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Opening Speech

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache

The lecture will give an overview and will shed light on the general topic of the Legal Symposium. Which impact do global developments have on the legal system? How will the legal system likely develop?

Professor of Public Law, Sociology of Law, Legal and Social Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Westphalian University of Muenster Key Note
Managing Director, Hans-Kelsen Institute, Vienna

DDDr. h.c.mult. Werner KRAWIETZ

Professor of Public Law, Sociology of Law, Legal and Social Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Westphalian University of Muenster

since 1954 Studies in Law, Economics, Sociology and Philosophy, Universities of Freiburg, Graz and Muenster
1958 Law First examination (Referendar OLG Hamm)
1963 Law Second examination (Assessor OLG Duesseldorf)
1960 Doctorate in Economics, University of Graz
1965 Doctorate in Law, University of Muenster
since 1970 Editor in Chief, RECHTSTHEORIE. Zeitschrift für Logik und Juristische Methodenlehre, Rechtsinformatik, Kommunikationsforschung, Normen-und Handlungstheorie, Soziologie und Philosophie des Rechts, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
1974 Dr. jur. habil. (venia legendi : Public Law, Legal Theory, Legal Sociology), University of Muenster
1974 -1979 Professor of Public Law, General Theory of Law and Legal Philosophy, University of Muenster
since 1979 Professor of Public Law, Chair of Sociology of Law, Legal and Social Philosophy, University of Muenster
1981- 1982 Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Muenster
since 1981 Director, Westphalian Academy of Law and Business Administration, Muenster
since 1982 Director, Central Institute of Spatial Planning, University of Muenster
since 1990 German coordinator of German-Russian International Legal Studies, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2000-2006 Director, International Centre of German - Russian Legal Studies (IZDRR), University of Muenster
2014 Mitglied des Vorstandes des Internationalen Zentrums für Recht, Rechtstheorie und Wirtschaftsrecht (IZR), e.V., Muenster
 Editor adviser or member of the Editorial Board of more than 20 academic journals, for example , Russian Yearbook of Legal Theory, Saint- Petersburg, and Pravovedenie [Jurisprudence], Saint- Petersburg

Dr. Clemens JABLONER

Managing Director, Hans-Kelsen Institute, Vienna

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien
1975-1978 Universitätsassistent
1978-1991 Beamter, Bundeskanzleramt
seit 1988 Univ.-Doz. bzw. Univ.-Prof. für Österreichisches Verfassungsrecht, Wien
seit 1993 Präsident, Verwaltungsgerichtshofes
Geschäftsführer, Hans Kelsen-Instituts
1998-2003 Vorsitzender, Österreichischen Historikerkommission
2014 Univ.Prof. für Rechtstheorie, Universität Wien
2019-2020 Vizekanzler; Bundesminister für Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz, Wien