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10: The future of security of supply – how does the “gas crisis” affect European energy policy? die europäische Energiepolitik?

Breakout /
German and English language

Supported by Energie Control GmbH und OMV Gas & Power GmbH
At the beginning of 2009, political discord between Russia and Ukraine led to a disruption of natural gas supply. This sparked a debate on the future of Europe’s gas supply, and on the direction European energy policy should take now. As long as European energy demand continues to increase, fossil fuels will retain their position as our most important energy source. Targeted international energy policy thus becomes more crucial than ever. How will the supply disruption change European energy policy? Which measures should the EU and its Member States take to secure continued gas supply?

Vorstandsmitglied, OMV AG, Wien
Vorstand, Energie-Control Austria, Wien
Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow
Chairman, Mondi AG; Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International, Vienna
Konsulent, Industriellenvereinigung, Wien Chair

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Werner AULI

Vorstandsmitglied, OMV AG, Wien

 Studium an der TU Wien
1987 Eintritt in die OMV, Abteilung für Unternehmensentwicklung und strategisches Controlling
ab 1990 Assistent des Vorstands im Bereich Chemie und Werkstoffe
ab 1991 Assistent des Vorstands in den Bereichen Finanzen, Controlling und Chemie
1993-2000 Geschäftsführer der Austria Mineralöl GmbH
ab 2000 Geschäftsführer der OMV Cogeneration GmbH
2001-2003 Geschäftsführer der OMV Erdgas GmbH
2002-2004 Geschäftsführer der EconGas (50%-OMV-Tocher)
ab 2004 Vorsitzender und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der OMV Gas GmbH
ab 2006 Geschäftsführer der OMV Gas International GmbH
seit 2007 Vorstandsmitglied der OMV für den Bereich Gas

Dipl.-Ing. Walter BOLTZ

Vorstand, Energie-Control Austria, Wien

1971-1976 Studium der Technischen Physik an der Technischen Universität Wien
1976-1991 Leitung einer österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe
1991-1996 Nach dem Studium mehrere Jahre in verschiedenen Funktionen im EDV-Bereich einer österreichischen Bankgruppe tätig, danach 10 Jahre Leitung der österreichischen Gesellschaft einer internationalen Beratungsgruppe mit Schwerpunkt Management - und Technologieberatung
Tätigkeit für eine große österreichische Kommerzbank in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Umstrukturierung u.a. von Energiebetrieben
1996-1999 Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung eines großen Deutschen Beratungsunternehmens
1999-2001 Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung von PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consulting; zuständig für den Bereich "Energy & Utilities"
 seit 2001 Geschäftsführer der Energie Control GmbH
seit 2011 Vorstand der Energie Control Austria


Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow

1970-1978 Studies and Post-Graduate Studies, Energy Economics Faculty, Moscow Institute of Management; Ph.D. in Energy Economics (Title: "The Role of North Sea Oil in Energy Supplies of Western Europe")
1979-1990 Research Fellow, International Energy Economics Division, Institute of World Economy & International Relations, USSR Academy of Sciences
1990-1991 Chief Expert, Division for Market Analysis, Department for Foreign Trade & External Economic Relations, USSR State Planning Committee (GOSPLAN)/USSR Ministry of Economics and Forecasting
1991-1993 Deputy-Minister on external economic relations & foreign investments of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy
1993-1995 Post-Doctorate at the State Academy of Management, Moscow
1993-1994 Special Adviser on foreign investments to the First Deputy Prime-Minister of RF Government E.Gaidar
1994- 2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (since 2000: "RF Ministry of Energy")
1994-1998 Head of Intra-Ministerial Working Group on drafting a package of normative documents on production-sharing agreements on PSA
1994-1995 Head of the State Duma's Expert Group on redrafting Concession Law
1994-1999 Adviser to the RF State Duma on economic policy and on natural resources
1994-1995 Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy (Sub-Committee on External Economic Relations and Foreign Investments)
1994-2006 Visiting Principal Research Fellow (since February 2000 - Visiting Chief Research Fellow), Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
1994-2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry of Finance
1994-1999 Head of the RF State Duma's Expert Group on drafting PSA Law
 May 1995 Dr. >f Science in Energy Economics, State Academy of Management (title of the thesis: "System Approach to the Involvement of Foreign Investments into Russian Energy Economy")
1995-1999 Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources & Natural Resources Management
1996-1999 Executive Director & Member of the Board of Directors, Russian Bank for Reconstruction & Development
1997-2000 Head of Consultants on foreign investments to the RF Ministry of Economic
1997-2002 Visiting lecturing professor on "World energy markets & transportation systems" to the State University of Management, Moscow
since 1998 Member of RF Council for Foreign & Defense Policy
1999-2002 President of the Energy and Investment Policy & Project Financing Development Foundation (ENIP&PF)
1999-2000 Head of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy on drafting the new Conceptual Framework for Russian Oil & Gas Development
2000-2002 Adviser to the RF Ministry of Economics/Ministry for Economic Development & Trade
Member of the Ad Hoc Working Group (Head of Oil Section and Investment Policy Section) of the RF Ministry for Fuel & on drafting the "Energy Strategy of Russia to 2020"
2001-2002 Member of the Expert Council under the Head of the State Duma Commission on the Legal Issues of the PSAs
2002-2008 Deputy Secretary General, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels
since 2008 Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank, Moscow
Visiting lecturing professor at the Chair on International Oil and Gas Business, Russian State Oil and Gas University n.a. I.M.Gubkin

