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Opening Concert, Part 1: sAmo for Flute, Violoncello and Accordion

Culture /

As a sign of appreciation for and support of contemporary art, the European Forum Alpbach continues to commission the composition of a new piece of music every year, which premieres at the opening of the Forum. This year’s composition bears the signature of the composer, conductor and musician Joanna Wozny. Trio Amos will perform the piece. The work “sAmo for flute, accordion and cello” was composed in 2014. The title forms an anagram of the name of the trio, but at the same time the word  samo refers remotely to its Polish meaning  self, for oneself, alone.

The strictly rhythmic and exact structure of the opening, in which short, strong tones predominate, is gradually broken down over the course of the piece and replaced by long held notes. However, these fall apart time and again, or melt away, so to say, creating the effect of a constantly moving, unsettled sound.

Flautist, Vienna
Cellist, Vienna
Accordeonist, Vienna
Composer, Graz


Flautist, Vienna

 Sylvie Lacroix lives in Vienna as a freelance flautist, performing principally as a soloist and chamber musician. The focus of her work lies in contemporary music; in this context, she regularly cooperates with composers, frequently giving premieres of their new pieces. She is member of Trio Amos and ensemble PHACE. Several years ago, she began to work on compositions of her own, writing a number of chamber music for several instrumental combinations, some of them with electronics.An accomplished transverse flute player as well, she played with Concentus Musicus under Nikolaus Harnoncourt (1985-1991), in the Summer 2005 at the Salzburger Festspielen Produktion of Mozarts 'Mitridate' with Marc Minkovski´s 'les musiciens du louvre', 2009 Wiener Festwochen "Ensemble Mattäus "Jean Christophe Spinozi. She is currently a member of "il concerto viennese" and performed with this ensemble J.S Bach ´s music for solo flute at the festival Styriarte.

Mag. Michael MOSER

Cellist, Vienna

1978-1982 Architectural studies, Vienna University of Technology
1983-1990 Cello studies, University of Music in Graz and Vienna
1990 Master of art, University of Music, Graz
1993 Co-founder of ensemble polwechsel
1998 Artist in residence podewil, Berlin
Release of the first solo CD 'Violoncello'
2001 Co-founder of Trio Amos
2005 Donaueschinger Musiktage premiere of Bernhard Lang s Double/Schatten as soloist together with Dimitrios Polisoides and the SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden under Sylvain Cambreling
2006 Artist in residence at Tesla Berlin
2008 Guest of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programm
Sound installation resonant cuts Singuhr-Hörgalerie Berlin
2011 Sound installation antiphon Stein Llangraum Krems
2014 Artist in residence electric Orpheus Academy

Krassimir STEREV

Accordeonist, Vienna

 Krassimir Sterev wurde in Bulgarien geboren, wo er im Musikgymnasium von Plovdiv seine musikalische Ausbildung begann. Dann setzte er sein Studium an der Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Graz fort. Sterev war Stipendiat am Königlichen Däischen Musikkonservatorium, wo er auch die Solistenklasse als Akkordeonist abschloss. Seine musikalische Entwicklung wurde maßgeblich durch Lehrer wie Mogens Ellegaard, James Crabb und Georg Schulz beeinflusst.
 Krassimir Sterev ist sowohl als Solist, Kammermusiker als auch in Ensembles und Orchestern international tätigund weltweit auf vielen renommierten Festivals zu Gast. Nicht zuletzt wirkt er auch in zahlreichen Theater- und Tanzproduktionen sowie Projekten, die speziell fürKinder entwickelt werden, mit.
 Seit 2003 ist Krassimir Sterev Mitglied des Klangforum Wien. Ebenso arbeitete er aber auch mit den Wiener Philharmonikern (unter Pierre Boulez und Daniel Barenboim), dem London Philharmonia Orchestra, dem RSO Wien, dem Ensemble Kontrapunkte, der musikFabrik und dem Ensemble Phace zusammen und ist Teil des Trio Amos. Besonderes Augenmerk legt Krassimir Sterev auf die Entwicklung des Repertoires für Akkordeon. Viele Komponisten schrieben für ihn bereits neue Werke (u. a. Bernhard Lang, Pierluigi Billone, Bernhard Gander, Olga Neuwirth, Aureliano Cattaneo), die er zur Uraufführung brachte.

Joanna WOZNY

Composer, Graz

1992-1999 Studies in philosophy, Katowice
1996-2003 Studies in composition and music theory with Gerd Kühr and Beat Furrer, graduation with honours, Kunstuniversität Graz
2002-2003 Additional studies in composition with Younghi Pagh-Paan
since 2003 Freelance composer, Graz

Seminar Week

show timetable
Genre : all


15:00 - 15:15Opening of the European Forum Alpbach 2014Plenary
15:15 - 15:30Opening Concert, Part 1: sAmo for Flute, Violoncello and AccordionCulture
15:30 - 16:30Opening SpeechesPlenary
17:00 - 17:30Opening Concert, Part 2: Blink, Think & ListenCulture
17:30 - 19:00Presentation of the SeminarsPlenary
19:00 - 20:00Bread and WineSocial


01 Sustainable Peace and Security – Who Cares?Seminar
02 The Politics of Emotions: Diagnosis and Historical TransformationsSeminar
03 An Energy Transition for the FutureSeminar
04 The Human MicrobiomeSeminar
05 Creativity and Innovation for GrowthSeminar
06 1814 – 1914 – 1989: Paradigm Shifts in Public International Law and PoliticsSeminar
07 Ethical Implications of Religious WorldviewsSeminar
08 Art and ProtestSeminar
09 Europe and Its Neighbours – EU External Relations at the Crossroads?Seminar
10 Collective Memory – Present Focus on the PastSeminar
11 Feeding the WorldSeminar
12 Decisions Under UncertaintySeminar
13 Macroeconomics – The Return of IdeologiesSeminar
14 Human – Machine – RoboticsSeminar
15 The Aftermath of 1914-1918: Images of the Great WarSeminar
16 The Key to Good GovernanceSeminar
17 Media from a Theoretical PerspectiveSeminar


16:00 - 17:00Vernissage: Let the Children Play. On the 25th Anniversary of the UN-Declaration of the Rights of the ChildCulture


17:00 - 18:30Literature Talk: Wars and Civil Wars in the Mirror of Current World LiteratureCulture


16:00 - 17:30Courage. In Memoriam Fritz MoldenCulture


17:30 - 18:30Theatre Performance: Free AssociationCulture


17:00 - 20:00Alpbach IdeaJam: SEM meets EDUPlenary