01: The Real Economy and Finance in the “Network of Responsibility”
Supported by Bertelsmann Stiftung and Julius Raab Stiftung
In addition to structural changes, our financial and economic system needs a new value-based orientation. One basic value of the eco-social market economy deserves closer attention – responsibility. A recent network analysis illustrates the roles of the real economy and finance in the “network of responsibility”. What does that mean for our financial, economic and social systems? How can we shape the future against this backdrop? What are the resulting recommendations for political decision-makers? We will discuss the above questions interactively with:
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Dr. Stefan EMPTER
Senior Director, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh
1978-1983 | Studies, Economics and Sociology, University of Augsburg |
1980-1982 | Studies, Educational and Social Sciences, University of Hagen |
1988 | Doctorate, Organizational Theory |
1989-1996 | Executive, various divisions and departments, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
1996-2008 | Head, Economics and Social Affairs, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
2000-2002 | Founding General Manager, IT-Academy East-Westphalia, Gütersloh |
since 2001 | Member, Management Committee, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
2008-2011 | Head, Evidence-Based Policies Program, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
since 2008 | Senior Director, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
since 2012 | Head, Shaping Sustainable Economies Program, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh |
Secretary-General, Wirtschaftsbund, Vienna
1979-1981 | Kundenberatung, Oberbank Salzburg |
1981-1985 | Marketing & Kooperation, Erste Allgemeine Versicherung |
1985-1994 | sowie 1996-1998 Marketing, Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg |
1994-1995 | Agenturleiter, Grill&Gull Werbeagentur |
1998-1999 | PR & Events, Haubner&Haubner KG |
1999-2004 | Marketingleitung, Großglockner Hochalpenstraße AG |
2004-2005 | Geschäftsführer, Salzburger Volkspartei |
seit 2005 | Agentur für Marketing, Haubner&Haubner KG |
seit 2007 | Präsident, Sportunion Österreich |
seit 2008 | Vizepräsident der Bundessportorganisation |
Politische Funktionen: | |
seit 2001 | Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat ÖVP |
seit 2008 | Klubobmann-Stellvertreter, ÖVP Parlamentsklub |
Generalsekretär, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsbund |
Mag. Dr. Harald KATZMAIR
Founder and Director, FASresearch, Vienna
Studies in Sociology and Philosophy, University of Vienna | |
1992-2000 | Research Assistant, Institute for Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business |
1995-1997 | Research Associate, Institute for Sociology, Faculty of Social- and Business Sciences, University of Vienna |
1997-2002 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FAS - Forschungsgesellschaft für angewandte Sozial- und Strukturanalyse OEG, Vienna |
since 2002 | Founder; Head of Science; Chief Executive Officer, FAS.research Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.,Vienna |
since 2013 | Vice-president, NEIN ZU KRANK UND ARM Foundation |
since 2015 | Member, Supervisory Board, FWF - Austrian Science Fund, Vienna |
Dr. Harald MAHRER
Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna
1995-1997 | Chairman, Austrian National Students Union, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
1997-2000 | Research Assistant, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
2000-2005 | Managing Director, legend Consulting GmbH |
2006-2010 | Founder and Managing Director, Pleon Publico Public Relations & Lobbying |
2011-2012 | Founder and Managing Director, cumclave Unternehmensberatung |
2011-2014 | Managing Director, Tauern Holding |
2014-2017 | State Secretary, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy |
since 2017 | Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy |
Member of the Managing Board, BKS Bank AG, Klagenfurt
1984-1992 | Universitätsassistentin und Lehrbeauftragte, Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Klagenfurt |
1992-1993 | Firmenkunden- und Wertpapiergeschäft; BKS Bank AG, Klagenfurt |
1993-1996 | Abteilung Controlling, BKS Bank AG, Klagenfurt |
1996-2004 | Leiterin, Bereich Controlling und Rechungswesen, BKS Bank AG, Klagenfurt |
seit 2004 | Mitglied des Vorstandes, BKS Bank AG, Klagenfurt |
Professor of Social Policy and Social Work, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Studium der Sozialwissenschaften, Promotion, Ruhr-Universität Bochum | |
1995-1999 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
1999-2005 | Projektleiterin, Bertelsmann Stiftung (Wirtschaft und Soziales, Beschäftigungspolitik), Gütersloh |
seit 2005 | Professur für Sozialpolitik und Sozialmanagement, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin |