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The Future of the Young in Europe: Alpbach Expectations

Plenary /
German and English language
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Member, Group of the European People s Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels
President, European Youth Forum, Brussels
Artist and Journalist, Bucharest
President, Club Alpbach Belgrade
Editor International Affairs, Die Presse, Vienna Chair

Elmar BROK

Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Member, Group of the European People s Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der politischen Wissenschaften, u.a. am "Centre of European Governmental Studies" der Universität Edinburgh
 Rundfunkvolontariat, Senior Vice President Media Development Bertelsmann AG
1973-1981 Stellvertretender Bundesvorsitzender der Jungen Union
1977-1981 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender und Vorsitzender, Demokratischer Jungenverband Europas (DEMYC)
seit 1980 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments, Strassburg und Brüssel
1991-2003 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, International Democrat Union
seit 1994 Mitglied, geschäftsführender Landesvorstand der CDU Nordrhein-Westfalen
1996-2012 CDU-Bezirksvorsitzender, Ostwestfalen-Lippe
1996-2004 Außenpolitischer Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion, Europäisches Parlament, Vertreter des EP in den Regierungskonferenzen zu den Verträg von Amsterdam (1996-1997), von Nizza (2000), von Lissabon (2007) sowie zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag (2003-2004)
1997-2007 Vorsitzender, Auswärtiger Ausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2000-2002 Vorsitzender, EVP-ED-Fraktion, EU-Verfassungskonvent
seit 2002 Präsident, Europäische Union Christlich-Demokratischer Arbeitnehmer (EUCDA)
seit 2004 Mitglied, CDU-Bundesvorstand, sowie Vorsitzender, Bundesfachausschuss Außen-, Sicherheits- und Europapolitik
seit 2012 Vorsitzender, Auswärtiger Ausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments


President, European Youth Forum, Brussels

1998-2004 International Relations (graduated with honours), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
2001-2002 Office Manager, Culture and Arts Department, National TV-Station RTV Slovenija, Ljubljana
2001-2004 Teacher of German, Language Institute SOLT; Tutor giving private lessons for German and English, Ljubljana
2002-2004 Project Manager, Gallus J. Carniolus art institution, Ljubljana
2000-2008 Free-Lance Translator, Skrivanek d.o.o., Ljubljana
2007 Campaign Officer, European referendum campaign, Berlin
2006-2007 Editor-in-Chief of
 02-05 2008 National Coordinator, EuroGlobe project, Ljubljana
2008-2010 Secretary-General, Young European Federalists, Brussels
since 2011 President, European Youth Forum, Brussels
 Civil-Society Engagement
since 2002 Member, Young European Federalists (JEF)-Slovenia (Federal Committee representative in 2004)
2004-2006 Member, Editorial Board of the quarterly magazine The New Federalist (TNF)
2005-2006 European Voluntary Service (EVS), Young European Federalists-Catalunya
Member, Executive Bureau, JEF-Europe
2006-2007 Vice-President, JEF-Europe
2007-2008 Member, European Youth Forum's Pool of Trainers
since 2011 Soliya Network Fellow (90 engaging personalities across the globe) promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue, global citizenship, web2.0 media tools


Artist and Journalist, Bucharest

 Personal exhibitions
1999 "rEST", 48th Venice Biennial, Romanian Pavillion (with SubReal)
2005 "Naked Drawings", Ludwig Museum Koln,
2006 "The Room Drawing", Tate Modern London
  "Perjovschi" Vanabbe Museum Eindhoven
  "On the other hand", Portikus, Frankfurt
  "May First" Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2007 "What Happens to US?" Project 85, MoMA New York
  "I am not Exotic I am Exhausted" Basel Kunsthalle
  "States of Mind. Lia&Dan Perjovschi", Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
  "Hotel Europa", Museum fur Moderne Kunst Stiftung Woerlen, Passau
2008 "Recession" Ludwig Forum Aachen
2010 "Late News" Institute for Contemporary Culture, ROM Toronto
  "Drawing Institute" San Francisco Institute of the Arts, San Francisco
  "Lia Perjovschi Knowledge Museum &Dan Perjovschi Time Specific" Contemporary Art Space, Castellon
  "Central Court" Spencer Museum Kansas University
2011 "Not Over" MACRO Roma
  "The News after the News" Total Museum of Contemporary Art Seul
2012 "Between lines" Kunstraum Stein
  "Perjovschi" Rejkyavik Museum of Art
  "A Retrospective" Center for Contemporary Culture Tours
  "Lia Perjovschi Knowledge Museum & Dan Perjovschi Daily, Weekly, Monthly", ifa Gallery Berlin& Stuttgart
 Group exhibitions:
1995-1996 "Beyond Belief", Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art and Institute of Contemporary Art Philadelphia
1998 Manifesta 2, Luxembourg
1999-2001 "After the Wall" Moderna Museet Stockholm, Ludwig Museum Budapest Hamburger Bahnhoff Berlin
2000-2001 "Arteast Collection, 2000 + "Moderna Galerija Lublijana SL, Orangerie Innsbruck, A and ZKM Karlsruhe
2003 "Open City-Models for Use" Kokerei Zollverein, Zeitgenossische Kunst und Kritik, Essen
2005 "New Europe. The Culture of Mixing and Politic of Representation" Generali Foundation Wien
  "Istanbul", The 9 th Istanbul Biennial
  "I still believe in Miracles. Dessins sans papier" ARC Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris,
2006 "Unhomely", International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville (BIACS), Seville, Spain
2007 "Feeling with your mind, thinking with your senses", 52 Venice Biennial
  "Le Nuage Magellan", Space 315, Centre Pompidou, Paris
  "Brave New Worlds" Walker Art Center Minneapolis
2008 "Revolutions. Form That Turns" The 16th Sydney Biennial
  "Fifth floor" Tate Liverpool
  "Eurasia. Geographic coss-over in art" MART Rovereto Italy
2009 "The Spectacle of the Everyday" the 10th Lyon Biennial
  "Subversive Practices. Art during dictatorships" Wurttenbergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart
  "Seriously Funny" SMOCA Scottsdale
2010 "The Promises of the Past" Centre Pompidou Paris
  "Project Europa" Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida Gainesville
  "Freedom of Speech" Hamburg Kunstverein, NBK Berlin
  "The More I Draw", Museum of Gedgenwartskunst, Siegen
2011 "Black&White" Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw
  "Incongruous. When art makes you laugh" Musee Cantonale des Beaux Arts Lausanne
  "The air we breathe" Moma San Francisco
2012 "Intense Proximity:Art as Network . La Triennale" Palais de Tokyo, Paris
  "Tallin Drawing Triennial"
  "Critique and Crisis. Art in Europe since 1945" German Historical Museum Berlin
  "Moving Forwards, Counting Backwards" MUAC Mexico


President, Club Alpbach Belgrade

2010 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Economics, Department for Business Economics, University of Belgrade
Research Assistant, Program for Private Sector Development in Serbia ACCESS, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Internship, European Parliament, Brussels and Strasbourg
since 2011 President, Club Alpbach Belgrade
Global Management Trainee at Starbev (Apatinska Brewery Belgrade)

Mag. Michael LACZYNSKI

Editor International Affairs, Die Presse, Vienna

1997-1999 Staff Writer, APA, Vienna
2000-2011 Editor, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna
since 2011 Editor, Die Presse, Vienna

Political Symposium

show timetable