On the Agenda: Responsible Businesses
In times of partial democratic failure and growing societal pressure, we experience a redefinition of the role businesses play in our society. More than ever, businesses are expected to contribute to a just and sustainable world. Expect a healthy debate and discuss the role of business with leading executives.
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Chief Executive Officer, Magenta Telekom, Vienna
2002-2006 | Managing Director, Germanwings GmbH, Cologne |
2006-2008 | Vice President Marketing, Lufthansa AG, Munich |
2008-2012 | Board Member, Austrian Airlines AG, Vienna |
since 2012 | Chief Executive Officer, Magenta Telekom, Vienna |
DDr. Michael LANDAU
Managing Director, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna; President, Caritas Austria, Vienna
1988 | Dr. rer. nat. (D. Nat. diploma) |
Admission to the theological seminary of the Archdiocese of Vienna | |
1989 | Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum, Rome |
1992 | Ordination to priesthood in Rome (Bishop Kamphaus) |
since 1995 | Managing Director of the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna |
1999 | Dr. iur. can. (D. Phil. diploma) |
2006 | Monsignor; appointed by Pope Benedikt XVI |
2008 | Head, Legal Affairs Committee, Caritas Internationalis, Rome |
Admission to the diocesan chapter of St. Stephan | |
since 2013 | Managing Director, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna; President, Caritas Austria, Vienna |
Rainer NOWAK
Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna
1992-1997 | Study of History and Political Science (without completing) |
1994 | Freelancer "Vorarlberger Nachrichten" |
1996 | Entry to "Die Presse" |
2002 | Editor, Domestic Policy Department, "Die Presse", Vienna |
2004 | Appointment to Department head "Chronik/Wien", "Die Presse", Vienna |
2009 | Appointment to Editorial Director for the new "Presse am Sonntag", Vienna |
2010 | Appointment to Head of Domestic Policy, "Die Presse", Vienna |
since 2012 | Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna |
since 2014 | Publisher, "Die Presse", Vienna |
2017 | Appointment as Managing Director, "Die Presse", Vienna |