The five senses
The five senses are human beings’ interface to the world surrounding them.
Without them, we could not in any way experience or conceive it.
The senses have been developed by evolution through an adaptive, self-organizing process; a classical example for an emergent phenomenon.
Human beings have always tried to expand their senses, in order to make ‘sense’ of creation, among other reasons. Thus, any (falsifiable) scientific field is based on experiments, which are nothing else than highly expanded senses in part.
At the moment we find ourselves at a threshold: not only do we expand the senses by technical devices but we also try to enhance and replace them directly on human beings.
The senses in their special shapes are an elementary part of all interactions between humans and form the core of understanding in human societies.
In the pleanry session we will dwell on the topic ‘five senses’ with regard to the above-mentioned aspects engaging five experts in their fields.
In connection with the visual sense we will see how senses can be restored directly in humans.
The sense of hearing will lead us to communication and we will elaborate consequences for societal interactions.
The topic of smelling will deal with the fascinating opportunities for finding new technological applications; and in connection with the sense of touch we will learn about the interaction of senses and its imaging in the brain.
Finally, we will hear about the sense of taste by a ‘molecular restaurateur’.
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Professor emeritus für experimentelle und klinische Otolaryngologie, Medizinische Universität Wien
1956-1962 | Medical student at the Universities of Graz and Vienna, Austria |
1962 | Graduation as M.D. from the University of Graz, Austria |
1963-1966 | Assistant Professor at the Institute for Physiology and Biocybernetics (Head: Prof. W.D. Keidel) of the University of |
Erlangen/Nürnberg, Germany | |
1966-1968 | Fellowship of the International Brain Research Organisation of the UNESCO at the Brain Research Institute |
(Head: Prof.K. Akert) of the University of Zurich, Switzerland | |
1968-1972 | Trainee in the field of Otorhinolaryngology in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Head: Prof. U. Fisch) of the |
University of Zurich, Switzerland | |
1970-1971 | Associate Professor of Neurophysiology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Konstanz, Germany |
1972 | Research Fellow at Eaton-Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology (Head:Prof. N.Y.S. Kiang), Mass. Institute of |
Technology and Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Mass., USA | |
1973-1983 | Assistant/Associate Professor at the Second Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Head: Prof. K. Burian) at the |
University of Vienna, Austria | |
1975 | Acquisition of University lecturing qualification for General Otorhinolaryngology |
1978-1979 | Fellowship from the French Government at the Institute Gustave-Roussy (Head: Prof. Y. Cachin) at Villejuif, |
Paris, France | |
1979 | Diploma for Head-Neck-Oncology from the University Sorbonne, Paris, France |
1983 | Head of the First Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the University of Vienna, Austria |
1987-2002 | Honorary Professor at the Institute of Neurobiology (Head: Prof. D. Felix) of the University of Berne, Switzerland |
2004 | Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria |
since 1999 | Member of the National Health Board of Austria |
since 2006 | Emeritus |
DDDr. Hanns HATT
Chair of the Department Cell Physiology, Ruhr-University Bochum
1967-1972 | Studies of Biology and Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich |
1972 | Diploma in Biology and Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich |
1976-1981 | Study of Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich |
1976 | Promotion (Dr. rer. Nat.) Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich |
1983 | Promotion (Dr. med.) Technical University Munich |
1984 | Habilitation (venia legendi) for Physiology, Technical University Munich |
1985-1991 | Assistant Professor at the Physiological Institute of the Technical University of |
Munich | |
1991-1992 | University Professor (C3) at the Physiological Institute of the Klinikum r. d. Isar at the |
Technical University Munich | |
1992 | Offered Chair of Biophysics, University Konstanz |
since 1992 | Chair of the Department Cell Physiology (C4-Professor) Ruhr-University Bochum |
