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Former Federal President, Republic of Austria; Co-Chair, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna Key Note
President of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb Key Note
President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna Chair


Former Federal President, Republic of Austria; Co-Chair, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna

 Dr. Heinz Fischer has had an extensive career as a senior representative and policy maker of the Republic of Austria. As Federal Minister of Science and Research and speaker of the Austrian National Assembly for more than 12 years, he was involved extensively in supporting and advancing the country´s scientific, social and cultural development. In 2004 he was elected Federal President of the Republic of Austria. After more than 40 Years in public office and two terms as Federal President he retired in 2016. He was proclaimed Chairman of the Council for the Commemorative Year 2018 by the Federal Government of Austria as well as Co-Chairman of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.


President of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb

1980 Graduation from Faculty of Law, Zagreb
1985 Masters degree in Criminal Procedure Law
1994 Doctor's degree
  Graduate in Composition from the Zagreb Music Academy
since 2010 President of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
 Prior to his election to the office of the President, Josipović was a university professor, a member of the Croatian Parliament and a composer. He taught Criminal Procedure Law, International Penal Law and Misdemeanour Law. At the Zagreb Music Academy he taught Harmony. He has composed some 50 compositions for different ensembles.
 He has collaborated with a host of Croatian and foreign state, scholarly, university and artistic institutions. As a legal expert he took part in the UN PrepCom for the establishment of the International Criminal Court as well as at the Rome Diplomatic Conference. He was an associate-expert of the Council of Europe for monitoring prison systems in a number of countries. As a legal expert he drafted or co-drafted a number of Croatian legislative bills. He represented Croatia before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He represented Croatia before the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He participated in a number of international projects, and as an expert of the Council of Europe, he participated in the evaluation of prisons in Ukraine, Mongolia and Azerbaijan.
 He won the Presidential elections on 10 January 2010 and took his oath of office as President of the Republic of Croatia on 18 February 2010.
 For a number of years, President Josipović was Director of one of the largest festivals of contemporary music, Music Biennale Zagreb, and Secretary-General of the Croatian Composers' Society.
 He is a member of a number of legal and artistic associations both at home and abroad, inter alia, the World Academy of Art and Science, Hrvatski pravni centar [Croatian Law Centre], Hrvatsko drustvo za europsko pravo [Croatian Society for European Law], Hrvatsko udruzenje za kaznene znanosti i praksu [Croatian Association for Penal Science and Practice].

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz FISCHLER

President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1973-1979 Research Assistant, Institute for Agricultural Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1978 Doctorate, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1979-1984 Executive Assistant, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1985-1989 Director, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1989-1994 Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna
1995-2004 European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Brussels
2005-2011 Chairman, Ecosocial Forum Europe, Vienna
2005-2015 Chairman, RISE-Foundation, Brussels
2014-2015 Chairman of the Steering Committee of the EU scientific programme for Expo Milano 2015
since 2012 President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
since 2016 President, Board of Trustees to the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna

Political Symposium

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