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Economic opportunities for the Baltic region

Plenary /
Managing Director of the Finanzierungssgarantie-Gesellschaft - FGG
President of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius
Austrian Trade Commissioner for Finland and Estonia
President of VAE AG
Economic Counsellor of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Estonia
Ministry of Economy, Deputy State Secretary, Energy and Industry

Dr. Winfried BRAUMANN

Managing Director of the Finanzierungssgarantie-Gesellschaft - FGG

1974-1980 Studies of Law and Economics at the University of Vienna leading to a Doctorate in Law and Master´s Degree in Economics
 177-1984 Assistant Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
1981-1995 External Lecturer in civil law, commercial and securities law at Vienna University of Economics nd Business Administration
1985-June 1987 Head of Legal Department of Finanzierungsgarantie-Gesellschaft (FGG), Vienna
 July 1987-Nov. 1993 Advisor in the Economic Policy Secretariat of the Austrian Federal Minister of Finance, Ferdinand lacina
 November 1993 Managing Director of Finanzierungsgarantie-Gesellschaft (FGG), East-West Fund


President of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius

1991 Georgetown University (Washington DC), School of Foreign Service, Special Program for Senior Executives
1988 Moscow Academy of Public Sciences, Ph. D. in Economics
1983 Leningrad University, Economist
1990-1991 Head of Department, Institute of Economics;
1991 Program Director, Prime Minister's Office;
1991-1993 Director of the European Department, Ministry of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Lithuania;
1993-1994 Director of the Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania; Chairperson of the Aid-Co-ordination Committee (PHARE and G-24); Chief Negotiator for the Free Trade Agreement with the EU;
1994-1995 Extraordinary Envoy and Plenipotentiary Minister at the Lithuanian Mission to the EU; Deputy Chief Negotiator for the Europe Agreement with the EU; Representative of the National Aid Co-ordinator in Brussels;
1996-1999 Plenipotentiary Minister at the Lithuanian Embassy in the USA;
1999-2000 Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania; Chief Negotiator with IMF and WB;
2000 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania; Deputy Head of the Lithuanian Delegation for the EU Accession negotiations;
2001 Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania


Austrian Trade Commissioner for Finland and Estonia

1977 - 1984 MBA University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, mag. rer. soc. oec.)
1980 - 1982 Diploma for 2 years course for Advertisement and Sales at University of Economics and Business Administration (Hochschullehrgang für Werbung und Verkauf, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
1977 Matura / Baccalaureate at the Austrian School (St. Georg s Kolleg) in Istanbul/Turkey
1985 - Date Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Foreign Trade Department
1998 - Date Trade Commissioner for Finland and Estonia in Helsinki
1996 - 1998 Federal Economic Chamber, Foreign Trade Department, Vienna
1993 - 1996 Deputy Trade Commissioner for Belgium and Luxemburg in Brussels
1990 - 1993 Deputy Trade Commissioner for India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka in New Delhi
1987 - 1990 Deputy Trade Commissioner for the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and later the Czechoslovak Republic in Prague
1985 - 1987 Federal Economic Chamber, Foreign Trade Department, Vienna


President of VAE AG

 Graduate of the University of Economy, Graz
 Area: Finance, Economy & Business Administration
 Joined VAE AG in 1974 and after gaining experience in various parts of the finance and economy department became head of the division finance/controlling.
 In November 1992 he was appointed Executive Vice-President of VAE AG.
 He is a Member of the Board of Directors of that Company.
 In 1998 he was appointed as President of VAE AG. He is responsible for Finance/Controlling and Internationalization.


Economic Counsellor of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Estonia

 From April, 1999, working for Estonian Prime Minister as an economic policy advisor. Started career as a sales manager for Estonian Telecom Company in 1996. In 1997 moved to Estonian Savings Bank s investment banking subsidiary as a project manager. From there, due to the merger between Estonian Savings Bank and Hansabank, to Hansabank investment banking department as an associate in investment banking department in 1998


Ministry of Economy, Deputy State Secretary, Energy and Industry

 Master in International Affairs, Economic Policy Management, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University in the city of New York, NY, June 1996 -December 1997.
 Internship in the World Bank and Scudder, Stevens and Clark
 MPA, Faculty of Management, University of Latvia, 1994 1996.
 Diploma, Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Latvia, 1988 - 1993
 April 2001 - Member of Council, Liepaja Port Authority,
 May 2001- Member of Executive Board, Director of Investment Department,
 Latvian Development Agency (LDA), December 1996 - April 2001
 Member of Council, Ventspils Freeport Authority, July 1999 - April 2001 Largest Port among Baltic countries.
 Member of Parliament, Budget and Finance Commission, November 1994 - November 1995
 Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Economy, April 1995 - November 1995.
 Advisor to Director General, LDA, June 1994 - November 1994
 Director of Foreign Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Economy (MoE), August 1993 - June 1994,
 Economist, Foreign Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Economy, May 1991-August 1993.