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Dayton – 15 Years After

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache
The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Dean, VERN´ University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade Chair

Dr. Valentin INZKO

The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo

1967-1972 Studies Law, Serbo-Croatian and Russian language at Graz University
1972-1974 Diplomatic Academy in Vienna
1974-1978 UN OP Office Ulan Bator, Mongolia
1978-1980 UNDP Office Colombo, Sri Lanka
1981-1982 Eastern and South East European Department, including Yugoslavia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vienna
1982-1986 Press Department, Austrian Embassy Belgrade, Serbia
1986-1989 Deputy Chairman of the Disarmament Commission, Austrian Mission to the UN, New York, 1st and 5th Committee
1989-1990 Deputy Head of Press and Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vienna
1991-1995 Founding Director of the Austrian Cultural Institute, Prague
1992 Founding Head of the OSCE Observer Mission in Novi Pazar, Sandzhak, Serbia
1996-1999 First post-war Ambassador of Austria to Bosnia Herzegovina
2000-2004 Head of Eastern and South East European Department and COWEB delegate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002 Observer of the Montenegrin Parliamentary Elections
2005-2009 Austrian Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia
since 2009 EU Special Representative in Bosnia Herzegovina

M.Sc. Goran RADMAN

Dean, VERN´ University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb

1985-1987 Foreign Relations Advisor, President of Croatia, Croatia
1987-1992 General Manager, Croatian Television, Croatia
1992-1996 General Manager, MicroLAB, Croatia
1996-2008 Chairman, ECEE Microsoft Corporation
  Chairman, SEE Microsoft Corporation
  General Manager and Board Member; SEE Microsoft Corporation
  General Manager, Microsoft Croatia
2008 Chairman, SenseConsulting, Croatia
  Founder, NAUTAR, Croatia
2009 Dean, VERN´ University of Applied Sciences, Croatia


Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb

1982 Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Romance Languages, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
1983-1988 Programme Editor and subsequently Editor in Chief, publishing House "Logos", Split
1987-1990 Member of the Editing Board, magazine "Mogunosti" ("Possibilities")
1988-1991 Manager of his own companies, Innsbruck
1991-1992 General Manager, Croatian National Theatre, Split
1992 Elected Member of Parliament in the House of Representatives of the Croatian Parliament
1992-1993 Minister of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia
1993-1995 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Croatia
1995-1996 Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic of Croatia and Secretary General of the Defence and National Security Council
1996-2000 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
2000 MP and Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Croatian Parliament
President of the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union), elected at 5th Convention of the Party in April 2000, re-elected at 7th Convention of the Party
2003-2009 Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia


Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina

1985 BA in Economics and Business Administration, University of Prishtina
1988 MBA, University of Prishtina
  PhD studies for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Vaxjo University, Sweden and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
1995 Presentation of PhD thesis in Strategic Alternatives, "Economic Integration and Development of Albanian Territories and Their Integration Into Europe - A Quantitative Approach" Trepça Mining Company, Foreign Trade Department
  During 1990s he worked in private business in the area of education, founder of "The Cambridge School"
  Policy Advisor, Economic Development within Pillar IV (European Union Mission in Kosovo)
2000-2002 Deputy Head, Department for Trade and Industry, in charge of directing the strategy development, polices and procedures for commercialization and transformation of Socially Owned Enterprises and private sector development
  Deputy Managing Director, directing the division for managing and privatization of Kosovo´s nearly 500 socially-owned enterprises, Kosovo Trust Agency
2008 Minister of Finance and Economy, Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
  Professor of Marketing Modeling and Statistics, Economic Faculty, University of Prishtina
  Lecturer for Mathematics, Statistics and Economic Modeling

Mag. Christian WEHRSCHÜTZ

Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade

1981-1985 Studium an der juridischen Fakultät und am Institut für Slawistik, Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz
1997 Teilnahme an der Ukrainian Summer School, Harvard University, USA
1998 Einmonatiges Stipendium, Duke-Universität in North Carolina auf Einladung der Austrian-American-Foundation (abschließend wurden auch Medien in New York und Washington besucht)
 Als Korrespondent zählt zum Tätigkeitsbereich die Berichterstattung über Serbien und Montenegro, die ehemaligen jugoslawischen Teilrepubliken Mazedonien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Slowenien, den Kosovo und Albanien sowie die Führung des ORF-Büros in Belgrad. Verbunden war und ist diese journalistische Tätigkeit mit ausgedehnten Reisen durch die Zielländer in der Region.
 Fremdsprachenkenntnisse: Englisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Serbisch (sehr gut), Französisch (gut), Slowenisch (gut), Mazedonisch (passiv gut), Albanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
2014 Journalist des Jahres
seit 2014 Korrespondent des ORF für die Ukraine