MMag. Peter J. OSWALD

Chairman, Mondi AG; Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International, Vienna

1981-1986 Studies of Business Administration, Business School, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master
Studies of Law, University of Vienna, Austria; finished with Master
1986-1989 Managing Director University Publishing House (WUV-Universitätsverlag), Austria
1989-1990 Deutsche Bank, Germany
1990-1992 Purchasing and Logistics Manager, KTM, Austria
1992 Head Internal Audit, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler), Austria
1993 Corporate Controller, Frantschach-Group (incl Neusiedler)
1994 Managing Director Bates Cepro, Netherlands
1995-2001 Chief Executive Officer, Frantschach Packaging Converting
2002-2007 Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Packaging Europe
since 2008 Chief Executive Officer, Mondi Europe & International; Executive Director of the Board Mondi plc and Mondi Ltd

Dr. Erhard FÜRST

Konsulent, Industriellenvereinigung, Wien

1960-1964 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien
1964-1966 Post-Graduate-Ökonomie-Studium am Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien
1966-1969 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent und später Leiter der Abteilung Ökonomie des Instituts für Höhere Studien
1969-1971 Mitarbeiter der Europaabteilung des Internationalen Währungsfonds in Washington D.C.
1971-1973 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung
1973-1983 Beigeordneter Direktor des Instituts für Höhere Studien
1983-1992 Leiter der volkswirtschaftlichen Abteilung der Creditanstalt in Wien
1993-2004 Leiter des Bereichs Industriepolitik und Ökonomie der Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie
seit 2005 Konsulent in der Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:30OpeningPlenary
12:30 - 14:00The weight of Europe: Economic policy interests in a multipolar global economyPlenary
14:30 - 16:00The future shape of Europe: Visions and realityPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: Where is Turkey going?Plenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by the Austrian National BankSocial


07:00 - 08:30Europe and the international financial systemPlenary
09:00 - 10:30European energy and climate policies: Defensive self-limitation or technology push?Plenary
12:30 - 16:00Working group 01: Innovation in der Krise! Gerüstet für den Aufschwung?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 02: Financial and economic turbulences in CEE/SEE – Impact and remediesBreakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 03: Post Lissabon – Europas (Wieder-) Aufstieg zur Wirtschaftsweltmacht?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 04: Values and virtues: Can ethics lead Europe back to the top?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 05: Protektionismus als Folge der Krise?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 06: Wirtschaft und Politik – zwei Systemlogiken. Kann das Vertrauen im Unterschied wachsen?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 07: Vertrauen in einer vernetzten WeltBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 08: Smart Metering – die Zukunft der Versorgungssicherheit?Breakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 09: Intelligente Infrastruktur – Wie lange noch bis zum Systeminfarkt?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 10: The future of security of supply – how does the “gas crisis” affect European energy policy? die europäische Energiepolitik?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 11: Das Management der KriseBreakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 12: Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigungspolitik in der KriseBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 13: Korruption in KrisenzeitenBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 14: Sustainable tourism: Adding Value in a responsible wayBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 15: Gesundheitswesen – Kostenfalle oder Wachstumsmotor?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 16: Der Wirtschaftskrise ganzheitlich begegnen – Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) als europäischer WegBreakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 17: Greisender Kontinent – Reif für die Weltmacht?Breakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 18: Connecting markets, connecting continents – Logistics as an engine for growthBreakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 19: The Dawn of E-MobilityBreakout
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: Business culture and crisis management in Europe – The European Management ModelPlenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by Deutsche Telekom AGSocial


07:30 - 10:00The future of Europe and political accountabilityPlenary
10:00 - 10:15Closing remarksPlenary