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Economic, financial and social crisis – Is Europe capable of acting?

in englischer Sprache
Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security of the Czech Republic, Prague
President, Austrian Sports Organisation; Former Austrian Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Vienna
Member, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels
Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, and Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Regierungsbeauftragter für den Kapitalmarkt; Vizepräsident, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wien
Professor, Department of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna
Ambassador of the European Union to the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Beijing Chair


Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security of the Czech Republic, Prague

 Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Czech Republic. Directly reporting to the Foreign Minister, with responsibility for oil and gas supplies to the country. During the gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine in January 2009, when the Czech Republic held EU Presidency, he was involved in all negotiations with Russian, Ukrainian, and EU leadership - from Putin and Sechin to Tymoshenko and Yushchenko to Barroso and Piebalgs


President, Austrian Sports Organisation; Former Austrian Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Vienna

1975-1983 Union of Municipal Employees (Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten - GdG), responsible for youth affairs
1983-1998 Secretary General, Expert on organisational questions, Union of Municipal Employees (GdG)
1990-2007 Member of Vienna's Provincial Diet and City Council
1995-2007 First Chairman of Vienna's City Council
1998-2001 Chairman of the "Landesgruppe Wien" (Vienna's faction at the GdG)
2001-2007 (Executive) Chairman of the Union of Municipal Employees (GdG)
2003-2006 Chairman of the Social Democratic Trade Unionists (Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer GewerkschafterInnen - FSG)
Vice President of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund - ÖGB)
2006-2008 (Executive) President of the ÖGB
2008-2009 Minister of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria
2009-2016 Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria
since 2016 President, Austrian Sports Organisation (Österreichische Bundesport-Organisation - BSO)


Member, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament, Brussels

1996 Universität Wien, Sponsion zum Mag. phil. (Grund- und Integrativwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
1997 Hochschule St.Gallen, Sponsion zum M.B.L. (Postgraduate) (Europäisches und internationales Wirtschaftsrecht)
2013 Donau-Universität Krems, Ehrenprofessor
 Berufliche und politische Funktionen (Auszug)
1979-1981 Politischer Referent der ÖVP
1981-1995 Leitender Angestellter im Banken- und Versicherungssektor
1983-1990 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat
1995-1999 Generalsekretär der ÖVP
seit 1999 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
seit 2007 Lektor, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien
 Europäisches Parlament
1999-2004 Präsidiumsmitglied und Schatzmeister der EVP-Fraktion
2002-2004 Wirtschaftssprecher der EVP-Fraktion
2004-2011 Vizepräsident und Schatzmeister der EVP-Fraktion
seit 2004 Präsident der SME Intergroup
2006-2009 Obmann des ÖVP-Europaklubs
2009-2013 Präsident der Kangaroo Group
seit 2010 Berichterstattung zu Basel III und die Überarbeitung der Richtlinien über Eigenkapitalanforderungen (CRD 4)
seit 2011 Obmann des ÖVP-Europaklubs
2012-2014 Vizepräsident des Europäischen Parlaments


Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, and Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1974-1980 Studied Law in Linz (Dr. iur.); he also completed a post-graduate course in association management, Fribourg
1980-1992 Worked for the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber, where his last position was Head of the Marketing Department
1991-1997 Local Councillor, Ahorn
1992-2000 Secretary General, Austrian Economic League (Wirtschaftsbund), Vienna
2000-2008 Member, Austrian Parliament
Deputy Secretary General, Austrian Economic Chamber
2001-2008 Chairman, Economic and Industrial Affairs Committee of the Austrian Parliament
2008-2013 Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
since 2013 Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
since 2014 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Richard SCHENZ

Regierungsbeauftragter für den Kapitalmarkt; Vizepräsident, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wien

 Nach Abschluss des Studiums der Technischen Physik an der TU Wien trat Richard Schenz 1969 in den OMV Konzern ein und befasste sich mit Produktionsplanungen und dem Ausbau der Raffinerie Schwechat. 1988 wurde er zum Vorstandsmitglied für Erdölverarbeitung und Petrochemie bestellt, 1992 erfolgte seine Bestellung zum Generaldirektor und Vorstandsvorsitzenden der OMV. Bis Jahresende 2001 war er für die Generaldirektion und für den Chemiebereich verantwortlich. Im November 2001 ernannte die österreichische Bundesregierung Dr. Richard Schenz zum Regierungsbeauftragten für den Kapitalmarkt.

Dr. Friedl WEISS

Professor, Department of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna

 Studies in law, including public international and European Community law at the Universities of Vienna, (Dr. iur., 1970), Free University of Brussels, Licence speciale en Droit Europeen, 1972, and Cambridge Downing College; completion of the academic stage of the United Kingdom Bar examination
1970-1971 Court practice, First Instance Civil Court, Vienna Central
1974-1978 Lecturer, law at the University of Birmingham
1979-1992 Law Department, London School of Economics and Political Science
1984-1986 Legal adviser, Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
1990-1991 Legal consultant, legal affairs division of the GATT Secretariat; Legal Adviser tor DCs and LDCs for the Technical cooperation and training division of the VVorld Trade Organisation
1990-2005 Visiting Professor, Department of International Law, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
1992-2006 Chair of International (Economic) Law and Organisations, University of Amsterdam
since 1996 Academic Director, Training and Staff Development Programs and MA Course in International Law and International Relations for High Level Officials in the Ethiopian Government and Members of
  the Parliament of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
1998 EC TACIS Project, Poland
1999 Multilateral Trade Policy Assistance Programme (MUTRAP)
2000-2003 Director of the Amsterdam Law School
2006 Chair of European Community- and EU Law, University of Vienna
 Visiting Professorships
 Visiting Professor at Universities, including: Bocconi, Milano; Tulane University, New Orleans (2005); University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA (2001); International Law Department, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R.China (2001&2004); Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, France (2004); Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études Internationales Genève (HEI), University of Geneva (2005); University of Bratislava School of Law
 Lectures and Summer schools all over the world, including School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at John Hopkins University Washington DC; Fordham University Law School, New York; University of Bologna; Eastern University of Law and Political Science, Shanghai; North-West University of Political Science and Law, Xi-an, P.R.China; South-West University of Politics and Law, Chongqing, P.R.China; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Alpbach Summer School on European Integration; Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine; Duke University Law School Campus, Geneva; University of Belgrade.

Dr.iur. Hans-Dietmar SCHWEISGUT

Ambassador of the European Union to the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Beijing

1974 Graduation, Law Faculty (Dr. Jur.), Innsbruck University
1975 MCL, SMU, Dallas, USA
1975-1977 Postgraduate studies, Diplomatische Akademie Wien (Diplomatic Academy Vienna)
1977 Joins the Austrian diplomatic service
1979-1983 Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations, New York
1983-1984 Head of the office, State Secretary for Economic Coordination in the Austrian Federal Chancellery
1984-1986 Secretary and later head of the office to the Federal Minister for Public Economy and Transport of Austria
1986-1987 Economic advisor to the Austrian Federal Minister of Finance
1987-1991 Minister at the Austrian Embassy, Tokyo
1991-1999 Director General for Economic Integration and Customs of the Federal Ministry of Finance, responsible for economic and monetary policy, international affairs, including the International Financial
  Institutions, European Integration, Customs and excise taxes
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Japan
2003-2007 Ambassador of Austria to the People's Republic of China
2007 -2010 Permanent Representative of Austria to the European Union in Brussels
2011 -2014 Ambassador of the European Union to Japan