09: Leading Organisations – What Next?
Supported by Hernstein Institute for Management and Leadership
Entrepreneurship has always distinguished itself through inequality, or at least diversity, and these factors may increase in the future. In particular, the tension between stability and flexibility will become ever more important, fed by vast technological and social rates of change, advancing digitalisation and the ever shorter innovation cycles. How can businesses react to this? Who profits from and who loses out from this development? Does a new form of cooperation or conflict arise from it? And what does this mean for businesses and for the business location of Europe?
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Dominique DÖTTLING
Transformation Leader; Director, Global Talent & Development Europe, Opel Group GmbH, Rüsselsheim
1992 | GEFOF-Gruppe, München |
1992-1996 | Herbert-Quandt-Stiftung, München |
1990-1994 | Time Manager International, Göppingen |
seit 1996 | Döttling & Partner Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Mainz |
1998-2003 | Eberspächer Formenbau GmbH, Deizisau |
2012-2014 | Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim |
seit 2014 | Opel Group GmbH, Rüsselsheim |
Dipl.-BW (FH) Stefan GROSS
Chief Financial Officer, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, Vienna
1993-2001 | Various Management Positions (Director IR/Intern. Business Development/Controlling/HR), Germany |
2001-2006 | Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis, T-Mobile USA Inc. (previously VoiceStream Wireless), Seattle |
2006-2009 | Vice President, Functional Controlling, Telekom Deutschland GmbH / T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH, Bonn |
2009-2013 | Vice President, Subsidiary Controlling, Group Controlling GER/SYS, Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn |
since 2013 | Chief Financial Officer, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, Vienna |
Mag. Sabine HOFFMANN
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ambuzzador Gmbh, Vienna, Berlin
1998-2000 | Product Management, UTA Telekom AG |
2000-2001 | Head of Products & Marketing, Nextra Telekom GmbH |
2001-2002 | Head of Strategy, netway AG |
2002-2004 | Senior Consultant, Project Manager, Accelate |
since 2004 | Managing Director, Marketing & Werbung, BUZZ Marketing & Social Branding |
Mag. Dr. Sabine Theresia KÖSZEGI
Professor of Labor Science and Organization, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna; Chair, Austrian Robotics Council; High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, European Commission, Brussels
2000-2006 | Assistant Professor, School of Business, Economics, and Statistics, University of Vienna |
2003 | Visiting Professor, University of Ottawa |
2005 | Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne |
2006 | Guest Researcher, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan |
Venia Docendi in Business Administration | |
2006-2008 | Associate Professor, School of Business, Economics, and Statistics, University of Vienna |
since 2009 | Full Professor, Labour Science and Organisation, Institute of Management Science, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna |
Academic Director, Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna | |
since 2017 | Chair of the Austrian Council on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |
since 2018 | Member of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, European Commission, Brussels |
Dipl.-Ing. Walter RUCK
President, Economic Chamber Vienna
1981-1987 | Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen,Technische Universität Wien |
1989 | Baumeisterprüfung |
1991 | Geschäftsführung, W. Ruck GmbH, Wien |
2000 | Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger |
2005-2011 | Innungsmeister, Landesinnung Bau Wien |
2008-2013 | Mitglied, Bauoberbehörde Wien |
2009-2015 | Mitglied, Vorstand des Normungsinstitutes, Wien |
2010-2014 | Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, AUVA - Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt Landesstelle Wien, NÖ, Bgld. |
2011-2015 | Vizepräsident, Normungsinstitut, Wien |
2014 | Landesgruppenobmann, Wirtschaftsbund Wien |
Präsident, Wirtschaftskammer Wien |
Gerald GROSS
Founder and Director, gross:media e.U., Vienna
1987-1988 | Freier Mitarbeiter bei AZ und profil |
1988-1997 | Redakteur im ORF Landesstudio Burgenland |
1992-1997 | Moderation der Fernsehsendung "Burgenland heute" |
1997-1998 | Redakteur im ORF-Hörfunk in Wien |
1998 | Nachrichtenchef bei Ö3, Chefredakteur im Landesstudio Burgenland |
2001 | Moderation der ZIB2, Nachfolger von Robert Hochner |
2002 | Moderation der ZIB1, Nachfolger von Josef Broukal, und Moderation von "Modern Times" |
2007 | Doppelmoderation der ZIB1 gemeinsam mit Ingrid Thurnher |
2008-2011 | Doppelmoderation der ZIB1 gemeinsam mit Hannelore Veit |
2011 | Gründung der Firma gross:media e.U.(Medientraining, Moderation) |