedenen Funktionen im EDV-Bereich einer österreichischen Bankgruppe tätig, danach 10 Jahre Leitung der österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe mit Schwerpunkt Management - und Technologieberatung |
| Tätigkeit für eine große österreichische Kommerzbank in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Umstrukturierung u.a. von Energiebetrieben |
1996-1999 | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung eines großen Deutschen Beratungsunternehmens |
1999-2001 | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung von PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consulting; zuständig für den Bereich "Energy & Utilities" |
| seit 2001 Geschäftsführer der Energie Control GmbH |
seit 2011 | Vorstand der Energie Control Austria |
1970-1978 | Studies and Post-Graduate Studies, Energy Economics Faculty, Moscow Institute of Management; Ph.D. in Energy Economics (Title: "The Role of North Sea Oil in Energy Supplies of Western Europe") |
1979-1990 | Research Fellow, International Energy Economics Division, Institute of World Economy & International Relations, USSR Academy of Sciences |
1990-1991 | Chief Expert, Division for Market Analysis, Department for Foreign Trade & External Economic Relations, USSR State Planning Committee (GOSPLAN)/USSR Ministry of Economics and Forecasting |
1991-1993 | Deputy-Minister on external economic relations & foreign investments of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy |
1993-1995 | Post-Doctorate at the State Academy of Management, Moscow |
1993-1994 | Special Adviser on foreign investments to the First Deputy Prime-Minister of RF Government E.Gaidar |
1994- 2002 | Adviser to the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (since 2000: "RF Ministry of Energy") |
1994-1998 | Head of Intra-Ministerial Working Group on drafting a package of normative documents on production-sharing agreements on PSA |
1994-1995 | Head of the State Duma's Expert Group on redrafting Concession Law |
1994-1999 | Adviser to the RF State Duma on economic policy and on natural resources |
1994-1995 | Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy (Sub-Committee on External Economic Relations and Foreign Investments) |
1994-2006 | Visiting Principal Research Fellow (since February 2000 - Visiting Chief Research Fellow), Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
1994-2002 | Adviser to the RF Ministry of Finance |
1994-1999 | Head of the RF State Duma's Expert Group on drafting PSA Law |
| May 1995 Dr. >f Science in Energy Economics, State Academy of Management (title of the thesis: "System Approach to the Involvement of Foreign Investments into Russian Energy Economy") |
1995-1999 | Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources & Natural Resources Management |
1996-1999 | Executive Director & Member of the Board of Directors, Russian Bank for Reconstruction & Development |
1997-2000 | Head of Consultants on foreign investments to the RF Ministry of Economic |
1997-2002 | Visiting lecturing professor on "World energy markets & transportation systems" to the State University of Management, Moscow |
since 1998 | Member of RF Council for Foreign & Defense Policy |
1999-2002 | President of the Energy and Investment Policy & Project Financing Development Foundation (ENIP&PF) |
1999-2000 | Head of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy on drafting the new Conceptual Framework for Russian Oil & Gas Development |
2000-2002 | Adviser to the RF Ministry of Economics/Ministry for Economic Development & Trade |
| Member of the Ad Hoc Working Group (Head of Oil Section and Investment Policy Section) of the RF Ministry for Fuel & on drafting the "Energy Strategy of Russia to 2020" |
2001-2002 | Member of the Expert Council under the Head of the State Duma Commission on the Legal Issues of the PSAs |
2002-2008 | Deputy Secretary General, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels |
since 2008 | Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow |
| Visiting lecturing professor at the Chair on International Oil and Gas Business, Russian State Oil and Gas University n.a. I.M.Gubkin |
1981-1986 | Studies of Business Administration, Business School, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master |
| Studies of Law, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master |
1986-1989 | Managing Director University Publishing House (WUV-Universitätsverlag), Austria |
1989-1990 | Deutsche Bank, Germany |
1990-1992 | Purchasing and Logistics Manager, KTM, Austria |
1992 | Head Internal Audit, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler), Austria |
1993 | Corporate Controller, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler) |
1994 | Managing Director Bates Cepro, Netherlands |
1995-2001 | Chief Executive Officer, Frantschach Packaging Converting |
2002-2007 | Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Packaging Europe |
since 2008 | Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International; Executive Director of the Board Mondi plc and Mondi Ltd |
1960-1964 | Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien |
1964-1966 | Post-Graduate-Ökonomie-Studium am Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien |
1966-1969 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent und später Leiter der Abteilung Ökonomie des Instituts für Höhere Studien |
1969-1971 | Mitarbeiter der Europaabteilung des Internationalen Währungsfonds in Washington D.C. |
1971-1973 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung |
1973-1983 | Beigeordneter Direktor des Instituts für Höhere Studien |
1983-1992 | Leiter der volkswirtschaftlichen Abteilung der Creditanstalt in Wien |
1993-2004 | Leiter des Bereichs Industriepolitik und Ökonomie der Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie |
seit 2005 | Konsulent in der Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie |