The future of the environment and agriculture
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Chief, Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch (AGAL), Animal Production and Health Division, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
Head of the livestock sector analysis and policy branch at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN in Rome, Italy. He has been working on livestock policy for the last 15 years, in particular focusing on environmental issues, poverty alleviation and public health protection. Prior to that, he has worked in agricultural development projects in different African countries. | |
Dr. Steinfeld is an agricultural economist and graduated from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (now Humboldt University). |
Freie Journalistin, Wien
1984-2009 | Ressort Innenpolitik in der Radio-Information, ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
1991-1997 | Ressortleiterin, ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
1997-2002 | Sendungsverantwortliche "Report", Moderation des politischen TV-Wochenmagazins des ORF "Report" |
1999 | Sendungsverantwortung für "Report International" |
2001 | Sendungsverantwortung für "Europa-Panorama" |
2002-2005 | Moderation von "Modern Times", des Zukunftsmagazins des ORF |
2002-2009 | Leiterin der Hauptabteilung "Bildung und Zeitgeschehen", ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk |
seit 2009 | Freie Journalistin und Moderatorin |