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16: Alternative Sustainable Economic Concepts

Breakout /
German and English language

Supported by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria
Based on the incessant demand for growth, we will ask “What should grow?”. What may an economic system look like that meets people’s needs and, at the same time, takes into account natural ecological limits? What success stories are there, showing that it is possible to choose alternative and sustainable economic activities? We will start this breakout session with three inspiring inputs, based on which the participants will then discuss these questions in an interactive format.

Independent Social Scientist and Commons Activist, Graz
Gründer und Geschäftsführer, Mehrblick OG, Wien
Founding Partner, Flourishing Enterprise; Trustee, New Economics Foundation, Bath
Head, Department V/2, Environmental Economics and Energy, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Shareholder and Consultant, focus change Consulting GmbH, Vienna Chair


Independent Social Scientist and Commons Activist, Graz

2000-2005 Studium der Sozialpädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Sozialpolitik und freie Fächerkombination
  Beruflich tätig in der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit, in einem Qualifizierungsprojekt für Langzeitarbeitslose und im Frauengesundheitszentrum Graz
2001-2008 Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiterin, Attac Österreich
2005-2008 Bundesvorstand, Attac Österreich
seit 2010 Sozialwissenschaftlerin (freiberuflich) zum Thema alternative Wirtschaftsformen und Commons
  Mitorganisatorin der Commons Sommerschule in Bechstedt/Thüringen und des Elevate Festivals in Graz


Gründer und Geschäftsführer, Mehrblick OG, Wien

 Studium der Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
 Mitinitiator des europäischen Absolventen-Netzwerkes für das globale Entrepreneurship Programm Junior Achievement
2007 Gründer des Ideenstudios Mehrblick
 Initiator der Inspirationsplattform für den nachhaltigen Wandel "YES WE DO"
 Mitgründer des Coworking Space für Ökologie & Technologie "TREIBHAUS"

Jules PECK

Founding Partner, Flourishing Enterprise; Trustee, New Economics Foundation, Bath

 Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science, London University
 Masters in Environmental Business and Law, Imperial College
 Trustee, New Economics Foundation
 Chairman, Edelman Sustainability and Citizenship Group
 Advisor to Transition Networks
 Global Policy Advisor, WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature
 Director of David Cameron s Quality of Life Commission

Mag. Dr. Martina SCHUSTER

Head, Department V/2, Environmental Economics and Energy, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1974-1978 Studium der Volkswirtschaft, Universität Wien
1978-1979 Postgraduate - Higher European Studies am Europacollege Brügge, Belgien
1979-1980 Assistent Manager, Patzenhofer Energiesparsysteme
1981-1984 Dissertationsstudium, Wien, Paris, Florenz
seit 1984 im Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien
bis 1989 Allgemeine Umweltschutzpolitik und internationale Angelegenheiten, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien
seit 1989 Abteilungsleiterin, Umweltökonomie und Energie, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien
2000-2003 Abschluss Ausbildung, Coaching und Training
2004 Start Klimaschutzinitiative klima:aktiv
2004-2007 Mitglied der österreichischen Nachhaltigkeitskoordinatoren


Shareholder and Consultant, focus change Consulting GmbH, Vienna

 Studium der Handelswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
 Lehrbeauftragte, Fachhochschule Eisenstadt
 Lehrbeauftragte, Austrian Medical Society Wien
 Geschäftsführerin, Kornfeind&Teufelberger OEG
 Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin, focus change consulting GmbH
 Gesellschafterin, Transfer live GmbH

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:20OpeningPlenary
12:20 - 13:30Finance and the Real Economy: Together or Apart?Plenary
13:30 - 13:50Political CornerPlenary
14:50 - 16:30Making Finance Meet the Real Economy’s RequirementsPlenary
18:30 - 19:30Miha Pogacnik: What Businesses can Learn from MusicPlenary
19:30 - 20:30Smart Blue Hour hosted by IBMSocial


06:00 - 06:45management club Business Breakfast “Integrationsfall Europa”Partner
06:00 - 06:45Sustainable Entrepreneurship – Book Presentation on the Business Model of the FuturePartner
07:00 - 08:10The Future of Corporate FundingPlenary
08:10 - 08:30Political CornerPlenary
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 01: The Real Economy and Finance in the “Network of Responsibility”Breakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 02: Business, Society and Politics: Assigning Responsibility for ResultsBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 03: What Happens to Our Values if Computers Learn how to Think?Breakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 04: Touch the Future – Security and Identity in a Digital WorldBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 05: Living with Risk and SpeculationBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 06: The Pension System as a Ponzi Scheme?Breakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 07: Workforce Diversity: Living with and Managing Demographic ChangeBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 08: Implementing the New World of Work, a Progress ReportBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 09: Design Thinking as a Tool for InnovationBreakout
09:00 - 11:30Working Group 10: New Energies for Europe – Between Cooperation and CompetitionBreakout
11:30 - 12:30Lunch ReceptionSocial
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 11: Connected Learning, Connected SchoolsBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 12: Financial Literacy, Decision-Making in Complex SituationsBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 13: Our Life After the Digital RevolutionBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 14: Prosperity for All? Austria’s Top Managers in Dialogue with Ludwig ErhardBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 15: Rethinking Capitalism: The Future of Our Economic ModelBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 16: Alternative Sustainable Economic ConceptsBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 17: From Goodwill to Financial Company ValueBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 18: Back to the Real Economy – Towards a New Industrial Policy for EuropeBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 19: Industrial Production in the City of the FutureBreakout
12:30 - 15:00Working Group 20: Rating Agencies Between Governments and BusinessesBreakout
16:00 - 17:30Peter Drucker Special Lecture: Leadership and Values in a Complex WorldPlenary
19:30 - 21:30get2gether hosted by T-MobileSocial


06:30 - 07:00“Kater” BreakfastPartner
07:15 - 08:15The New Role of Central Banks in Crisis-ManagementPlenary
08:45 - 10:20New Growth in Europe?Plenary
10:20 - 10:30ClosingPlenary
14:45 - 18:00Generali 3 Banken Business Dialogue “Experiences and Values”Partner