14: Virtual Learning: InEquality in Education?
The working group will deal with the question of how the use of new technologies and virtual learning environments might mitigate the social, gender-specific and cognitive factors of inequality in teaching. What about the danger that the enhanced use of technologies might lead to new inequalities in teaching? Innovative forms of technology-based teaching and learning will be discussed against the background of their motivational, theoretical and practical perspectives and their implications for “InEquality”.
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M.Sc. Harry AXMANN
Teacher, GTVS Dopschstraße, Vienna
1997 | Teaching qualification with focus on IT in primary schools |
since 1998 | Primary teacher in Vienna |
1999-2004 | Assistant at Vienna's educational Server |
2002-2005 | Master's degree, Danube University Krems |
2005 | Master's degree for E-learning and E-teaching |
2008-2011 | Freelancer for the Ministry of Education with focus on IT in primary schools |
since 2009 | Member of the paedagogic advisory council for IT- affairs in Vienna |
Gabriele JAUCK
Vice Principal; Head of School-Development Team; Math-Teacher, Gymnasium Zell am See
1982 | Graduation from University of Salzburg - Magistra rer. nat. |
1983-1993 | Math Teacher at HTL Innsbruck and BORG Neumarkt |
since 1993 | Gymnasium Zell am See, Math Teacher, Vice-Principal, in charge of implementing eLearning |
Dr. Konstantin MITGUTSCH
Affiliate Researcher, MIT Game Lab, MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Founder and Managing Director, Playful Solutions, Vienna
2004-2009 | Scientific Assistant, Lecturer: Department of General Education & Media Education, University of Vienna |
2009 | Max Kade Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Education Arcade, Cambridge, MA |
2010-2013 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT GAME LAB and Singapore-MIT GAMBIT, Cambridge, MA |
2011 | Visiting Professor, Department of Education, University of Vienna |
since 2014 | Lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna |
Founder and Managing Director, Playful Solutions, Vienna |
Andreas RIEPL
CEO gtn gmbh, IT-teacher BHAK Steyr, instructor PH OÖ, eCOOL-coordinator Austria, eLC-coordinator Upper Austria
1987-1997 | Softwaredevelopment Systema GmbH, Master's studies of (business) informatics and Sociology Johannes-Kepler-Universiry, Linz |
since 1997 | CEP exabis |
since 2001 | Educator BHAK Steyr |
since 2008 | CEO gtn gmbh |
since 2011 | instructor PH OÖ |
Professor of Informatics and Head, Working Group 'Digital Media in Education', University of Bremen
1968-1973 | Study of German and Theology at the Universities of Freiburg and Münster |
1973-1981 | Teacher in Bremen at the secondary level of a comprehensive school |
1982-1989 | Study of Computer Science at the University in Bremen |
1989 | Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Bremen |
1989-1992 | Research assistant at the University of Bremen |
1992-1996 | Research Assistant, Computer Science at the University of Hamburg |
1996 | P.h.D in Computer Science (The Medium out of the Machine) |
1996-2001 | Assistant professor at Humboldt University, Berlin: Didactics of Computer Science; Computers in Society |
Head, Section Information Technology, Training Statistics, Gender, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, Vienna
1981-1990 | Tätigkeit in der IT-Branche |
1988 | Lehramt Geschichte und Slawistik/Russisch, Universität Wien |
1988-1990 | Lehrberechtigung Informatik |
1990-1995 | Unterrichtstätigkeit an einer allgemeinbildenden höheren Schule (Informatik, Russisch) |
1992-1999 | Projektmanagerin und Referatsleiterin Neue Medien und Politische Bildung, Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst |
1993-2004 | Tätigkeit in der Lehrerweiterbildung: IT-Einsatz im Unterricht |
1999-2004 | Abteilungsleiterin, Lehrerpersonal-Management, IT in der Bildungsverwaltung, Auslandsschulen, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur |
2003-2004 | Stellvertretende Leiterin der Personalsektion, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Wien |
2004-2009 | Leiterin der Sektion für allgemeine pädagogische Angelegenheiten, Erwachsenenbildung, IT und Statistik, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur |
seit 2009 | Leiterin des Bereichs Informationstechnologie, Bildungsstatistik und Gender, Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur |
Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Christian DORNINGER
Head, Directorate of Technical, Vocational and Adult Education, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna
1979 | University degree, Technical Physics, Vienna University of Technology; Teaching degree in Mathematics and Physics |
1977-1981 | Research visit, Nuclear Physics, SIN, Switzerland |
1982-2005 | Lecturer, University of Hagen; Teacher for mathematics and physics |
1985-1988 | Educational Officer, Vienna Board of Education (Stadtschulrat) |
1988-2000 | Adviser, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Sports |
2000-2011 | Head of Department, ICT and Computer Based Learning |
2011-2013 | Head of Department, Secondary Technical schools and Colleges for Higher Vocational Education |
Deputy Head of Division, Vocational Education, Adult Education and School Sports | |
2013-2017 | General Director, vocational education and training and adult education |
Mag. MBA Martin NETZER
Department II/SLV - Lifelong Learning, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, Vienna
1979-1982 | Lehre als Maler und Anstreicher im Betrieb des Vaters in Schruns |
1982-1983 | Facharbeiter als Maler und Anstreicher in Schruns |
1983-1984 | Präsenzdienst in Salzburg |
1984-1985 | Facharbeiter als Maler und Anstreicher in Schruns |
1985-1987 | Mitarbeiter von Mc Donalds, Wien 1, Johannesgasse |
1987-1989 | Absolvierung der Studienberechtigungsprüfung |
1990-1998 | Studium der Deutschen Philologie und Philosophie an der Universität Wien |
1998 | Abschluss des Studiums mit Auszeichnung |
Sponsion zum Mag.phil. | |
1994-1998 | Kursleiter an der Volkshochschule Wien Margareten / "polycollege" Stöbergasse (Vorbereitungslehrgänge zur AHS-Externistenmatura, zur Beamtenaufstiegsprüfung und zur Studienberechtigungsprüfung) |
1997-2001 | Pädagogischer Assistent am "polycollege", Abteilung 2. Bildungsweg (Administration der Lehrgänge zur Berufsreifeprüfung, Betreuung von Kooperations- und Entwicklungsprojekten) |
2001-2002 | Koordinationsbüro für lebenslanges Lernen im BMBWK |
Seit 2002 Büro Bundesministerin Elisabeth Gehrer mit Zuständigkeitsbereich Erwachsenenbildung, Berufsbildung und Informationstechnologie | |
2003 | Bestellung zum Fachexperten für Lebensbegleitendes Lernen des BMBWK |