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The future shape of Europe: Visions and reality

Plenary /
German and English language
Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna Key Note
Member of Government, Executive City Councillor for Finance, Economy and International Affairs, City of Vienna
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, OIIP - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, Wien
Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
Editor-in-Chief, Kurier, Vienna Chair


Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1978-1983 University of Vienna, Law Faculty; 1983 Graduation as Doktor iuris - Doctor of Law
1982-1983 Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Criminal Law, University of Vienna
1983-1984 Judge's Assistant at several Courts of Law in Vienna
1984-1987 Civil Servant for the Federal State Lower Austria; employed in the Headquarter as well as in the Country Councils of Gmünd and Baden
1987-1990 Member in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence
1989-1991 Speaker on European Relations, ÖAAB, the Employees' Association of the Austrian People's Party - ÖVP
1990-1993 Trainee Programme, Federation of Austrian Industrialists, including Work Experience at Alcatel Austria, Siemens and the Austrian Power Industry, as well as a four-months internship in Germany
1991 Deputy Head, ÖAAB
1992-1993 Member, Federal Chamber in the Austrian Parliament
1993-1994 GiroCredit (Austrian bank), employed within the Secretary of the Board; Strategic Management
1993-1995 MP - Member of the National Assembly
1995-1996 MEP - Member of the European Parliament (ÖVP-EVP), Brussels, Member in the Parliamentary Committee on Economics, Currency Issues and Industrial Policy, Deputy Member in the Committee for Social Issues and Employment
since 1996 MP - Member of the National Assembly in the Austrian Parliament
1996-2006 Party's Speaker on Foreign Affairs, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs
since 1998 Chairman, NÖAAB (ÖAAB of Lower Austria)
2000-2007 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2000-2006 Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader, Austrian People´s Party
2002-2006 Head, Austrian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2006-2008 2nd President, Austrian National Council
2008-2013 Federal Minister for European and International Affairs
since 2009 Head, ÖAAB
since 2011 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria and Head of ÖVP
since 2013 Federal Minister of Finance

Mag.a Renate BRAUNER

Member of Government, Executive City Councillor for Finance, Economy and International Affairs, City of Vienna

1974-1981 Studium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
1981-1989 Referentin, konsumentenpolitische Abteilung, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien
1983-1990 Mitglied der Bezirksvertretung Margareten
1989-1994 Landesfrauensekretärin der SPÖ-Wien
1990-1996 Mitglied des Wiener Landtages und Gemeinderates
1994-1996 Landesparteisekretärin der SPÖ-Wien
1996-2004 Mitglied der Wiener Landesregierung als Amtsführende Stadträtin für Integration, Frauenfragen, Konsumentenschutz und Personal/Tierschutz
  Präsidentin des Wiener Integrationsfonds
seit 1997 Vorsitzende der Wiener SPÖ-Frauen
  Stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Bundesfrauenorganisation der SPÖ
  Stellvertretende Landesparteivorsitzende der Wiener SPÖ
  Stellvertretende Bundesparteivorsitzende der SPÖ
1998-2009 Vorsitzende der SPÖ Margareten
seit 2001 Übernahme der Zuständigkeit für die Wiener Berufsfeuerwehr (MA 68)
  Präsidentin der Helfer Wiens
2004-2007 Amtsführende Stadträtin für Gesundheit und Soziales
seit 2005 Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Kuratoriums SK-Rapid Wien
seit 2007 Vizebürgermeisterin und Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin, amtsführende Stadträtin für Finanzen, Wirtschaftspolitik und Wiener Stadtwerke

Dr. Paul LUIF

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, OIIP - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, Wien

1966-1972 Studies in Law and Sociology at the University of Vienna, Dr. iur. 1971
1972-1974 Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Political Science Department
1974-1980 Assistant Professor for Political Science, Salzburg University
since 1980 Senior Fellow at the Austrian institute for International Affairs (oiip), Vienna
1997 "Habilitation" for Political Science at Salzburg University


Minister of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina

1985 BA in Economics and Business Administration, University of Prishtina
1988 MBA, University of Prishtina
  PhD studies for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Vaxjo University, Sweden and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
1995 Presentation of PhD thesis in Strategic Alternatives, "Economic Integration and Development of Albanian Territories and Their Integration Into Europe - A Quantitative Approach" Trepça Mining Company, Foreign Trade Department
  During 1990s he worked in private business in the area of education, founder of "The Cambridge School"
  Policy Advisor, Economic Development within Pillar IV (European Union Mission in Kosovo)
2000-2002 Deputy Head, Department for Trade and Industry, in charge of directing the strategy development, polices and procedures for commercialization and transformation of Socially Owned Enterprises and private sector development
  Deputy Managing Director, directing the division for managing and privatization of Kosovo´s nearly 500 socially-owned enterprises, Kosovo Trust Agency
2008 Minister of Finance and Economy, Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina
  Professor of Marketing Modeling and Statistics, Economic Faculty, University of Prishtina
  Lecturer for Mathematics, Statistics and Economic Modeling


