02: Business, Society and Politics: Assigning Responsibility for Results
Supported by Kovar & Partners
It is often deplored that politicians lack the ability to implement reforms. Would new forms of political work improve the output of the system? Is there a way to include the responsibility for specific results in the rules of the political game? Which experiences from business may be used for devising these rules? There are many ideas for new political forms. In this breakout session, we will discuss some of these ideas in three subgroups (definition of goals – evaluation – incentive system). At the end, we want to draw up a list of specific suggestions for improved governance.
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Mag. Corinna FEHR
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fehr Managementberatung e.U., Vienna
Master's Degree in Economics, University of Vienna | |
1993-2005 | Various Management an Expert Positions, Federal Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Austria |
1996-2008 | Several Supervisory Board Positions and Controll Functions in various Austrian Companies and Institutions (e.g. IMBA, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology GmbH, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH, Austro Control (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt GmbH) |
2005-2010 | Chief Financial Officer, Management Board, Siemens Electronic Tolling |
2011-2012 | Managing Director, Hospital Management Consulting GmbH (Vinzenz Group) |
since 2010 | Founder and CEO, Fehr Managementberatung e.U. |
Dr. MMag. Gottfried HABER
Professor, Department of Economics, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt; Professor, Department for Health Sciences and Biomedicine, Danube University Krems
1997-2006 | Universitätsassistent, Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Klagenfurt |
seit 2007 | außerordentlicher Universitätsprofessor, Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Klagenfurt |
seit 2012 | Universitätsprofessor Donau-Universität Krems, Bereich "Management im Gesundheitswesen" sowie "Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik", Krems |
Dr. Peter HAJEK
Managing Partner, Peter Hajek Public Opinion Strategies GmbH, Vienna
Ausbildung: | |
1991-1997 | Studium Politikwissenschaft/Geschichte, Mag.phil. Universität Wien |
1997-1999 | Hochschullehrgang Markt- und Meinungsforschung, Akad. Geprf. Markt- und Meinungsforscher, Universität Wien |
1997-2005 | Doktoratsstudium Politikwissenschaft, Dr.phil, Universität Wien |
2010 | Ausbildung zum systemischen Coach, FAB Organos, Linz |
Lehraufträge: | |
Lehraufträge an der Universität Wien und der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt | |
Schwerpunkt: Methodenlehre Markt- und Meinungsforschung, politische Kommunikation | |
Berufslaufbahn: | |
1997-1998 | Lehrtätigkeit, Actlingua Language Studies GmbH |
1998-2007 | Leiter Bereich Politik- und Sozialforschung, Markt und Meinungsforschung, OGM - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Marketing GmbH |
2002 | , 2003 Workshops zu Evaluierung der Kommunikationsleistungen der DPI, DPI - Department Public Information, Vereinte Nationen, New York |
seit 2007 | Managing Partner, Peter Hajek Public Opinion Strategies GmbH |
Executive Director, weissmann service design & business creation, Vienna
1991-1996 | Academic studies in Political Science and Management, Innsbruck University and George Washington University |
School of Political Management, Innsbruck, Washington DC | |
1995-1996 | Member of Staff, Campaigns & Elections Magazine, Sheehan & Associates, Washington DC |
1996 | Member of Staff, Scottish National Party, Edinburgh |
1997-1998 | Traineeship, Federation of Austrian Industries and Member of Staff, Austrian Peoples Party |
1998-1999 | Marketing and PR, Henkel CEE, Vienna |
1999-2001 | PR Consultant, Trimedia Communications Austria, Vienna |
2001-2005 | Director of Project Coordination, Federation of Austrian Industries, Vienna |
2001-2003 | Master in Systemic Coaching, European Systemic Business Academy |
2006-2012 | Partner, Kovar & Köppl, Vienna |
2012-2014 | Art of Hosting & Gamestorming Pracitioner, Hasso Platter School of Design Thinking Potsdam, Schule des Sprechens |
2007-2012 | Lectureships, IMC FH Krems, Danube University Krems, University of Vienna and Innsbruck |
since 2014 | Executive Director, weissmann service design & business creation |