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New Networks of European Security Policy

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German and English language
Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Media, Information and Culture, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Serbia and Montenegro
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Director of the Dept. of Strategy and Policy Planning
Head of the Italian Liaison Bureau at the Austrian Ministry of Interior, Vienna
Member of the Bureau, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels
Klubobmann, Freiheitlicher Parlamentsklub-BZÖ, Wien
Director of Europol
Sektionschef, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung der Republik Österreich, Wien Chair

Dr. Aleksandra JOKSIMOVIC

Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Media, Information and Culture, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Serbia and Montenegro

 Graduated at the University for Music Art, postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade
 International Secretary of Democratic Party
 Member of the Republican Parliament, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Director of the Dept. of Strategy and Policy Planning

 studied Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights
since 1997 member of the University of Warsaw
since 1990 member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Giovanni LIGUORI

Head of the Italian Liaison Bureau at the Austrian Ministry of Interior, Vienna

 studied law at the University of Salerno
1983-85 Researcher and assistant to the Head Professor at the Institute for law and criminal procedure at the University of Salerno
1984-85 Student lawyer at the Court of Appeal at the Salerno Court of Justice and coworker within criminal law Lawyers Consulting
1985-86 training course for Vice-Commissari at the High Institute of State Police at the Ministry of Interior, Rome
1986 Director of the Mobile Section and in charge of the Training office, State Police Mobile Detachment, Milan
-88 Director of Operations, Training and Aviation Security Section, State Police Aviation Detachment, Florence
1988 Director of a Central Operational Security Unit (NOCS), Headquarters of the Security and Prevention Police, Rome, Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Security
-92 Direcor of the International Counter-Terrorism Section, General Investigations and Special Operations Division (DIGOS), Police Headquarters, Rome
1992 Criminal Police Headquarters - Interpol Rome, Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Security
1993-99 Assistant-Director, Head of the Criminal Intelligence S/Directorate, General Secretariat of ICPO-Interpol in Lyons, France
1999 Criminal Police Headquarters - Interpol Rome, Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Security
since 1999 Head of the Italian Liaison Bureau at the Austrian Ministry of Interior, Vienna

Doris PACK

Member of the Bureau, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels

bis 1965 Studium der Pädagogik
 Lehrerin an Grund- und Hauptschule
1983-85 Rektorin im saarländischen Kultusministerium
1969-76 Gemeinde- u. Stadträtin in Bübingen und Saarbrücken
1974-83 und
1985-89 Bundestagsabgeordnete (CDU/CSU)
1981-83 und
1985-89 Mitglied der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates und der WEU
 Ehrenmitglied der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates
 Funktionen im Europäischen Parlament:
seit 1989 Europaabgeordnete (EVP/ED-Fraktion)
  Mitglied, Fraktionsvorstand der EVP im EP
  Stellvertretende Vorsitzende, CDU/CSU-Gruppe, EVP-Fraktion
  Vorsitzende, Ausschuss für Kultur, Jugend, Bildung, Medien und Sport
  Stellvertretendes Mitglied, Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Sicherheit und Verteidigung
  Mitglied, Südosteuropa-Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments

Mag. Herbert SCHEIBNER

Klubobmann, Freiheitlicher Parlamentsklub-BZÖ, Wien

1969-1973 Volksschule
1973-1982 Naturwissenschaftliches Realgymnasium
1982-1993 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität und Wirtschaftuniversität Wien
1983 Eintritt in die FPÖ
1987-1990 Bezirksrat in Wien Rudolfsheim - Fünfhaus
bis 1988 Verschiedene Tätigkeiten im Banken- und Versicherungsbereich
1988-1989 Schulungsreferent und Büroleiter im Generalsekretariat der FPÖ
1989-1993 Bundesobmann des Ringes Freiheitlicher Jugend
1993 Präsenzdienst
1994-2003 Geschäftsführer der Freiheitlichen Akademie
seit 1996 Milizsoldat beim Jägerregiment Wien
seit 1999 Unteroffizier mit dem Dienstgrad Wachmeister, beordert bei einem Wiener Jägerbataillon
1999-2005 Mitglied des Bundesvorstandes
seit 1990 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat
1992-1995 Generalsekretär der FPÖ
1993-1994 Obmann-Stellvertreter des Wissenschaftsausschusses des Nationalrates
1993-2000 Obmann des Landesverteidigungsausschusses des Nationalrates
seit 1994 Delegierter zur Nordatlantischen Versammlung
1995-2000 Mitglied der österreichischen Delegation zum Europarat
seit 1996 Delegierter zur WEU-Versammlung
1999-2000 Klubobmann des Freiheitlichen Parlamentsklubs
2000-2003 Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung
seit 2003 Klubobmann des Freiheitlichen Parlamentsklubs
  Obmann-Stellvertreter für den Außenpolitischen Ausschuss des Nationalrates
  Sprecher für Verfassungs- und Außenpolitik
2003-2005 Mitglied des Österreich-Konvent
seit 2005 Mitglied des BZÖ


Director of Europol

 University state degree in law
1977-93 Responsible in several positions in the Bundeskriminalamt, among others:
 Seconded as senior German representative to the ICPO-Interpol General Secretariat
 Head of the sub-Department "Drugs-Intelligence and undercover operations"
 Assistant Head of the Drugs Department
 Head of the National Central Bureau Interpol in Wiesbaden
 Head of the International Relations Division of the Bundeskriminalamt
 Head of Department "Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Violent Crime"
1992-93 Head of the Europol Project Team based in Strasbourg, France
 June 1994 appointed to the position of Co-ordinator of the Europol Drugs Unit in The Hague, The Netherlands
1998 appointed as acting Director of Europol
1999 appointed as Director of Europol
1990 Chairman of the United Nations HONLEA Working Group on "Heroin and the Balkan Route" in Moscow
Member of the Project Team of the Federal Ministry of Interior in Berlin responsible for the reorganisation of the C.I.D. on the territory of the former GDR
1991 Chairman of ICPO-Interpol Conference of European Heads of Drug Services


Sektionschef, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung der Republik Österreich, Wien

 Court-practice, Military Service
 Work at the Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Science and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the Office of the Federal Chancellor (Dept. for Developing Aid)
 Longtime Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Political Sociology
since 1983 Ministry of Defence
1986-1997 Director General, Executive and Law Department
 Lecturer at the Universities of Graz and Klagenfurt
 Preparation and management of numerous scientific meetings (conferences)
 Honorary Professor for International Relationes at the University of Graz