Editor-in-Chief, Kurier, Vienna

1973-1978 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der Volkswirtschaft, Universität Wien
1977-1979 Vorsitzender der Hochschülerschaft, Universität Wien, Gerichtspraxis
1979-1980 Auslandsstudium an der Johns Hopkins University, Bologna
1981 Volontariat, Europäischen Kommission, Generaldirektion Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Brüssel
1982-1984 Redakteur, Fernsehen Ausland, ORF
1984-1985 Korrespondent, Studio Bonn, ORF
1985-1986 Redakteur, Fernsehen Inland, ORF
1986-1987 Studioleiter Brüssel, ORF
1987-1991 Studioleiter Bonn, 1990 auch zuständig für DDR, ORF
1991-1995 Hauptabteilungsleiter Politik und Zeitgeschehen, ORF
  Moderator "Auslandsreport", "Inlandsreport", ORF
1995-1997 Sendungsverantwortlicher Moderator "REPORT", ORF
1997-2003 Geschäftsführer und Chefredakteur n-tv, Der Nachrichtensender, Berlin
2003-2004 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Puls-TV GmbH
  Produktion der ProSieben Austria News
2005-2010 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Brandstätter Business Communications - Agentur für Strategie, PR und Coaching GmbH.
seit 2009 Member of LEADING Advisors Group GmbH
seit 2010 Chefredakteur, Kurier
 Agenturenverbund von: Brandstätter Business Communications GmbH, brainbows Informationsmanagement GmbH, Ecker & Partner Öffentlichkeitsarbeit & Lobbying GmbH, Institut für Strategieanalysen und Kommunikationsforschung, Public Interest - Lobbying Consultants GmbH, Sophie Karmasin Market Intelligence GmbH, Wolfgang Rosam Change Communications GmbH

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:30OpeningPlenary
12:30 - 14:00The weight of Europe: Economic policy interests in a multipolar global economyPlenary
14:30 - 16:00The future shape of Europe: Visions and realityPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: Where is Turkey going?Plenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by the Austrian National BankSocial


07:00 - 08:30Europe and the international financial systemPlenary
09:00 - 10:30European energy and climate policies: Defensive self-limitation or technology push?Plenary
12:30 - 16:00Working group 01: Innovation in der Krise! Gerüstet für den Aufschwung?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 02: Financial and economic turbulences in CEE/SEE – Impact and remediesBreakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 03: Post Lissabon – Europas (Wieder-) Aufstieg zur Wirtschaftsweltmacht?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 04: Values and virtues: Can ethics lead Europe back to the top?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 05: Protektionismus als Folge der Krise?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 06: Wirtschaft und Politik – zwei Systemlogiken. Kann das Vertrauen im Unterschied wachsen?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 07: Vertrauen in einer vernetzten WeltBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 08: Smart Metering – die Zukunft der Versorgungssicherheit?Breakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 09: Intelligente Infrastruktur – Wie lange noch bis zum Systeminfarkt?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 10: The future of security of supply – how does the “gas crisis” affect European energy policy? die europäische Energiepolitik?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 11: Das Management der KriseBreakout
12:30 - 14:00Working group 12: Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigungspolitik in der KriseBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 13: Korruption in KrisenzeitenBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 14: Sustainable tourism: Adding Value in a responsible wayBreakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 15: Gesundheitswesen – Kostenfalle oder Wachstumsmotor?Breakout
12:30 - 16:00Working group 16: Der Wirtschaftskrise ganzheitlich begegnen – Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) als europäischer WegBreakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 17: Greisender Kontinent – Reif für die Weltmacht?Breakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 18: Connecting markets, connecting continents – Logistics as an engine for growthBreakout
14:30 - 16:00Working group 19: The Dawn of E-MobilityBreakout
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: Business culture and crisis management in Europe – The European Management ModelPlenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by Deutsche Telekom AGSocial


07:30 - 10:00The future of Europe and political accountabilityPlenary
10:00 - 10:15Closing remarksPlenary