On the Agenda: Sustained Mobility
Although human development is characterized by a significant increase in mobility, the topic remains a great challenge. How can we design an integrated, smart and frictionless mobility system that caters for an ever-growing movement of people and goods while addressing the climate crisis?
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Ing. Mag. (FH) Andreas MATTHÄ
Chairman, Management Board and Chief Executive Officer, ÖBB-Holding AG, Vienna
1982-1987 | Bauaufsicht und Bauleiter, Auftraggebervertreter bei Brücken- und Tiefbauprojekten, Bauvertragsvergabe und Preisprüfung, Wien |
1987-1995 | Organisationsverantwortlicher Brückeninstandhaltung, ÖBB-Generaldirektion, Wien |
1995-2001 | Leitungsfunktionen, Bereiche Personal, Rechnungswesen, Controlling und Finanzen, ÖBB, Wien |
2001-2004 | Bereichsleiter Planung, Controlling, Systeme, ÖBB, Wien |
2005-2008 | Bereichsleiter Controlling und Finanzen, ÖBB-Infrastruktur Bau AG, Wien |
2008-2009 | Vorstandsdirektor, Anlagen und Vorstandssprecher, ÖBB-Infrastruktur Bau AG, Wien |
2009-2016 | Vorstandsdirektor, Finanzen, Markt, Service, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, Wien |
seit 2016 | Vorstandsvorsitzender, ÖBB-Holding AG, Wien |
President and Chief Executive Officer, Austrian Airlines AG, Vienna
1990-1995 | Physics, University of Bonn |
1996-1999 | Ph.D., Physics (Astrophysics), Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn |
1999-2005 | Project Leader, The Boston Consulting Group, Munich and Tokyo |
2005-2009 | Head, Strategy and Subsidiaries Passenger Airline, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Frankfurt |
2009-2010 | Vice President, Integration Management Airlines, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Frankfurt |
2010-2014 | Vice President, Commercial Frankfurt, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Frankfurt |
2014-2018 | Chief Commercial Officer, Lufthansa Cargo AG, Frankfurt |
since 2018 | President and Chief Executive Officer, Austrian Airlines AG, Schwechat/Vienna |
Program Director, Pioneers; Curator, TEDxVienna, Vienna
Réka is currently a curator for TEDxVienna and was the Program Director of Pioneers, giving a voice and stage to the visionaries and pioneers shaping our world. She believes in the power of technology being able to foster positive change. Just like superheroes, Réka also has a second identity. She is the Curator of TEDxVienna, leading a team of 70 amazing individuals and scouting great ideas from around the globe. Next to her seven years of TEDx experience, she has facilitated several ideation workshops to help people identify and develop their ideas. She is a speaker coach, hosts workshops on organizational development and moderates engaging events and conferences. Réka studied economic psychology at the University of Vienna and headed multiple student organizations during her study years. She founded an AIESEC committee at her university, expanded the junior enterprise uniforce to have an office in Klagenfurt and represented the Austrian student enterprises in Brussels as a board member of JADE. |