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Development Policy – Creative Industries

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in englischer Sprache
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, winnovation consulting GmbH; Deputy Chairwoman, Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Vienna
Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, St. Michael
Vice Chief Executive Officer, Project Development and Management Affairs, Cross Boarder International Consulting Ltd., Vienna
Manager, Integral Studio Vinaccia srl.; Professor of Industrial Design, Private University, NABA DOMUS- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan
Director, Golden Bough International Intellectual Property, London
Managing Director, GOAL - Global Options and Linkages, Vienna Chair


Founder and Chief Executive Officer, winnovation consulting GmbH; Deputy Chairwoman, Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Vienna

1990-1994 Freie Journalistin, Tageszeitung Der Standard, Wien
1993 Mag.rer.nat, Universität Wien, Diplomstudium Ernährungswissenschaften
1994-2006 Redakteurin, Tageszeitung Salzburger Nachrichten, Büro Wien
1997 Dr. rer. nat., Universität Wien, Doktoratsstudium in Ernährungswissenschaften
1999-2008 Lektorin, Universität Wien
2004-2005 Studium, Harvard University, USA; Master in Public Administration (MPA)
Studium, Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
2006-2013 Vorsitzende der arge creativ wirtschaft austria, der bundesweiten Creative Industries Plattform in der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
seit 2006 Gründerin, Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin, Innovationsberatung winnovation
seit 2007 Wöchentliche Innovationskolumne "Gewagt Gewonnen", Tageszeitung Salzburger Nachrichten sowie als Blog im Internet
seit 2013 Gewählte stellvertretende Vorsitzende der arge creativ wirtschaft austria

Ph.D Keith NURSE

Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, St. Michael

1991-1993 Lecturer, Institute for International Development and Cooperation, University of Ottawa
1993-1996 Lecturer, Department of Government, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
1996-2007 Senior Lecturer, Institute of International Relations, Trinidad and Tobago.
2007-2012 Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services, Barbados


Vice Chief Executive Officer, Project Development and Management Affairs, Cross Boarder International Consulting Ltd., Vienna

1988-1995 Research Coordinator, Horticulture Development Corporation, Addia Ababa
1995-1997 General Manager, Horticulture Development Corporation, Addis Ababa
1997-2001 Department Head, Institute of Biodiversity, Conservation and Research, Addis Ababa
2001-2005 Manager, Ethiodream Pvt. Ltd. Co., Addis Ababa
2005-2008 General Manager, Ethiopassion Agro-Industry Pvt.Ltd.Co, Addis Ababa
since 2009 Vice CEO of Cross Border International Ltd; Sofia/Vienna

Giulio Romano VINACCIA

Manager, Integral Studio Vinaccia srl.; Professor of Industrial Design, Private University, NABA DOMUS- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan

1975-1981 Industrial Design Degree, Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotà
1984-1985 Industrial Design, Universita degli Studi di Roma
since 1987 Partner, Integral Studio Vinaccia
1993-1994 Design Coordinator, Artesanías de Colombia s.a. Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico, Bogotà
1995-1998 Design Consultant, SEBRARE Brazilian Institute for development of Small Industry
1996-1999 Design Coordinator, UNDP - United Nation development program
1996-2000 Design Coordinator, Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture
1998-2003 Art Director, Instituto Brasileiro de Turismo-EMBRATUR, Brasilia
1999-2009 Co-Director, Integral Brasil Ltd, Brasilia
2003-2007 Design Coordinator, ITAIPU Binacional Brasil
since 2004 Senior Titular Professor, NABA DOMUS- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan
2004-2005 Architecture & Design Coordination, Secretaria de Cultura de Brasilia DF
2005-2006 Architecture & Design Coordinaton, Sebrae Parana
since 2008 Design & Innovation Senior Consultant, Universite de Quebec a Chicoutimi-La Boite Rouge, Canada
Design & Innovation Senior Consultant, UNIDO - United Nations Industry Development Program
2008-2009 Handicraft & Tourism Consutlant, WTO-World Tourism Organisation
since 2009 SME and Handicraft Design Project Coordinator, UNIDO, The Dahshur World Heritage Site Mobilization for Cultural Heritage for Community Development, Cairo
SME and handicraft Design Consultant, IMC- Industrial Modernisation Center, Ministery of Industry, Egypt
2009-2012 Chair of Product Design 2-Senior Professor , Naba DOMUS -Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan
2010-2011 SME and Handicraft Design Project Coordinator, UNIDO, China Ethic Minorities UN Joint Program
Design Coordinator, ITC-International Trade Center (WTO)

PhD, LLM Zhen YE

Director, Golden Bough International Intellectual Property, London

 Zhen (also known as Peter) has led an international career as an entrepreneur, consultant, academic and creative thinker. As entrepreneur, Zhen established the first intellectual property rights (IPR) firm in the UK for a consortium of Chinese patent attorneys to facilitate the international flow of patents, design rights and trademarks between China and the E.U. As a consultant, he has been working for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization as an Economist/International Expert for Poverty Alleviation, Enterprise Development and Creative Industries. Since 2009, he has served in the UNIDO mission to Bhutan, Egypt, Pakistan and China's ethnic minority areas. Internationally, he also has a track record advising governments in Europe, China and the Middle East (GCC) on innovation policy, intellectual property rights and creative industries development strategy. As creative thinker, Zhen contributes regularly to both newspaper column and academic publication and is well known as a prolific writer and keynote speaker on creativity, innovation and industrial dynamics.
 As an academic, Zhen has held Professorship in Industrial Economy in Xiamen University's School of Economics, permanent lectureship in international business and senior lectureship in economics and finance (tenured Associate Professorship) at the Business School of University of Hertfordshire and Hull University in the UK. He was also Senior Visiting Professor in Peking University and Yunnan University and contributed to research and lecture there on creative industries and international business. He obtained his PhD in Political Economy funded by Research Studentship from University of Hertfordshire, his Master of Laws in International Trade (WTO & GATT) from Newcastle University Law School. He is now studying his Executive MBA with the University of Chicago Booth School of Business while developing new business ventures. Zhen s current research interests explore the linkages between creativity, management and industrial organization - seeking to understand why despite abundant creativity certain nation has been able to successfully capitalize on creativity historically as a resource for development while others have not, what are social, institutional and organizational roots for creative success or failure, what are key obstacles which inhibit the development of creativity in organization and institutions, most importanly how can creativity benefit development and how to make it a development priority.

Alexandre DE FARIA

Managing Director, GOAL - Global Options and Linkages, Vienna

1987-1999 Chief, Project Appraisal/Quality Assurance, UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna
since 2000 Director, Quality Performance, Vienna
since 2011 External Lecturer, Centre for Development Research, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Political Symposium

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