04: Predictive Genetics – The Right to Know or Not to Know?
Public Health Genetics combine the knowledge gained through genomics with individual and public health issues. As knowledge of our genomes makes disease prevention possible, social, normative and economic framework conditions are put to the test: who should have the right (not) to be informed of whether they carry the risk of hereditary diseases in their genes? What are the consequences and challenges in connection with individual autonomy, intervention, discrimination and the distribution of health resources?
Dr. Verena GANGL
Member, Forum Alpbach Network; Lecturer, Institute of Education, University of Graz
2006-2008 | Research Assistant, Institute of Education, University of Graz |
2012 | Assistant Policy Officer, European Commission, General Directore for Regional and Urban Policy, Brussels |
since 2008 | Project Manager, Trainer, Literacy Centre Styria, Graz |
since 2012 | Lecturer (Health Inequalities, History of Health Promotion Education), Institute of Education, University of Graz |