We, the People… The Citizen and the Law
The citizens and their wishes are the legitimate sources of the law. But how can the law be communicated to them? Do citizens understand the law, and if so, what is their understanding of it? Which steps can decision-makers in the legal field take to establish better communication with the citizens? The German Federal Minister of Justice will comment on the previous discussion and present the perspective of the Federal Republic of Germany.
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Mag. Karin CVRTILA
Authorized Signatory and Vice President, OGM - Gesellschaft für Marketing, Vienna
1990-1995 | Call Center Management, OGM, Vienna |
1995-2009 | Project Management, OGM, Vienna |
2005-2013 | Lectureship, WIFI, Vienna |
2009-2013 | Authorized Signatory/Vice President, OGM, Vienna |
2010-2013 | Lectureship, Donau-Universität Krems, Krems |
Author, Vienna
Diverse Ausbildungen, Berufswunsch Erfinder, Comics- und Fußball Fan, zum zweiten Mal verheiratet, zwei Söhne. |
President, Constitutional Court of Hungary, Budapest
1980 | Law degree from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest |
1990-1996 | Chief Counsellor to the President of the Constitutional Court |
1991-1992 | Research fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington D. C. |
since 1992 | Head of Department of Political Sciences, University of Szeged |
1996-2000 | Secretary-General of the Constitutional Court |
2000-2005 | Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Republic |
2005-2006 | Head of the Office of the President of the Republic |
2006 | Judge of the Constitutional Court |
2007 | Vice-President of the Constitutional Court |
2008 | President of the Constitutional Court |
Mag. Dr. Manfred PRISCHING
Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Institute of Sociology, University of Graz
1970-1974 | Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Graz, Dr. jur. |
1971-1977 | Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Graz, Mag. rer.soc.oec |
1976-1978 | Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Graz |
1978-1980 | Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Volkswirtschaftspolitik, Graz |
seit 1980 | Institut für Soziologie |
1985 | Habilitation für Soziologie |
1987-1988 | Dozent an der Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht, NL |
1995-1996 | Schumpeter-Gastprofessur an der Harvard University, Cambridge/Boston |
1997-2001 | Wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Technikum Joanneum GmbH (steirische Fachhochschulen) |
2005-2006 | Forschungsaufenthalte an den Universitäten New Orleans, Little Rock, Las Vegas |
2006-2010 | Institutsvorstand Soziologie, Universität Graz |
seit 2006 | Leiter des Centrums für Sozialforschung |
Mag. Benedikt KOMMENDA
Managing Editor, "Rechtspanorama", Die Presse, Vienna
1981 | Matura in Wien |
1987 | Mag. iur. an der Universität Wien |
1988 | Lehrredaktion in der Tageszeitung "Die Presse" |
seit 1989 | Redakteur, "Die Presse" |
seit 1990 | Verantwortlich für die wöchentlichen Schwerpunktseiten "Rechtspanorama", "Die Presse" |
seit 1995 | Chef vom Dienst, "Die Presse" |
2010-2011 | Lehraufträge an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien |