14: Safe Nutrition – Between Individual Self-Realization and Societal Goals
Supported by Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe
You are what you eat: Diet has become a matter of self-understanding, reaching from sustainability aspects to intolerances. At the same time, nutrition is a societal issue. Which forms of production are desired, which ones are to be rejected – because they endanger our health, the environment or national and European interests?
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Mag. Ingrid FELIPE
Deputy Governor, Provincial Government of Tyrol, Innsbruck
Study of Business Administration at University of Innsbruck | |
2010-2013 | Member, Local Council, Rum |
2012-2013 | Member, Tyrolean Regional Parliament, Innsbruck |
since 2013 | Member, Tyrolean Regional Government, Innsbruck |
Dr. Stephan PERNKOPF
President, Ecosocial Forum Austria and Europe; Deputy Governor, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien | |
Berufseinstieg bei der NÖ Versicherung als Assistent des General Direktor-Stellvertreter Johannes Coreth | |
2000-2001 | Politischer Referent, Volkspartei NÖ, St. Pölten |
2000-2009 | Gemeinderat, Wieselburg-Land |
2001-2003 | Ministersekretär, Bundesminister Wilhelm Molterer, Landwirtschafts- und Umweltministerium, Wien |
2003-2005 | Ministersekretär, Bundesminister Josef Pröll, Landwirtschafts- und Umweltministerium, Wien |
2005-2008 | Kabinettchef, Finanzminister und Vizekanzler Josef Pröll, Wien |
2009-2017 | Landesrat für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Energie, Niederösterreichische Landesregierung, St. Pölten |
seit 2012 | Präsident, Ökosoziales Forum Österreich und Europa, St. Pölten |
seit 2017 | Landeshauptfrau-Stellvertreter, Niederösterreichische Landesregierung, St. Pölten |
Dr. Alexandra BRAND
Chief Sustainability Officer, Syngenta Global, Basel
Prior to her appointment as Chief Sustainability Officer, Alexandra Brand was Regional Director of Syngenta’s crop protection and seed operations across Europe, Africa and the Middle East - a region with sales of 3.8 billion dollars and approximately 3,000 employees. Alexandra joined Syngenta in late 2015. Before joining Syngenta, Alexandra held various positions in the BASF Group, including senior vice president of its global Animal Nutrition business unit, vice president of the Global Marketing Pharma Ingredients unit as well as chief of staff for BASF’s chief executive officer. Alexandra gained international experience through her role as director of BASF’s Sub Regional Operating Manager Intermediates in South Asia, with its headquarters in Mumbai, India. She began her professional career in global research at BASF. Alexandra studied chemistry at the Technische Universität in Darmstadt, Germany, from 1990 to 1998 and completed her studies with a doctorate. |
Mag. Marcel HARASZTI
Member, Management Board, REWE International AG, Wiener Neustadt
2001 | Management Trainee, REWE International AG |
2002 | Vorstandsassistent, Eurobilla |
2004 | Chief Executive Officer, BILLA Ukraine |
2007 | Chief Executive Officer, BILLA Rumänien |
2008 | Chief Executive Officer, IKI Baltikum |
2012-2016 | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung REWE Markt GmbH, Regionsleiter REWE Süd |
seit 2017 | Bereichsvorstand Vollsortiment Österreich, REWE International AG |
Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Vienna
Studied journalism, communication and applied cultural studies, University of Klagenfurt | |
1999-2003 | Assistant, Carinthia District Health Insurance Fund, Klagenfurt |
2002-2006 | Federal Head, Austrian Rural Youth Organisation |
2003-2005 | Delegate to the European Council of Young Farmers |
2007-2012 | Federal Chair, Austrian Young Farmers' Association |
since 2009 | Vice-Chair, Austrian Farmers' Federation |
2014-2017 | President, Eco Social Forum Europe |
since 2015 | Vice-Chair, Political Academy, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party |
2015-2017 | Federal Vice-Chair, Austrian People's Party |
2017-2019 | Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism, Vienna |
Prof. Dr. Urs NIGGLI
Director, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland, Frick
1980-1983 | Grassland weed scientist, FAL - Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronomy (Agroscope ACW), Zurich-Reckenholz |
1985-1989 | Head, Weed Control Group, Swiss Federal Research Station for Fruit-Growing, Viticulture and Horticulture (Agroscope ACW), Wädenswil |
since 1994 | Lecturer, Case Studies in Organic Farming, ETH Zurich |
since 2009 | Honorary Professor, "Research Management in International Organic Agriculture", Modules "Policy field organic agriculture in the EU" and "Principles of Organic Farming", Kassel-Witzenhausen University |
Editor-in-Chief, KURIER, Vienna
1984 | Promotion Dr. phil., Universität Salzburg |
1983-1988 | Innenpolitik-Redakteurin, Wiener Redaktion, Tiroler Tageszeitung, Wien |
1989-2004 | Innenpolitik-Redakteurin, DER STANDARD, Wien |
2004-2010 | Ressortleiterin Innenpolitik, Die Presse, Wien |
2010-2018 | Stellvertredende Chefredakteurin, KURIER, Wien |
seit 2019 | Chefredakteurin, KURIER, Wien |