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The Future of the Euro

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German and English language
Co-founder and President, Eurointelligence ASBL; Associate Editor, Financial Times, London Key Note
Former Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank Group; Managing Director, Walter & Töchter Consult, Bad Soden Key Note
Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna
Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main
Governor, Hungarian Central Bank, Budapest
Editor in chief, trend, Vienna Chair

Dipl.-Bw. Wolfgang MÜNCHAU

Co-founder and President, Eurointelligence ASBL; Associate Editor, Financial Times, London

 Wolfgang Munchau is associate editor and European economic columnist of the Financial Times. Together with his wife, the economist Susanne Mundschenk, he runs, an internet service that provides daily comment and analysis of the euro area, targeted at investors, academics and policy makers.
 Wolfgang was one of the founding members of Financial Times Deutschland, the German language business daily, where he served as deputy editor from 1999 until 2001, and as editor-in-chief from 2001 until 2003. FT Deutschland is now a firmly established player in the German media market with a daily circulation of more than 100,000 copies sold.
 Previous appointments include correspondent posts for the Financial Times and the Times of London in Washington, Brussels and Frankfurt. He was awarded the Wincott Young Financial Journalist of the Year award in 1989. He holds the degrees of Dipl-Betriebswirt (Reutlingen), Dipl-Mathematiker (Hagen), and MA in International Journalism (City University, London).

Dr. Norbert WALTER

Former Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank Group; Managing Director, Walter & Töchter Consult, Bad Soden

 Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre
 Promotion, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
1968-1971 Mitarbeiter, Institut für Kapitalmarktforschung in Frankfurt/Main
  Verschiedene Funktionen, u. a. Leitung der Abteilungen Konjunktur sowie Ressourcenökonomik, Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft
1987 Deutsche Bank Gruppe
1990-2009 Chefvolkswirt, Deutsche Bank Gruppe
  Geschäftsführer, Deutsche Bank Research
seit 2010 Walter & Töchter Consult


Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna

1967 Doctorate in Law, University of Vienna
1968-1973 Assistant to Kurt W. Rothschild, Institute for General Economics and Public Economics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
1972-1973 ACSL Fellow, Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge
1973 Tenure-track professorship, General Economics and Public Economics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Call to TH Darmstadt, Chair in Public Economics
1974-1981 Full Professor and Head, Institute of Finance, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
1981-2008 Full Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business (successor to Stephan Koren), partly on leave, Vienna
2003-2005 Vice Rector, Financial Affairs, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
2008 Honorary doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences, Alpen-Adria-University, Klagenfurt
 Business activities
1971-1979 Member and later President, Governing Board of PSK - Österreichische Postsparkasse, Expert on cartel matters, Cartel Court of the Superior Land Court, Vienna
1999-2003 Vice-President and Member of the Management Committee, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
2006-2007 Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft
since 2008 Governor, OeNB - Oesterreichische Nationalbank
 Political activities
1978-1999 Member, Austrian Parliament
1980-1987 Deputy Chairman, Scientific Committee
1985-1999 Chairman, Finance Committee


Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main

1978-1980 Economist, International Monetary Fund
1980 Ph.D. in Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles
1980-1987 Professor of Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles
1988-1999 Chief Economist, Générale de Banque and Fortis Bank
1999-2000 Chief of cabinet, Belgian Minister of Finance
2001-2004 Chair of Business Ethics, Faculté polytechnique, Solvay Business School of the Université Libre de Bruxelles
2000 Executive Director, responsible for financial stability, National Bank of Belgium
2002 Management Committee, responsible for prudential policy for banking and insurance, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA), Belgian Banking
 currently teaching Money and Banking, Université Libre de Bruxelles
since 2011 Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
 Mr. Praet serves on several high-level international committees, including the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, the Committee on the Global Financial System, the Committee of European Banking Supervisors, and the Banking Supervision Committee of the ESCB as Chair. He is an alternate director of the Committee of G10 Governors and the International Monetary and Financial Committee. He is also co-chair of the Research Task Force of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

András SIMOR

Governor, Hungarian Central Bank, Budapest

1976-1989 Assistant, Manager, Senior Manager International Department, National Bank of Hungary, Budapest (1979-1985: London)
1989-1997 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Creditanstalt Securities Rt., Budapest
1997-1998 Chairman of the Managing Board, CA IB Investmentbank A.G., Vienna
1998-2002 Chairman of the Board (non executive), Budapest Stock Exchange
1999-2007 Chairman and Office Managing Partner, Member of the BoD, Deloitte Hungary, Budapest
since 2007 Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the central bank of Hungary), Budapest

Dr. Andreas WEBER

Editor in chief, trend, Vienna

seit 1983 Neben dem Studium freier Mitarbeiter APA, Wirtschaftsredaktion
1985 Innenpolitischer Redakteur, Wochenpresse
1988 Innenpolitischer Redakteur, profil
seit 1992 Ressortleiter Innenpolitik, profil
1998 Gründungsmitglied und Ressortleiter Politik, Chronik und Gesellschaft, stellvertretender Chefredakteur, FORMAT
2002 Chefredakteur, FORMAT
2006 Chefredakteur, News
2008 Chefredaktion, FORMAT
2012 Chefredakteur, FORMAT und trend

Financial Market Symposium

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