Reform Symposium
show timetable- Plenary
- Plenary
Problem areas and possible solutions in emerging markets
- Plenary
Fundamental questions of economic development co-operation
- Plenary
Special lecture: Sports and economy
- Plenary
Determining factors for success and failure in emerging markets
- Plenary
Ukraine: Relationship with the European Union, market power and energy security
- Breakout
01: Emerging Markets: Die Rolle der Frauen
- Breakout
02: Mineralische Rohstoffe Fluch oder Segen für Natur und Gesellschaft?
- Breakout
Workshop 03: Decentral, regenerative energy supply in emerging markets
- Breakout
04: Mega-Events – Kommunikationschancen für Emerging Markets
- Breakout
05: Economy, innovation and development
- Breakout
06: Emerging Partners (Ukraine): Market entry and public contract award : Emerging Partners (Ukraine): Market entry and public contract award
- Social
Reception of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the Austrian Association for Building Materials and Ceramic Industries
- Plenary
Political perspectives
- Plenary
Closing words