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Intellectual Property Rights

Plenary /
German and English language

Does the law manage to protect creators of a work from exploitation by others? Can artists rely on this protection? Is this abused by the industry as an instrument to put developing countries under pressure?

Professor of Law and Chair for Civil Law, Intellectual Property and Copyright, Private International Law and Comparative Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Policy Advisor, European Parliament, Brussels
Author; Musician; Director, Interest Group of Austrian Authors (IG Autorinnen Autoren), Vienna
Judge (ret.), Supreme Court of Justice, Vienna Chair


Professor of Law and Chair for Civil Law, Intellectual Property and Copyright, Private International Law and Comparative Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

1991-1997 Studies, Law, University of Bielefeld; University of Strasbourg and University of Konstanz
1997-2000 Assistant Lecturer, University of Konstanz
2000-2002 Trainee Lawyer, District Court of Cottbus (Brandenburg); German Embassy, Santiago de Chile; Law Firm Leonhardt, Dietl, Graf & von der Fecht, Buenos Aires
2002-2003 Attorney of Law, International Law Firm Hogan & Hartson Raue L.L.P., Berlin
2004-2011 Assistant Professor and Lecturer, Technische Universität München
since 2011 Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2012-2015 Dean for Educational Matters, Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
since 2015 Dean for Research Matters, Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
since 2013 Managing Director, Josef Kohler Institute for Intellectual Property, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Policy Advisor, European Parliament, Brussels

2009 - 2014 Senior Legal Counsel, TDC Oy FINLAND
2014 Policy Advisor, European Parliament

Gerhard RUISS

Author; Musician; Director, Interest Group of Austrian Authors (IG Autorinnen Autoren), Vienna

1972-2015 Autor, Musiker, Darsteller, Universitätsdozent, Interessensvertreter Kunst- und Kultur, Wien