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Energy security

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Which strategies should the EU pursue to diversify its energy sources? What can be done to reduce its vulnerability to potential supply shocks? What are the opportunities and challenges of large infrastructure projects such as the Nabucco pipeline? Will the development of a joint EU energy policy based on an integrated common market enable the EU to act in a more coherent way globally?

Chief Executive Officer and Spokesman, Salzburg AG
Professor für Politikwissenschaften, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis, DG External Relations, European Commission, Brussels
Legal and EU Regulatory Affairs Advisor, Wellbury Infrastrukturberatungsgesellschaft, Vienna
Editor-In-Chief, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna Chair


Chief Executive Officer and Spokesman, Salzburg AG

1965-1970 Study of law, University of Innsbruck, Dr. iur.
1971 Department of Immigration, Canberra, Australia
1972 Board of Trade, Salzburg
1977 Newspaper "Salzburger Nachrichten"
1979 Broadcast station "ORF"
1984-1989 Department Manager in the Govenment of Salzburg
1989 Vice Governor of "Land Salzburg"
2000 Spokesman of the board of "SAFE"
since 2000 Spokesman of "Salzburg AG" Salzburg Incorporated for energy, traffic and telecommunications

Mag. Dr. Gerhard MANGOTT

Professor für Politikwissenschaften, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

 Studies in Political Science, History and Slavonics at the Universities of Innsbruck and Salzburg with a special focus on Comparative Political Science (political systems of Eastern Europe and the USSR) and International Relations
1991-2008 Permanent and Senior Research Fellow on Eastern Europe and the former USSR at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) in Vienna
since 1995 Lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna
since 2003 Professor of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck
since 2009 Scientific Adviser on Post-Soviet Affairs for the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) in Vienna
Faculty Head of Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

Dr. Gerhard SABATHIL

Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis, DG External Relations, European Commission, Brussels

1973-1979 Study of economics and history at Munich University
1979-1982 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Infrastructure of Munich University
1981 PhD in Economics in Munich, Research Scholar at the Centre of Public Choice of Professor Buchanan, Virginia State University, USA
1982-1984 Head of Unit, Regional & Sectoral Economic Policy at the German Federation of Chambers of Commerce (DIHK), Bonn
1984-1987 European Commission, DG Competition - State Aids, Brussels
1987-1989 Member of the Cabinet of Vice-President Narjes
1989-1992 Assistant of the Director General for Budget
1992-1996 Counsellor for Politics, Economy & Press Affairs in the Delegation of the European Commission for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and OSCE in Prague
1996-1998 Deputy Head of Unit for Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia in Brussels
since 1996 Visiting professor at the Prague Economic University
1998-2000 Head of Unit for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia, FYROMacedonia
2000-2004 Ambassador of the European Commission to Norway and Iceland in Oslo
2004-2008 Head of the Representation of the European Commission to Germany in Berlin
since 2008 Director for Strategy, Coordination and Analysis in DG External Relations of the European Commission in Brussels

Mag. Renaud VAN DER ELST

Legal and EU Regulatory Affairs Advisor, Wellbury Infrastrukturberatungsgesellschaft, Vienna

1986-1991 Lic.Iur. in Economic and Social Law, Université Catholique de Louvain and Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Belgium
1991-1992 Postgraduate degree in European Business Administration, South Bank University, London
1992-1993 Analyst, Holding Development Unit: Market research and relations with international investors, B.G.A. (soft capital regional agency for the Aachen area), Germany
1993 Administrator, Treuhandanstalt (former privatisation agency for East Germany), Berlin
1994-1999 Audit Supervisor/Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Brussels
1999-2003 Investment Manager, Fortis Private Equity, Brussels
2003-2004 Master in European Law, Institut d Etudes Européennes, Brussels
2004-2005 Board Director, MAC Telecom (wireless telecommunication), Brussels
2006-2008 Infrastructure Expert, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Brussels


Editor-In-Chief, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna

1996-2000 Editor, Newspaper Department Finance, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna
2000-2005 Bureau Chief, Correspondents Austria, Dow Jones International and Wall Street Journal, Vienna
since 1996 Head of Department, Art Market, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna
2006-2010 Senior Correspondent, Reuters, Vienna
2011-2013 Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Department, News, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna
since 2013 Editor-in-Chief, WirtschaftsBlatt, Vienna