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Opening Speeches

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Yetnebersh Nigussie, a lawyer and human rights activist, and Paul Dujardin, the Director of “Bozar – Centre for Fine Arts”, will illuminate this year’s topic InEquality from different perspectives. They will lay the foundation for an intensive and interdisciplinary exchange during the Seminar Week and for the Symposia of the European Forum Alpbach 2015.

Chief Executive Officer and Artistic Director, BOZAR - Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels Key Note
Executive Director, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa Key Note


Chief Executive Officer and Artistic Director, BOZAR - Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels

1988-1993 Founder and CEO of Ars Musica
1986 Master of Arts in History of Art and Archaeology, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
1987 Special Master's Degree Management Sciences FIM, VLEKHO, Brussels
1992 General Manager of the Brussels Philharmonic Society, Brussels
Co-administrator, Artistic Direction; Programming of the National Orchestra of Belgium, Brussels
1996- 2002 Secretary and Treasurer, Brussels Philharmonic Society
since 2002 CEO and Artistic Director, Centre for Fine Arts of Brussels
since 2013 President, the International Music Council, Paris

Yetnebersh NIGUSSIE

Executive Director, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa

2002-2004 Public relations and Chairperson, Anti-AIDS movement, Addis Ababa University
2003-2007 Chairperson, Ethiopian National Association of the Blind Women's Wing
2004-2005 Chairperson, Blind Students Association of Addis Ababa University
2005 Co-Founder, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa
2005-2006 Founder and First President, Addis Ababa University Female Students Association, Addis Ababa
2006-2009 Member, Committee of Experts on Blind Women, African Union of the Blind
Training and Advocacy Officer, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa
since 2007 Public Relations Officer, National Paralympics Committee
2009-2013 Program Manager, Economic Empowerment, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa
2013-2014 Good Will Ambassador, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee
since 2013 Executive Director, ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Addis Ababa

Seminar Week

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