1994-1998 | President of ECRO (European Chemoreception Research Organization) |
1998-2002 | President of ICOT (International Commission of Olfaction and Taste) |
1999-2003 | Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Ruhr-University Bochum |
2002 | Offered Directorate at the German Nutrition Institute (DIFE), Berlin /Potsdam |
since 2003 | Member of the Senate, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
since 2005 | Speaker of the International Graduate School Bioscience |
Dr. Hildegunde PIZA
Fachärztin für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie,Wien
1965 | Promotion zum Doktor der Gesamten Heilkunde in Graz |
1975 | Fachärztin für Allgemein-Chirurgie |
1979 | Fachärztin für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie |
1983 | Lehrbefugnis für Plastische Chirurgie an der Universität Wien |
1992 | Gründung der Abteilung für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie im Krankenhaus Lainz, leitende Ärztin |
1995 | Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Qualitätssicherung in der Plastischen Chirurgie |
seit 1999 | Vorstand der Klinik für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie der Universität Innsbruck |
Dr. Hervé THIS
Professor, Molecular Gastronomy Team, Institut des sciences et des industries du vivant et de l environnement (AgroParisTech) and Laboratoire de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires, Collège de France, Paris
Diploma of the Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de Paris (ESPCI) | |
Modern Litterature Courses at University Paris IV | |
Ph.D. of physical chemistry, University Paris VI: "Molecular and physical gastronomy" | |
Habilitation to head researches, University Paris XI | |
since 1980 | Development of Molecular Gastronomy |
1988 | Creation with Nicholas Kurti of the scientific discipline initially called "Molecular and Physical Gastronomy" |
since 2004 | Courses of Molecular Gastronomy, INA-PG (3 levels) |
2006 | Creation of the Foundation Food Science & Culture (French Academy of sciences) |
Chemist I.N.R.A., Head of the INRA Molecular Gastronomy Team, in the Laboratory of chemistry "molecular interactions", Collège de France, Paris (Director of the laboratory: Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel prize in Chemistry) and in the Laboratory of chemistry of the Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l environnement (AgroParisTech) | |
Scientific Director of the Foundation Food Science & Culture (Academy of sciences) |
Mag. DDr. Stefan THURNER
Professor and Head, Section for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna; President, Complexity Science Hub Vienna
1993 | Magister rer.nat. (MS in Theoretical Physics), University of Vienna (honors) |
1995 | Dr.techn. (PhD in Theoretical Physics), Vienna University of Technology (honors) |
, 1996 Guest Researcher, Columbia University, New York | |
1996 | Postdoctoral Position, Humboldt University, Berlin |
1996-1997 | Research Associate, Boston University, Boston |
1998-1999 | Postdoctoral Position, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna |
1999-2001 | Tenure track position (Universitätsassistent), University of Vienna |
2001 | Dr.rer.soc.oec. (PhD in Financial Economics), University of Vienna (honors) |
Habilitation (Theoretical Physics), Vienna University of Technology | |
2001-2004 | Associate Professor (a.o. Universitätsprofessor, tenure), University of Vienna |
2004-2009 | Associate Professor, Medical University Vienna |
2007 | Fellow, Collegium Budapest |
since 2007 | External Professor, Santa Fe Institute |
since 2009 | Full Professor for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University Vienna |
since 2010 | Senior Researcher, IIASA, Laxenburg |
since 2015 | Visiting Professor Nanyang Technologica University, Singapur |
President of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna | |
2017 | Visiting Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford |
Dr. Andreas WEDRICH
Vorstand, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Medizinische Universität Graz
1979-1986 | Medizinstudium Universität Wien |
1986-1992 | Facharztausbildung Augenheilkunde 1. Universitäts-Augenklinik Wien |
1992-2005 | Universitäts-Augenklinik |
1995 | Verleihung der venia docendi Universität Wien |
seit 1998 | Stellvertretender Vorstand Universitäts-Augenklinik |
2000-2004 | Supplierender Leiter Universitäts-Augenklinik |
seit 2005 | Vorstand der Universitäts-Augenklinik Graz |