22: EUROSTUDENT – Online Database on the Social Dimension of Studying in Europe
Since the middle of the 1990s, the project EUROSTUDENT has been collecting information on the studying and living conditions of students at European universities. 29 European countries provided data for the fifth round (2012-2015) of EUROSTUDENT. The thematic focuses include the topics of qualification, social background, accommodation, financing and employment. The data is freely available online. Short videos provide an overview of the project results.
Mag. Martin UNGER
Senior Researcher, EUROSTUDENT V, IHS - Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
1991-1996 | Studium, Soziologie, Universität Wien |
1996-1998 | Postgradualer Lehrgang Soziologie, IHS - Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien |
seit 1998 | Projektassistent, Bereich Hochschulforschung, IHS - Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien |
2004-2014 | Lektor, Empirische Methoden, WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) |
2006-2015 | Lektor, Empirische Methoden, Soziale Ungleichheit im Bildungssystem, Universität Wien |